Showing results 71 to 80 out of 93
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
25 Mar - 01:00 PM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
    Workshop Businessmodel
    24 Mar - 07:00 PM
    Utrecht, Netherlands
    Business model workshop verzorgt door experts van de Rabobank. Deelname door 1 medewerker per team.
      21 Mar - 12:00 PM
      Delft, Netherlands
      College students in and around Delft -- both graduate and undergrad! Are you looking for a challenge? Are you ready for a chance to test your capabilities? You're invited to sign up for the YES!Delft Students 24- hour business case Hackathon. You'll work on a team of like-minded individuals and be challenged to solve three cases which are presented by hackathon partner companies. Find insights on hackathon participation on the tips page!
      RTL Dathaton 2020
      20 Mar - 01:29 PM
      Amsterdam, Netherlands
      Like every company, RTL is thoroughly working on GDPR compliancy, they hold security in high regard. This datathon is focussed around this topic.RTL will present their use-case and provide their data (Fake data obviously….), the goal is to come up with a solution to the to be given challenges.
      Methodiektraining VG Hackathon
      19 Mar - 10:00 AM
      Nog te bepalen, Netherlands
        14 Mar - 08:30 AM
        Bruxelles, Belgium
        Nous organisons ce Hackathon sur le thèmes de l'accessibilté au numérique, nouvelle norme européenne.
          BorgerHub Startup Marathon
          13 Mar - 06:00 PM
          Antwerp, Belgium
          Startup and entrepreneurial types in and around Antwerp! Borgerhub invites you to participate in their first Startup Marathon in the new MolenGeek HQ in the center of Borgerhout. This weekend event is open to all motivated people, regardless of their age, gender or professional background! You'll get the opportunity to develop and test your project idea quickly so that it may become fully operational and profitable.
          WEM event Andalusia-IT - 10x zo snel websites of apps bouwen zonder code?
          12 Mar - 05:00 PM
          Amsterdam, Netherlands
          Heb je interesse om 10x zo snel websites of apps te bouwen zonder code kennis? Meld je aan voor het WEM event van Andalusia IT! 12-3 - 17uur
            Open Belgium Conference 2020
            06 Mar - 08:30 AM
            Hasselt, Belgium
            Let's make Belgian knowledge open, usable, useful and used! Open Belgium is an annual Open Knowledge and Open Data conference gathering industry, research, government and citizen stakeholders. In other words, anyone who is interested in Open Knowledge and Open Data is more than welcome!  We aim to bring you up to speed with the latest trends, innovations and best practices by sharing experiences among this wide range of participants. Get inspired by high-level keynote speakers, engaging panel discussions, hands-on and minds-on workshops as well as the interactive exhibition space where a multitude of partners present innovative products, services and research.  More information on the programme and speakers can be found on our website! Stick around after the conference and turn this into a 2 day event! Directly after Open Belgium, you will get the opportunity to take part in the hands-on Civic Lab Summit in Hasselt. In celebration of the global Open Data Day on Saturday 7 March, we want to bring together our community to collaborate on existing projects through workshops/demos/hackathon. So bring your laptop and discover, share, act! This energizing community day of collaboration and creation is free of charge but you need to register via this form. If this sparked your interest, join us on March 6 in Hasselt and join the open community! Check out our website for more information and feel free to join the Twitter conversation via #openbelgium20. Your voice matters! FAQ What does the ticket price include? We’ve worked hard to keep the price of the tickets as low as possible for you. The price includes admission to the conference, free coffee, food and beverages during the breaks, a walk-in lunch at noon and an open bar during the networking event. There's free WiFi throughout the conference venue.  When is the conference taking place?  On 6  March 2020. We open our doors for attendees at 08:30, the conference starts at 09:00. We have a 30 minute break in the morning and afternoon and a one-hour lunch break in between. The final session ends at 17:00 and afterwards we will have an open network drink.  Where is the conference taking place? This year's edition will take place at the Old Prison, Campus Hasselt in Hasselt.Adress: Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt. What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? It's easy to get there by bicycle, public transport and car. We encourage the use of public means of transport. -By bike: there is a public parking for bicycles in the Koekerellenpad (path between the Old Prison and the Rectorate. -By train: There are direct hourly connections from Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, Ghent, Leuven and Liège. From the train station you can either walk 1.3 km or take a FREE bus (see below) . -By bus: Every 5 minutes a "boulevard shuttle" stops at the station and brings you close to the venue for the conference. Get off at the "Kolonel Dusartplein" stop after approximately 8 minutes. At the Kolonel Dusartplein you can follow the signs to the Faculty of Law - Hasselt University. -By car: paid parking can be found in the vicinity of the Old Prison: Parking Kolonel Dusartplein (800 parking spots, closest to the conference), Molenpoort (420), TT-wijk (520) and Luikersteenweg (250). Do I need to bring something to the event? While we do not have any requirements for equipment, we recommend you to bring some digital device if you're interested in participating in practical workshops. We will provide a charging station for those with smartphones, tablets and laptops.   Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Your ticket is tranferrable but do let us know when you are giving the ticket to someone else (by emailing Otherwise, we have no way to confirm this person is registered to the event. Can I update my registration information? Yes you can, if you have an Eventbrite account.  Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You can bring a printed ticket or digital ticket on your smartphone. If you forget to bring your ticket, we will have a printed guestlist at the entrance to make sure you have registered properly.  What is the refund policy? Attendees can receive refunds up to 30 days before the event.  Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? You can contact the organiser directly via email:
              Conférence : "Les nouvelles formes organisationnelles, vers la libération !" - MODULE 3
              05 Mar - 06:30 PM
              Bruxelles, Belgium
              Conférence : "Les nouvelles formes organisationnelles, vers la libération !" - MODULE 3 en partenariat avec l'EPHEC ********* Voir conditions tarifaires ci-dessous. Le paiement OBLIGATOIRE valide l'inscription. *********   De nombreuses entreprises se questionnent sur leur manière d’organiser le travail, les responsabilités de leurs collaborateurs et leur structure globale. Leur priorité est de devenir « agile » - à la fois stable et flexible - et de rendre leurs collaborateurs plus autonomes autant individuellement qu’en équipe.  Il est nécessaire pour cela de penser nos entreprises de manière différente et de les représenter autrement.  Au terme de la conférence, vous découvrirez des pratiques testées et approuvées de nouvelles formes organisationnelles mises en place par Convidencia chez ses clients ainsi que des exemples et anecdotes réelles des différentes organisations dans lesquelles ils ont travaillé.  Vous êtes désireux de découvrir ces nouvelles formes d'organisation ?  Rejoignez notre conférence du 5 mars prochain  ! L'intervenant Cette conférence est animée par  * Lionel Barets, C.E.O. de Convidencia, expert en nouvelles formes organisationnelles CIBLES ✅ Cadres d'entreprise ✅ Dirigeants d'entreprise ✅ Entrepreneurs ✅ Intrapreneurs OBJECTIFS ✅ Trouver, confronter, booster vos idées ✅Adopter un management innovant ✅ Exploiter étonnamment les opportunités qui s'offrent à votre entreprise ✅Démultiplier les forces de votre structures ✅Rebondir, surprendre et relever avec force les défis futurs   Le programme de la soirée se déroulera comme suit : ▶ 18h30 : Accueil ▶ 19h00 : Conférence ▶ 20h00 : Questions/Réponses ▶ 20h30 : Networking INSCRIPTIONS : Prix pour une conférence : 49 euros/conférence Prix pour plusieurs conférences (cycle de 5 modules) : 29 euros/conférence MODULE 1 : MODULE 2 ; MODULE 3 : MODULE 4 : MODULE 5 : Pour confirmer votre inscription :  Payez votre place sur le numéro de compte d’Ephec Formation : IBAN BE72 0016 6293 0816 BIC GEBABEBB Le point de contact pour les paiements ainsi que pour recevoir les inscriptions : “En vous inscrivant, vous consentez à recevoir des news, et informations sur les services de Convidencia par e-mail, en toute conformité avec GDPR.”  “En vous inscrivant, vous consentez à céder votre droit à l’image à Convidencia concernant les photos et vidéos prises lors de l’événement, pour utiliser celle-ci lors de reportages, articles et campagnes promotionnels à propos des événements et services de Convidencia.”