Showing results 41 to 50 out of 91
Peace connect: working better together to prevent conflict
02 Jul - 09:00 AM
Den Haag, Netherlands
*Please note - this event has been postponed until later in 2018. Check back for details on a new date!
Codes, peace-builders, developers, social designers, in the Netherlands! Do you want to employ your skills for the social good? The Hague Humanity Hub and International Alert invite you to participate in the Peace Connect hackathon, to collaborate to design a system that brings the UN, development partners and local actors together to identify, analyse and respond to conflict risks. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative tech solution that can help prevent conflict, help build peace in conflict-affected societies, or bring people together to tackle potentially hostile situations!
Peace connect: working better together to prevent conflict
02 Jul - 09:00 AM
Den Haag, Netherlands
*Please note - this event has been postponed until later in 2018. Check back for detail on a new date
Codes, peace-builders, developers, social designers, in the Netherlands! Do you want to employ your skills for the social good? The Hague Humanity Hub and International Alert invite you to participate in the Peace Connect hackathon, to collaborate to design a system that brings the UN, development partners and local actors together to identify, analyse and respond to conflict risks. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative tech solution that can help prevent conflict, help build peace in conflict-affected societies, or bring people together to tackle potentially hostile situations!
PHIND Hackathon
30 Jun - 10:00 AM
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
PHIND is organising a hackathon on June 30, 2018! Do you want to be one of the first to go hands on with the game and win a nice prize to boot? Register now.
This event is organized for developers of all ages and competence levels who want to participate in our yet to be released game.
GoalThe goal for this hackathon is to write the best bot you can for our new game. During the day you will get time to write the bot. At the end of the day the bots will challenge each other in the tournament. The winner goes home with the prize: a voucher with the value of € 500,-.
PrizeTo be announced.
Schedule10:00 - 10.30: Welcome10.30 - 10:45: Game unveiling10:45 - 14:00: Start hackathon14:00 - 14:30: Lunch break18:00 - 19:00: Start tournament18:00 - 19:00: Dinner19:00 Announcement winner
Can I participate as a team?
You can participate in the hackathon as an individual or as a team. If you’re participating as a team, each team member needs to have a ticket.
Do I need to bring anything?
Bring your own computer, we’ll make sure there’s a LAN connection, WiFi, food and drinks for everyone.
About food and drinks
We’ll provide food and drinks for the day, lunch and dinner will be made available. If you have any allergies please send an email to
Not sure if writing an AI is something for you?
Check out the one of the competitions at The how to play page will help you get started.
Should you have any questions, you can send a mail to
Register for a great experience, a fun day and an awesome prize!
Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates!
Intelligent Shopping: predict customers grocery basket datathon
29 Jun - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Shopping for your groceries online is not the most delightful experience. It is often time consuming and includes boring, repetitive tasks, ie searching for products and adding them to your basket - one by one. Nevertheless, it is predicted that in 10 years, a third of all food will be ordered online. At IceMobile, we build recommendation systems for retailers and on intelligent shopping solutions. IceMobile envisions a future in which your supermarket apps knows you. It knows what you want to buy and when you need it. With a click of a button you order all items you want this week. Using artificial intelligence, you only need a number of clicks to fill your basket with dozens of products.In this datathon / hackathon you will get the opportunity to show your Machine Learning skills on a real retailer dataset containing transactional data. Your task will be to predict which products will be in each customer's next basket (ie what they will buy in their next visit). There will be two prizes that you can win. First prize is for the best performing model, being the model with the highest F1 score on our IceMobile leaderboard. The other prize is the best idea and presentation.
Albert Heijn Data director Caroline Fluit, Head of data from IceMobile Arnoud Andeweg and Rick Swinkels- Head of data BrandLoyalty will be sitting at the judges table!
BYOL: Participants are required to bring their own laptop. We will provide a server environment with languages Python and R, GPU support and almost all machine learning libraries you can think of.In case you want to code in a different language you are very welcome, but we are unfortunately not able to provide similar support.
09.00-09.30 Welcome
09.30-09.45 Kick off- Intro Ice
09.45-10.00 CBI team preso- what we do
10.00-10.15 Business Case
10.30 Start!
12.30- Lunch and pecha kucha workshop
13.00-16.00 hacking
16.15 Pitch your ideas
eiOS HACKATHON: Emotional Intelligence Operating System Upgrade (eiOS)
19 Jun - 06:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
1 journey. 8 weeks. 8 modules. 8 human behavior experts. 1 quest: become a #WellbeingChampion. 1 mission: #MakeWellbeingGoViral.
The happier that you are as an individual, the more that we start to thrive as a collective and the stronger that the psychological immunity of our human race becomes.
The eiOS is a framework. Together with 8 experts in the field of human behavior - we call them, Wellbeing Technicians, we have put together a wholistic program which takes you on an 8-step journey, over the period of 8 weeks. On this journey we will take you on some wild adventures through the realms of your Mind, Heart & Spirit.
Your quest on this journey is to turn into a wellbeing technician yourself - into a Wellbeing Champion. To come out at the other end not only feeling better - but also equipped to sustain and spread the wellbeing bug around. We are making wellbeing go viral!
The program is grounded in a robust body of science on Emotional Intelligence, and that is going to be our route - the GPS coordinates for our journey.
The eiOS is not a workshop, not a training, not a class - it’s an experience! We don't teach or inspire you. We're there to ENABLE you.
rent24 coworking is our home-base because this is where the entrepreneurial ecosystem is based. This is where innovation and creativity lives. And we will leverage that to charge and energize our journey.
Program (for a detailed overview please visit:
1: CLEAN OUT THE CLOSET OF YOUR MIND - 19 June 20182: WORK FROM THE HEART - 4 July 20183: HACK YOUR PURPOSE - 18 July 20184: DEFY YOUR LIMITS - 15 August 20185: UNLEASH YOUR GENIUS - 29 August 20186: SUSTAINABLE WELLBEING - 12 Sept. 20187: KNOW YOUR EQ - 19 Sept. 20188: UPGRADE YOUR EQ - 26 Sept. 2018
What if I can't make it to one, or more of the modules?
It’s holiday period so we have accounted for some people not being able to make all the modules.
Here are the options:
1) you will have an accountability partner on the program who will be able to fill you in on the practical assignments
2) our mentors are available throughout the program to support with anything: coaching, debriefing, questions. In some cases, one-on-one with the coaches will be offered to ensure you're up to speed.
3) you can join the module at an upcoming program in the future
4) Depending on which module you will miss, we might either have streaming in place which means that you can take the module online. Having said that, should more people have conficts with one of the modules, we’ll look to change the date.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Email us any time at:
All modules will be hosted from 6 pm to 9 pm
Crack the Material: Concrete Waste
15 Jun - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Students, designers, scientists, makers, or just enthusiasts in and around Rotterdam! If you are interested in the circular economy, then you're invited to participate in the Crack The Material | Concrete Waste hackathon. You'll get to collaborate with subject matter experts to come up with an innovative way to reuse concrete waste into a valuable product -- for example, paper, jewelry, or building foam!
Border Sessions Festival 2018
13 Jun - 09:00 AM
Den Haag, Netherlands
Border Sessions is a yearly tech culture festival on a mission to kick-start and fuel challenging ideas, experiments, and multidisciplinary projects.
We unite creative and critical minds from around the globe who share the belief that technology should be a powerful instrument for positive change. We offer a multifaceted platform that connects various participants from public and private sectors. Together with our partner network and community we examine GROUNDBREAKING technologies and work towards SOLUTIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD. Border Sessions does this by organizing networking meetings, co-creation labs, workshops, sessions by inspiring speakers, a hackathon and the Border Labs Award.
Each year at Border Sessions you get to meet new partners, like minded people and gain new experiences and ideas. Together we present and discuss our work, merge networks, explore and implement new instruments and materials, as well as, celebrate our successes and launch future goals and important missions.
LABSCentral to this year’s Border Sessions Festival are various labs to provoke critical thinking, problem solving and explore innovative management skills. The labs focus on a specific topic or theme and a have clear mission and goal.
CONFERENCEThe conference includes different international speakers, book presentations, workshops, a hackathon and the Border Labs Award. There are five tracks central to the conference and festival: Humanity, Society, Cities, Nature and And Beyond. Keep an eye on our website for conference updates.
HACK THE PLANEThost the Hack the Planet Hackathon. During the “Hack the Planet” Hackathon creative minds will gather to collaborate with the organizations that aim to improve the world. Work in small teams to tackle some of the most pressing challenges they face and work on the problem that you are most eager to solve. The goal is to come to a solution that will actually be implemented right after the hackathon!
adidas Hackathon Amsterdam
09 Jun - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dutch engineers, coders, and hackers! If you're passionate about the intersection of sport and eCommerce, then you're invited to participate in the adidas Hackathon Amsterdam. You'll be challenged to develop a solution that provides customers with a personalized, next-generation shopping experience. Compete for a chance to go to the final competition at adidas HQ!
Hackaton LIFI _ how does internet via light work?
09 Jun - 09:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Dutch hackers, developers, makers, technicians, and entrepreneurs! Are you interested in the application of LiFi technology? BlueCity Lab invites you to participate in Hackathon LiFi during OSCEdays 2018. You'll get to collaborate and brainstorm with other LiFi fans -- working with open source LIFI wireless data communication technology. Help work on various research questions such as the influence of other light sources on the signal of the LiFi.
Holland FinTech Meetup XL
08 Jun - 01:45 PM
, Netherlands
Our meetups are not only creating interesting content but also will give you the opportunity to meet attendees of different backgrounds. It does not matter if you want to have the chance to speak to the speakers or representatives of banks, consultancy firms or other startups. You will meet them for sure!
In this occasion, we are creating a really special event, not only because it will be a great way to close the Amsterdam Fintech Week, but also because for this Meetup, NVB and Holland Fintech, are partnering with Beyond Banking, an event and hackathon that aim to create new perspectives on banking.
Just as important is the regulatory framework fostering innovation on the one hand and providing customer protection on the other. And not less important, consumers need to adopt new innovations. Which problem does an innovation solve and is it powerful enough to make consumers switch their current providers? While challengers may offer superior solutions for some customers, attracting a broad customer base remains a challenge. As incumbents still have the benefit of trust and scale, it is hard for new entrants to gain enough traction.
13.45 – 14.00h: Open Doors & Registration
14:00 – 14:10 Welcome speech by Don Ginsel (CEO of Holland Fintech)
14.10 – 14.20h: Welcome speech by Micha Rentier ABN AMRO - ‘Beyond Banking’ and beyond
14.20 – 14.30h: Welcome speech by Dutch Banking Association - "The future of financial services regulation"
14.30 – 15.10h: Expert panel "How to grow your customer base"
Moderated by Thomas Bunnink (former CEO at Prittle)
15.10 – 15.50h: Startups Pitching innovation:
Challenge #1 - Social impact - Lendahand
Challenge #2 -Safe exchange of sensitive data - Westgate Cyber
Challenge #3 Carefree personal finance - Bittiq
Challenge #4 Management of personal data - Schluss
15.50 – 16.00h: Closing remarks and Close of FinTech Week by Don Ginsel
16.00 – 17.00h: Beyond Banking Plenary Closing
17:00 – 18:00h: Bites, drinks and networking
For more information on agenda and registration please contact
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