Showing results 21 to 30 out of 54
Hackathon: Stadsdeel 2.0
08 Oct - 10:00 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Developers, designers, students, professionals, hackers and city dwellers of Utrecht are all invited by the city of Utrecht and Sustainable Week to come and participate in their 2 day Hackathon! The event will be focused on sustainability in the new city of Utrecht, and you may participate with a team of your choosing or join a team the day of the event. Once projects have been completed and presented, prizes will be awarded to the winning team by a professional jury.
Hyperledger Hackathon
01 Oct - 07:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, hackers, tech students, local and international blockchain community and FinTech companies! Are you passionate about blockchain? Come and participate in the first Hyperledger Hackathon. Showcase your skills, learn from like-minded mentors and experts and most of all have fun while making awesome stuff.
IBC Hackfest Powered by AngelHack
10 Sep - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
You've already seen the rise of smart cities, from Barcelona to London to Nairobi and beyond.  IoT, VR, and AI have made massive strides in the past few years. Come collaborate and demonstrate how our lives are going to change in the future. Hack one of the following topics: »Education: How does the rise of AR/VR change the classroom? »Entertainment: What does the future living room look like? »Sports: What does the future of football viewing look like?
TTN-010 hack-sessie
03 Sep - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
IoT hackers! Come participate in a TTN-010 hack session and following that, demo your app to the audience. You are also invited to contribute to the development of the open city-wide IoT network for Rotterdam (RIoT)!
Pre-registration World Port Hackathon 2016
02 Sep - 03:00 PM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Twenty-four hours of innovation, collaboration and fun!  Want to join the World Port Hackathon 2016! Pre-register now and receive a notification when the official registration opens.
World Port Hackathon 2016
02 Sep - 02:30 PM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Creative? Interested in sustainability? Sign up to participate in the 4th World Port Hackathon--24 hours of hacking for an innovative, safe and sustainable port. This year it's an international event as Rotterdam teams with MPA Singapore as the partner port. Come and collaborate on today’s and future challenges within the port industry. It'll be a high energy event, with loads of data, creative thinking, collaboration, inspiration, coding, innovation, and more. Sign up today to be a part of it!
KvK Hackathon
02 Sep - 01:30 PM
The Hague, Netherlands
Are you are techie, creative and enterprising? Are you an entrepreneur, freelancer or student with an IT and data background? You're invited to participate in the Commercial Hackathon to create innovative solutions to the following challenges: »Healthy Business: Keep the entrepreneur and its employees vital »Smart Shopping: Help Hague stores to make the move to online »Secure Online: Protect businesses against cybercrime »Green: Stimulate consumers to buy more plants and flowers
Future Living Hackathon
13 Aug - 10:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This hackathon is hosted by Space10 - IKEA's future-living innovation lab and will take place at the Binary Futures studio space. The aim of this event is to question and find solutions for the future of co-living and co-working. Connecting spaces, communicating objects, and developing smart materials to change the future technological landscape. The challeng topics are: "Flex Citizenship" - A world with people constantly on the move "Immortal Water" - A world with water shortages "The Flow" - A world with decentralised economy This event is open to all students, designers, developers, technologists, academics, IoT startups, and innovators. So don't miss out!
Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam
13 Aug - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This is a 24hour event for you to come and participante in making projects that have no value whatsoever. The categories include: Sexy Machine Learning, Freemium Decommodification, Design Like It's 1999, Lamefication, Buzzwords, #Disruptive Browser Plugins, Internet of Poop, Disrupting Dykes, Offline Markov Chain ChatBots, Radical Exclusion Social Hacking, Queueing Modulation, Monetizing Esoteric Languages, Snack Driven Development. There are no limits to your creations but spaces are limited so sign up today!
TEDxAmsterdam Hackathon
16 Jul - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
In spirit of this year's theme ‘New Power’ -- developers, designers and creatives are invited to unite! This year TEDxAmsterdam is working on a TEDx Open Source project for the new website and as a kick off is hosting their first hackathon to create awesome things for TEDxAmsterdam! That doesn't mean you'll be building a website!'re invited to show off your awesome building skills. The journey should include lots of fun! The final program and location are still being worked on, but you'll enjoy a fun day, with cool people and lots of awesome stuff to be made! Who knows, if your hack is that awesome, maybe you’ll see it back on TEDxAmsterdam!