Showing results 1 to 10 out of 65
Dutch IOTA Meetup nº2 - Hands on! - Bring your laptop, get your money back!
  18 Dec - 07:00 PM
  Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dutch IOTA enthusiasts! Make sure that you sign up to attend the second Dutch IOTA Meetup. You'll get to learn what's happening with the IOTA core technology and meet movers and shakers in the community! You'll also hear about the 2018 Blockchain Hackathon that will be held in Groningen, where the theme will be machine-to-machine ecosystems.
  08 Dec - 06:00 PM
  Delft, Netherlands
Designers, developers, learning designers, idea generators and startups in the Netherlands! IKEA invites you to participate in their IKODE hackathon. You'll be challenged to help determine the future of learning & development at IKEA. You'll collaborate and compete to design and prototype new learning and development techniques using AI, chatbots, VR, AR, connected devices and more!
Dutch Construction Hackathon tijdens Transformatie Congres
  07 Dec - 09:00 AM
  Rotterdam, Netherlands
Techies interested in the construction sector! If you're planning to attend the Transformation Congress in Rotterdam, then be sure to sign up to participate in the Dutch Construction Hackathon during the Congress. The municipality of Rotterdam challenges you to design a solution to transform a school building in Hoogvliet. Present your project to a panel of judges and sell your project concept to an interested developer, who can make your solution a reality!
BloomReach Connect Amsterdam 2017
  06 Dec - 08:30 AM
  Amsterdam, Netherlands
Big data enthusiasts in Europe! Are you planning to attend the BloomReach Connect Amsterdam 2017 event? Be sure to sign up to participate in the hackathon at the event. You'll get to network with like-minded techies and be able to showcase your big data skills to key industry leaders, technologists, and customers.
Hack The Wind
  28 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Amsterdam, Netherlands
Designers, developers, wind energy experts, data scientists & analysts in the Netherlands! InnoEnergy and WindEurope invite you to participate in Hack the Wind―a hackathon focussed on innovation in the future of wind energy. You'll be challenged to use Envision’s Internet of Things (IoT) platform and datasets to create innovative new green energy solutions. Collaborate and compete for your share of a €20K prize pool.
buqs hackathon
  25 Nov - 09:30 AM
  Utrecht, Netherlands
Hackers in and around Utrecht! Are you interested in Smart City applications of technology? You're invited to participate in a Buqs hackathon. You'll be challenged to use existing Buqs -- electronic sound creatures that communicate with each other via embedded technologies such as microcontrollers and sensors radios -- to design and prototype something innovative and new.
#NextLevelRuhr – der Hackathon für alle
  18 Nov - 10:00 AM
  Oberhausen, Germany
Hipsters, nerds, newcomers, departed students, apprentices, students or professionals, software developers, designers, artists or business people! Do you have ideas on what's next for the Ruhr -- after coal is finished? Bring it with you to the #NextLevelRuhr hackathon. Develop your idea and present it to a panel of judges for a chance to win cash prizes!
BRIGHT Cow Hackathon
  18 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Utrecht, Netherlands
Hackers, designers, business developers, data scientists and other dairy enthusiasts in the Netherlands. You're invited to participate in the BRIGHT Cow Hackathon, where you'll collaborate to address the biggest challenges facing Dutch diary farmers and their cows. You'll be challenged to use cutting edge technologies such as Internet of Things sensors, biometrics and big data to design and prototype an innovative solution that addresses an economic or environmental challenge facing the farmer today.
Disrupt the Dutch association of high-tech industries!
  18 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Zoetermeer, Netherlands
Do you want to help FME to experiment with data-driven software solutions? Participate in our hackathon on 18 and 19 November at our FME head office in Zoetermeer. If you are a team of passionate developers and data experts, apply before 1 November to be one of the 6 teams in the hackathon.
Dutch Mobility Hackathon
  17 Nov - 02:00 PM
  Den Haag, Netherlands
Dutch hackers! If you're passionate about mobility solutions, then you're invited to participate in the Dutch Mobility Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that solves problems such as traffic jams, flight delays, location services, road assistance, traffic safety, train outages and route guidance. Pick your challenge from one of Connected Cars, First Mile & Last Mile, and Smart Travel. Showcase your smart mobility technology coding skills and compete for prizes totaling over €12.000!