Showing results 41 to 46 out of 46
Hackathon Smart City & Smart Industry
08 Apr - 10:00 AM
Emmen, Netherlands
Smart City enthusiasts in the Netherlands! WhatTheHackathon invites you to sign up to participate in the Hackathon Smart City and Smart Industry. This event is about how people will live and work in the future. You'll have 30 hours to devise and prototype a smart solution for a city or a business.
Hacking Healthcare
07 Apr - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, designers, researchers, insurers, innovators, healthcare professionals, patients! Amgen invites you to sign up to participate in Hacking Healthcare. Your challenge will be to collaborate to design and prototype innovative solutions that will help patients and accelerate healthcare. You'll be able to choose from the following themes: »Patient empowerment »Use of augmented reality to improve patient care »Using eHealth to eliminate the distance between medical professionals and patients.
Build the future of Journalism
28 Jan - 09:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Coders, designers, journalists and anybody who cares about good journalism! Come and help Build the Future of Journalism. Collaborate with like-minded individuals who are passionate about journalism to come up with ideas and ways to make a difference. Come and help save journalism from the avalanche of fake news.
Hack the Game - Prison Island Hackathon
27 Jan - 05:00 PM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Professional game designers, or interested gamers who would like to develop your own game! Kartfabrique invites you to participate in Hack the Game - Prison Island Hackathon. You'll be challenged to brainstorm to create an awesome 'grand finale' for the Prison Island game. Compete for terrific prizes. The winning team's concept will become part of the escape game from Prison Island and you'll be immortalized in a mural in Prison Island.
ERN Hackathon
20 Jan - 10:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Students and professionals interested in the circular economy! Circle Economy invites you to participate in the ERN Hackathon. You'll get to showcase your creativity and network with experts and companies in the field of the circular economy. In the ERN hackathon, you'll be challenged to develop solutions for specific challenges faced by ACtronics, a Dutch automotive company and two Swedish re-manufacturing companies.
Hackathon v2
31 Dec - 01:00 PM
Heerenveen, Netherlands
AppMachine Hackathon The first hackathon found place September 2013 at Heerenveen. It was a nice event for the employees of the company. The winner won a moneyprice. We are very happy that the hackathon will take place more often then once a year. For who is this hackathon? Anyone who has knowledge of building apps and has experience with web services is welcome. It's important to have certain basic knowledge acout the app building platform so that you can really compete with the employees of the company. Location See below. Timeline 31 Augustus – 1st day Meet 09:00 – 12:00 – Assemble team and start with the Hackathon.12:00 – 13:00 – Lunch13:00 – 14:30 – Code, code and some more code14:30 – 15:00 – Break / Project Status15:00 – 17:00 – something with web services17:00 – 17:45 – Pizza and/or something with web services ;-)17:45 – 19:00 – Finale Project Status19:00 – till very late - Partytime!