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DataLand NZ
31 Aug - 12:06 PM
Wellington, New Zealand
Our event is a two-day function, based in Wellington CBD. We are bringing together problems from both public and private entities that can be solved by teams, with prizes for the best solutions in select categories. The event will include talks from industry experts, mentorship and workshopping opportunities, and mini-events to help interact and exchange with other teams. Check out our Facebook here: Check out our Twitter here:
impactNPO Wellington Charity Hackathon Weekend - July 2018
13 Jul - 06:00 PM
Wellington, New Zealand
Welcome to impactNPO! We are pleased to announce our second Wellington impactNPO event.  To be part of this amazing weekend, all you need to do is get a ticket. The weekend starting on Friday 13th July from 6 pm to 8 pm with networking, charity introductions, and team forming. You will be volunteering your weekend (Saturday 14th July and Sunday 15th July from 9 am to 5 pm) where we all will be giving back to the community by providing IT solutions to charities. We will be providing the food and drinks this weekend to keep you well fed and energised! A big thank you to our lovely sponsors, emhTrade who are sponsoring the food for the weekend and BizDojo via the Collider Programme, who are sponsoring the venue. The Charities that will be attending the event will be announced soon. Watch our Facebook page and website  for details.   FAQs What do I need to bring? An open mind, a smile and your own computer/laptop. Don’t forget your phone, chargers or any other gadgets that you rely on. What's in it for me? First and foremost we aim to help local non-profits. NPOs often have quite a lot of IT challenges. Through this, you may find that you meet new people from different companies or industries, find contacts if you're looking for work, or get to step outside of your comfort zone and learn something new through a weekend project. Or just have a fun weekend working as part of a team to deliver something that is really useful to the community!  Sweet stuff! What can we expect as results for the NPOs? This depends on you, your team and the needs of your chosen NPO!  Over the many successful weekends we have run, we have helped numerous NPOs with websites, IT infrastructure, design, branding, content as well as general advice. For a list of some of our accomplishments, and the NPOs that we have helped during the past weekends, have a look on our website: What about catering options? To help us plan ahead and order food, we would love to know about your dietary requirement so please specify during registration whether you would require normal, vegetarian, or gluten-free option when you register. What if I have a change of plans? Please remember to let us know at least 3 days before the event if you're no longer able to come for the full weekend, as this will allow us to free up the reservation for people on the waiting list. How can I contact the organiser with any questions? If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or drop us a message on Facebook (  Look forward to seeing you all there :) From the impactNPO organising team
    Better Rules Hack
    19 May - 09:00 AM
    Wellington, New Zealand
    A hackathon with the aim of exploring the ideas and practice of making legislation into machine consumable 'digital rules' that can be reused and integrated across domains for the benefit of businesses, individuals and communities. The aim is to understand the feasibility of providing government hosted machine consumable legislation as part of Government as a Platform. We want to understand how well aligned existing standards, languages, and toolsets are for across domain integration, and what the options are for how machine consumable legislation can be presented as authoritative open data. We also want to understand the value of machine consumable legislation to community and industry.Hackathon participants will be required to build a working demonstrator that benefits their sector or community using digital rules from more than one source, for example, legislation from multiple agencies, or trade agreements, or any other form of rules from more than one source. Teams will need to show the value of digital rules, how they made the digital rules consumable by everyone, and share their lessons learnt.This event is jointly run with Legal Hackers NZ and Venture Centre and will be run in Wellington, with a follow up hackathon in Tauranga on 16 & 17 June.Further details can be found at event is part of the TechWeek series on Building Government’s Digital Service Innovation Capability.