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07 Nov - 09:00 AM
Bergen, Norway
Calling all students, startups and entrepreneurs:
We are welcoming developers, designers, entrepreneurs and creative people who are studying or working within media, tech, strategy or innovation, to a 24-hour hackathon in Media City Bergen Media Lab, November 7-8. Technical skills is not a requirement!
The goal? To create new solutions, concepts and ideas to solve important community challenges, where viztech and digital communications technology can be a part of the solution.
The media cluster is a world leader in viztech, mediatech and communication. Now, our skills and competence will come to use in other parts of society. Can you solve the visions for modern banking? Or how, if it was totally up to you, would you build Bergen Kommune 2.0?
GREAT PRIZES for the best ideasBank of the future – by SPV1st place: NOK 20.000. 2nd place: NOK 10.000
Bergen 2.0 – by Bergen kommune1st place: NOK 20.000 + internship + invitation to project development 2nd place: NOK 10.000
In addition NCE Media will provide some business development support and mentoring to teams who wants to develop their ideas commercially.
A hackathon is a frenzy of ideas, creativity, business model creation, coding and designing. You can build a prototype, or you can present a concept, a great solution to a problem, or innovative visualizations. You can either sign up a team, or we will put teams together, to develop an idea from scratch, and then present it to a panel of judges who will name the winner teams.
This is a great opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills, maybe even meet a co-founder to kick start your own idea!
You can either work on:
Bergen 2.0 - rebuilding the city
The bank of the future.
For those who want to prototype, visualize, test or demo technical solutions, or use available data or API's, IBM Watson will be available for all teams, together with expert support in the help desk. There will be a Watson crash course before the hackathon starts, to bring everybody up to speed – and experts speedier.
Powered by Deloitte Digital: The Media Lab partner, Deloitte Digital, will fly in their expert hackathon team, to run a help desk on premise. This will be available at all time – for any issue or question!
Introducing also: This event will be joined by a podcast team from Deloitte, reporting from the hackathon.
Presenting: Wednesday at 1pm all teams will pitch their work for all of us, and to the judges.
Food and drinks are on the house!
Save the date and sign up!
More details to come soon. Questions? Contact: Rune Smistad ( or Petter Omdal, NCE Media (