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UK & Norway Oil & Gas Technology Hackathon - BUS TRANSFER
29 Dec - 05:00 PM
Stavanger, Norway
Bustransfer - to NORWEPs event UK & Norway Oil & Gas Technology Hackathon
Pending interest, GCE NODE will arrange joint bus bustransfer service for attendees from Agder. Departure from Arendal at 17:00 on November 29th. Expected arrival time in Stavanger: 22.00, after stops in Grimstad, Kristiansand, Mandal, Lyngdal and Flekkefjord. Return after conclusion of meeting in Stavanger on November 30th.
Please register now, and you will recieve a preconfirmation from Eventbrite.
NOTE! We rely on enough participants to complete the bus transfer service. November 23rd will we make a desicion and send out an e-mail with final confirmation or cancellation to all registered participants.
Price per person for bus-transfer NOK 1 500,-.
If the bus transfer service is cancelled, you will be paid back from PayPal immediately.