Showing results 21 to 24 out of 24
Global Game Jam 2016
29 Jan - 07:00 PM
Makati, Philippines
The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is one of the world's largest hackathon on game development. Come and explore the global creative gaming atmosphere, while taking part in the process of development, including programming, iterative design, narrative exploration and artistic expression. Don't worry if you don't know how to program, creative idea makers are also very crucial on the process of game development. Also if you are an experienced game player you can take a stab at testing the design.
Global Game Jam 2016 Card & Board Games
29 Jan - 07:00 PM
Makati, Philippines
The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is one of the world's largest hackathon on game development. Come and explore the global creative gaming atmosphere, while taking part in the process of development, including programming, iterative design, narrative exploration and artistic expression. Don't worry if you don't know how to program, creative idea makers are also very crucial on the process of game development. Also if you are an experienced game player you can take a stab at testing the design.
Manila Vive Jam
16 Jan - 12:00 AM
Mandaluyong, Philippines
A Virtual Reality hackathon to create VR games and applications using room-scale tracking and natural input technology with the HTC Vive and SteamVR platform.
The Vive is HTC and Valve's Virtual Reality solution that runs on Valve' SteamVR software platform and gives the great advantage of room-scale tracking through its lighthouse base stations, meaning that users can easily walk around a 4.5mx4.5m space and fully interact with the virtual environment.
Manila Vive Jam is not a competition but more like a virtual reality jam where developers get the chance to learn and develop on the hottest VR platform around. All participants will be developing for the SteamVR/HTC Vive platform, developing games and applications with room-scale tracking and motion control input.
MozillaPH L10n
14 Jan - 06:30 PM
Makati, Philippines
The Mozilla Philippines Community (MozillaPH) Localization Team is hosting the MozillaPH L10n hackathon. L10n, meaning hacking through a translation system, changing an original (source) language version of any content such as text, multimedia, ebooks, or apps into a different (target) language by simply substituting words from one language to another—in context. Adapting any content and applications for regional—or local—consumption in order to appeal to the customer’s cultural preferences in their own target language.
Come along together with any internet-enabled device (laptop, tablet or smartphone) meet the Mozilla Team, learn about the localization & L10n Tools, and hack for the Localization Marathon!