Sowing results 7 out of 7
#Map_IT! Mapping Hackathon
17 Nov - 09:00 AM
Kraków, Poland
Bring your ideas to life in the field of one of the proposed topics helping communities, societies and organizations solve problems using digital maps and location services. The key result is the idea and A working demo of the application using HERE location platform that solves a problem and improves life in the real world. Hackathon topics: - Environment - Smart Mobility, Transportation and Logistics - Social Responsibility - Smart Cities - Sports & Tourism Prize pool: 5000 €
Hacktoberfest Hackathon Silesian Open Hack Day
27 Oct - 09:00 AM
Gliwice, Poland
Jeśli myślałeś kiedyś o tym, aby dołączyć do community open source, ale nie miałeś na to czasu lub motywacji lub jesteś starym wyjadaczem open source i chętnie podzieliłby się swoim doświadczeniem na fajnym wydarzeniu - jest ku temu świetna okazja! ## Co? Jedyny śląski hackathon w ramach ogólnoświatowej akcji Hacktoberfest. Akcja skierowana jest zarówno do osób zaangażowanych w open source, jak i tych, którzy dopiero o tym myślą. Podczas jego trwania za wsparcie community, czyli kontrybucję do istniejącego projektu lub stworzenie nowego, można otrzymać legendarną koszulkę Hacktoberfest oraz epickie naklejki dające +10 do programowania. ZAPRASZAJCIE ZNAJOMYCH, IM WIĘCEJ LUDZI NA HACKATHONIE TYM WIĘKSZY FUN! :) ## Jak? Spotykamy się o 9 rano i hackujemy razem! Przez 12 godzin uczymy się od siebie nawzajem i eksplorujemy open-source. Oczywiście w międzyczasie raczymy się dobrym jedzeniem oraz piwem.  KAŻDY UCZESTNIK OTRZYMA RÓWNIEŻ RÓWNIE EPICKĄ KOSZULKĘ GRUBY - stworzoną specjalnie na ten event. ## Wstęp Wszyscy są mile widziani, a wstęp jest całkowicie bezpłatny! Wystarczy zarejestrować się na Eventbrite i jesteście gotowi na hackowanie! ## Gdzie? Gliwicka firma Brainhub pozwoliła nam rozgościć się w swojej przestrzeni - za co jesteśmy jej bardzo wdzięczni. Zatem spotykamy się na Górnych Wałów 26 w Gliwicach. Dorzuć kawał śląskiego kodu do open source'a! #grubait #slunsk #bydziefajer #przajamtymu #opensource #hacktoberfest
    AngelHack Krakow Hackathon 2018
    19 May - 09:00 AM
    Krakow, Poland
    Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in and around Krakow, Poland! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Krakow. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology. You're not limited! Build an app that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community -- you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award. Or just build something innovative without limits, something that brings positive change to the world, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
    DataSphere 2018
    15 Apr - 08:00 AM
    Kraków, Poland
    “I have participated in the ReactSphere conference in 2017 and this event has been a blast! (...) This year is going to be even better, because not only ReactSphere will take two days, but also there will be not one, but two (!) sister events - ScalaSphere and DataSphere, which will give an opportunity to even more fruitful discussions and cross-interest insights! See you there!” -- Jan Pustelnik, Software Engineer @Actyx Over 20 speakers from the most thought-leading companies in the world: Twitter, GE, IBM Most up-to-date technologies: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, Big Data Agenda including workshops, hackathons & meetups  IMPORTANT: 1 ticket. 3 events. By buying ONE conference ticket (no matter which one) you get the access to ALL three of them. Hey there! Join us at DataSphere -- a conference devoted to making the most in the world that’s data-driven. Some of the talks include: Vladimir Alekseichenko, founder of, speaking about how to get prepared for 4th industrial revolution and how to become Programmer 2.0. Umit Cakmak from IBM will talk about NLP and Deep Learning from Quant’s perspective William Benton’s from Red Hat prelection will talk about implementing Machine Learning algorithms for Scale-Out Parallelism Tomasz Wesołowski from will talk about creating -- A.I. powered sales assistant Łukasz Ćmielowski from IBM will talk about Watson’s biomedical possibilities And many, many more…  In other words, this is a chance to: Learn from the best in the world Get inspired by thought-leaders of your industry Network with like-minded peers Wanna know more about the conference?  Visit or read what speakers were telling us about the previous conferences: “ScalaSphere 2016 was a brilliant coming-together of different minds, all working on tools for Scala. It was the first chance this diverse group had to all sit together in the same room and talk about how to improve Scala’s tooling landscape, and already we can see some of the real progress that’s been made, and point back to ScalaSphere and say “that’s where it started”!” -- Jon Pretty, Scala Programmer @Propensive “ScalaSphere is the only conference with an emphasis on tooling, which makes it extremely relevant to every Scala developer. It is small enough that you can talk to everybody and get  involved in the libre GitHub projects that make our day jobs more enjoyable and us more efficient as developers.” -- Sam Halliday, Owner @SJAH Limited Already decided? Secure your tickets today before the price goes up! See you there, DataSphere Team
      ReactSphere 2018
      15 Apr - 08:00 AM
      Kraków, Poland
      “I have participated in the ReactSphere conference in 2017 and this event has been a blast! (...) This year is going to be even better, because not only ReactSphere will take three days, but also there will be not one, but two (!) sister events - ScalaSphere and DataSphere, which will give an opportunity to even more fruitful discussions and cross-interest insights! See you there!” -- Jan Pustelnik, Software Engineer @Actyx Over 20 speakers from the most thought-leading companies in the world: Twitter, GE, IBM Actionable tips & most innovative ways to build Reactive Systems  Agenda including workshops, hackathons & meetups  IMPORTANT: 1 ticket. 3 events. By buying ONE conference ticket (no matter which one) you get the access to ALL three of them. Hey there! Join us at ReactSphere -- a conference focused on Reactive Programming and Reactive System Design  Some of the talks include: Keynote speaker, Jamie Allen with his talk “Reactive is a Product” Second keynote, Tomasz Nurkiewicz from Allegro, sharing lesson he learned during years of experience with Reactive Programming Kenny Baas from Xebia will talk about building events-first microservices with Lagom Damien Bailly from Cake Solutions will teach how to be reactive with gRPC Yan Cui from Space Ape Games will talk about applying principles of chaos engineering to Serverless’ And many, many more… In other words, this is a chance to: Learn from the best in the world Get inspired by thought-leaders of your industry Network with like-minded peers Wanna know more about the conference?  Visit or read what speakers were telling us about the previous conferences: “ScalaSphere 2016 was a brilliant coming-together of different minds, all working on tools for Scala. It was the first chance this diverse group had to all sit together in the same room and talk about how to improve Scala’s tooling landscape, and already we can see some of the real progress that’s been made, and point back to ScalaSphere and say “that’s where it started”!” -- Jon Pretty, Scala Programmer @Propensive “ScalaSphere is the only conference with an emphasis on tooling, which makes it extremely relevant to every Scala developer. It is small enough that you can talk to everybody and get  involved in the libre GitHub projects that make our day jobs more enjoyable and us more efficient as developers.” -- Sam Halliday, Owner @SJAH Limited Already decided? Secure your tickets today before the price goes up! See you there, ReactSphere Team
        ScalaSphere 2018
        15 Apr - 08:00 AM
        Kraków, Poland
        “I have participated in the ReactSphere conference in 2017 and this event has been a blast! (...) This year is going to be even better, because not only ReactSphere will take two days, but also there will be not one, but two (!) sister events - ScalaSphere and DataSphere, which will give an opportunity to even more fruitful discussions and cross-interest insights! See you there!” -- Jan Pustelnik, Software Engineer @Actyx Over 20 speakers from the most thought-leading companies in the world: Twitter, GE, IBM Creators of most innovative Scala Dev Tools, including Bloop, SemanticDB & Dotty Agenda including workshops, hackathons & meetups  IMPORTANT: 1 ticket. 3 events. By buying ONE conference ticket (no matter which one) you get the access to ALL three of them. Hey there! Join us at ScalaSphere -- an event devoted to Scala Dev Tools  Some of the talks include: Jon Pretty from Propensive will depict the bright future for Scala Dev Tools during his lecture “Blooming Tools!” Eugene Burmako from Twitter will talk about Reasonable Scala compiler and how it can influence the future of Dev Tools Ólafur Páll Geirsson and Martin Duhem from Scala Center will teach how to get more productive with Scala by using certain tools  Sébastien Doeraene from EPFL will talk about designing libraries for source and binary compatibility Guillaume Martres from EPFL will talk about Dotty, experimental Scala compiler And many, many more… In other words, this is a chance to: Learn from the best in the world Get inspired by thought-leaders of your industry Network with like-minded peers Wanna know more about the conference?  Visit or read what speakers were telling us about the previous conferences: “ScalaSphere 2016 was a brilliant coming-together of different minds, all working on tools for Scala. It was the first chance this diverse group had to all sit together in the same room and talk about how to improve Scala’s tooling landscape, and already we can see some of the real progress that’s been made, and point back to ScalaSphere and say “that’s where it started”!” -- Jon Pretty, Scala Programmer @Propensive “ScalaSphere is the only conference with an emphasis on tooling, which makes it extremely relevant to every Scala developer. It is small enough that you can talk to everybody and get  involved in the libre GitHub projects that make our day jobs more enjoyable and us more efficient as developers.” -- Sam Halliday, Owner @SJAH Limited Already decided? Secure your tickets today before the price goes up! See you there, ScalaSphere Team
          Blockchain Workshop: Introduction to Cryptoeconomics
          31 Jan - 10:00 AM
          Kraków, Poland
          Dear All,We have 2 amazing tech advisors coming to Kraków and figured it's a nice opportunity to share some of the knowledge with the outside world and our dear #omgkrk community. Together with hub:raum, we would like to invite all blockchain heads to meet with us and participate in two presentations by Franziska and Anish.This meeting will be quite a treat for those who already have:- good idea of blockchain and ICOs- some understanding of cryptography- basic understanding go game theoryIf you're new in the subject, you are still very welcome. Please read up a bit, so you can follow Franziska and Anish without any problems.Hope to see you soon,Arteia Team---About the workshop: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have gathered quite a bit of attention in recent months. Most of them offer "application" or "utility" tokens to investors which can then be used to access the company’s product. The mechanisms behind the process of ICO remain unknown for most while the regulatory outlook is quickly evolving. The surge of new tokens and cryptocurrencies has been tremendous over the past months and the rationale behind them is hard to understand. This workshop aims to provide an outlook into an ICO structure and introduce how tokenization and smart contracts work. Speakers: Franziska Lippoldt MSc in Mathematics, Franziska has shown great interest in emerging technologies such as blockchain, robotics and 3D printing. Last summer, she has been teaching about blockchain and Solidity for Exosphere. Recently she run a workshop on Tokenization. Her other interests include Machine Ethics and its applications in blockchain. She organized a workshop on the subject in November in Berlin and has also a project applying blockchain to AI ethics. She has participated in numerous hackathons and won several prizes, such as Science Hack Day Berlin, Mobility Hacks and AI Hackathon. Anish Mohammed Anish has been working in the security and cryptography area for the past 18 years, as a researcher and as a consultant. In recent years, he has become more involved in the Blockchain ecosystem as one of the founding members of UKDCA and as part of larger Ethereum Swarm research team. He has advised and worked for various banks and financial institutions including AIB, HSBC, Lloyds and Zurich. He is also on the advisory board for Adjoint, Arteia, Hyper-loop Transport Technologies, Privacy Shell, Collider-X, Ripple Labs and Chain of Things. Most recently he has become involved in Cryptoeconomics and has been designing protocols for various token offerings. He is currently the Chief Science Officer of Blockchainsmokers and dean of blockchain at Exosphere.