Sowing results 3 out of 3
Hackathon Społeczny #1
  07 Dec - 01:00 PM
  Katowice, Poland
Weź udział w pierwszym hackathonie społecznym fundacji Gruba.IT i pomóż nam rozwiązać problem meldunków w mieście Katowice!
    #2 skyhacks - AI Hackathon
      25 Oct - 05:00 PM
      Gliwice, Poland
      20000 PLN prize pool
    We believe the future of software development will be more and more integrated with smarter and smarter devices and algorithms. This Hackathon is focused around Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Classificators, Big Data & Data Science in general. It’s always about solving real live problems. Come and join us on this 36 hrs streak over the weekend – in southern Poland / Gliwice. We’re just in the half-way between Wroclaw and Cracow, pretty close to Lodz and Warsaw + Vienna/Budapest/Bratislava and Berlin are not that far away. We will be announcing the challenges from our partners soon! Hurry up! Now, much time left to the #2 skyhacks!
      12 Apr - 10:04 AM
      Opole, Poland
    Are you a programmer passionate about artificial intelligence, machine learning and Industry 4.0? Or maybe you are just starting your programming adventure, would you like to learn more about AI/ML and meet people with similar interests? Artificial intelligence in production processes is the leitmotif of "Hackathon Danone AI Masters Opole 2019", the first in the region marathon programming of designing innovative digital solutions that can be used in industry. Machine Learning and artificial intelligence are already finding their place in business applications. Companies from banking and finance, industry and logistics or the services sector are already using tools and methods of machine learning and Deep Learning to optimize their processes, better customer service, and create new innovative services. Application development is very fast here, the field also quickly changes its face - the need for constant updating of knowledge and exchange of experience to effectively use tools and solutions of machine learning and artificial intelligence. "Hackathon Danone AI Masters Opole 2019" will be held on April 12-13 and is an event addressed to programmers, graphic designers, project managers and other people involved in software development on a daily basis. During the event, the participants, around the clock, will work as a team on the solution of the received task, related to the use of artificial intelligence in machine learning. A prize of 10,000.00 PLN is foreseen for the winning team for other participants prizes.