Sowing results 10 out of 10
AIA-Konica Minolta Digital Health Hackathon
  12 Dec - 09:00 AM
  Singapore River, Singapore
A Hackathon to develop technological solutions for revolutionizing today's healthcare. Preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases through technology and a good business model. This is your chance to be part of this digital health movement!
Pre-Hackathon Workshop - AIA-Konica Minolta Digital Health Hackathon
  08 Dec - 06:30 PM
  Singapore River, Singapore
The Pre-Hackathon Workshop, Tuesday, 8 December, is designed to give you an introduction to the themes and challenges of the AIA-Konica Minolta Digital Health Hackathon which will take place on 12 and 13 December. Explore the opportunities in the rapidly changing healthcare space and get a head-start at the hackathon. The workshop and hackathon' challenges are: taking greater control over our health using mobile technology, encouraging people to live healthier, and improving our health and well-being at home via our workplace.
Pre-Hackathon Workshop ( GeoHackathon 2015)
  27 Nov - 07:00 PM
  Singapore River, Singapore
This is a workshop to prepair you for the GeoHackathon 2015. Come along for a technical workshops designed for beginners and enthusiasts to introduce participants to the technologies used during the hackathon!
DIY Accelerator Program - for Startups, SMEs & Innovation Professionals
  18 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Singapore, Singapore
  You have most likely noticed the emergence of Accelerator Programs out there. Whilst some sceptics point toward an "accelerator bubble", accelerators remain to date the most effective and proven "mechanism" to accelerate businesses and/or innovation.    What actually makes accelerator programmes so effective for startups and corporations alike? What if you could embed or adopt some or all aspects of those programs into your operations to help design and build products, services and/or experiences your customers really want?     OUR VALUE-PROPOSITION FOR THE DAY     If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, part of a startup,  you do not have to wait further (or physically join an Accelerator) to get started on accelerating your business. You can learn how to design your "own program" to start accelerating your growth, re-package your business, prepare for your next round of funding, preparing to scale, etc.   If you are an innovation professional or a business owner / executive focusing on innovation, you do not have to "re-invent the wheel" to design or improve your thinking, approach and innovation capability. You can learn how to accelerate your effort by leveraging on best practice out there.   We have connected the dots for you and designed the output into this highly informative and interactive session.   Learn in one day what has taken us months to crystalise. More importantly leave the session with a clear idea on how to apply this in practice for your business. And obviously make meaningful connections with like-minded individuals to continue the conversation.   Whether you are just taking the first step or willing to embed further those practices into your core, this day workshop will accelerate your learning and ability to execute. It will provide you with a condensed overview and walkthrough of a practical step-by-step DIY Accelerator Program, underlying concepts, methodologies, and practical tools (down to typical templates), and use this spine and structure to drive meaningful discussions, sharing and exchanges with peers throughout the day.   Do not get us wrong though, we do not believe there is "one model", one way, we just think our Accelerator Program is balanced and leverages on the latest thinking. It definitely is a good starting point and will most likely trigger interesting debates and discussion adding further value. We trust it will help you either get started and/or accelerate your existing effort.     WHO IS IT FOR AND WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?   Entrepreneurs, Startups & Business Owners   Are you an entrepreneur, startup, or SME business owner feeling you need to evolve towards more customer centricity, a clearer value proposition, a better designed business model and/or a more engaging business story?  Is your company preparing for scale, looking to accelerate growth or preparing for its next round of funding?    Learn how to apply a step-by-step methodology, range of practical tools and methods to accelerate and refine / re-package your business and ultimately design and build a product, service and/or experience your customers really want.    Innovation Professionals & Intrapreneurs    Are you an innovation professional or intrapreneur focusing on designing or scaling your innovation capability? Are you looking to design or refine how you run incubators / accelerator programs / digital garage / rapid prototyping unit / hackathons? Do you simply want to partner with established incubators or accelerators out there and better understand how they operate?    Explore a best practice human-centered innovation methodology and underlying concepts, methodologies and tools. Benchmark your vision or existing capability against best practice out there. Trigger some insights around how others operate and what can be changed or added to fine-tune your own approach.     WHAT TO EXPECT - APPROACH & STRUCTURE FOR THE DAY     This full day workshop will provide you with a complete overview and walkthrough of a best practice accelerator program end-to-end:    Deep dive into how human-centered methodologies are changing the way we design (or transform) businesses, products, services and experiences and what this means for your business. Overview and comparison of Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile, Business Model Innovation, Value Proposition Design and how they fit in, going beyond the hype. Defining the Pillars of embedding those methodologies into day to day practices. End-to-end walkthrough of a complete acceleration cycle - practical tools and methods along all key stages to make the process repeatable and applicable to your context   Our Workshop is hands-on and interactive: it is designed to maximise interaction, discussion, sharing and exchange between participants.    Expect to leave this session with key insights and knowledge, guidance on how to put key concepts in practice and meaningful connections with individuals facing similar challenges.   In other words we trust you will leave better prepared to start accelerating your business and/or innovation effort.      OUR DEFII© HUMAN-CENTERED ACCELERATOR PROGRAM     Our DEFii© Human-Centered Accelerator Model has been designed combining leading edge methodologies such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Value-Proposition Design, Business Model Generation and Agile. It leverages on best practices including those shared by thought leaders such as IDEO, Stanford University, Google Venture, MIT Lab, Coca-Cola, General Electrics, Samsung, etc.   It has also been refined leveraging on the events and workshops we have been running either in public or private settings (including as part of Singapore Ideas Lab) which have involved close to 1000 participants.   Finally it also takes into account real life insights working with startups, SMEs, accelerator programs and Innovation professionals out there. It has been constantly benchmarked and refined iteratively against other innovation approaches, accelerator models, entrepreneurial methodologies out there which we have been exposed to - either helping design, implement, facilitate programs or simply providing coaching or mentoring services.    This workshop is a unique opportunity to discover what we learnt and explore the resulting Human-Centered Accelerator Program we believe in. We do not believe there is one model, we just think our model is awesome and can help others get started or improve how they see things.   This insight will bring tremendous value whether you are a startup or entrepreneur looking to accelerate your business, a SME who wants to explore how to take your business to the next level or a CXO or innovation professional who is keen to benchmark and explore best practices out there to accelerate innovation.   Start adopting human-centered methodologies to accelerate the design of value-propositions and businesses that sell i.e. products, services and experiences that customers or end-users trully want and love.     WHO ARE WE?   About Amplification Lab (ASA Advisory Services Pte Ltd)     Our mission is to help organisations of all size on their innovation & transformation journey. We leverage on Human-Centered Methodologies to initiate and accelerate change and drive efficiencies.    We accelerate change within startups, SMEs and big enterprises alike.   We recognise that effective innovation, designing new businesses or transforming existing businesses starts from humans.    At The Amplification Lab, we like to amplify humans. We like planting seeds by designing and delivering inspiring talks, targeted training and workshops to ultimately help you evolve, change and transform and assist you: embed human-centered methodologies to accelerate change, transformation and innovation within your startup, SME, business function or enterprise as a whole design, accelerate and scale your startup or business  build a culture of  innovation, agility, and business-transformation readiness by expanding the mindset, tools, skillset and competencies of entrepreneurs, innovation professionals, business owners, CXOs, and change & transformation professionals.     We design fit-for-purpose training and workshop solutions to fit your needs whether you simply want to raise awareness on a given topic, learn & apply new concepts and methodologies, amplify the culture through team building, and/or support a broader change / business transformation your business is going through.     About Eric, the facilitator       Eric is the Founder and Managing Director of Amplification Lab (ASA Advisory Services Pte ltd).   Eric has also founded Singapore Ideas Lab and been running events and workshops in the local startup and innovation ecosystem for the last 18 months.    Eric enjoys using the two sides of his brain. He combines a strong corporate profile with fifteen years of consulting and corporate experience coupled with practical innovation & entrepreneurial experience.   Eric has deep connections with the local startup ecosystem through Singapore Ideas Lab as well as from working with local Accelerator Programmes and/or individual Startups either as a Consultant, Business Design Coach, Advisor and/or Mentor.   Eric is passionate about leveraging on Human-Centered methodology to help companies out there make meaningfull and sustainable transformations: startups, SMEs and big enterprises alike.      ANY QUESTIONS?   Contact Eric : Amplification Lab MD and Lead Facilitator. m:+65 8700 6425 e: t: @leaneric in:
    Game On!
      16 Nov - 02:00 PM
      Singapore, Singapore
    Paideia Learning Academy presents Game On! A holiday games development workshop for students of all ages! What better way is there to start learning programming than by creating games? Push your creativity and problem-solving skills to the limit as you try to make your game as fun as possible! Games Programming with Scratch  (Recommended for ages 9 - 11) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 16 - 20 Nov 930am - 1130am   23 - 27 Nov 930am - 1130am 30 Nov - 4 Dec  930am - 1130am Mobile Games Development with App Inventor  (Recommended for ages 12 - 14) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 9 - 11 Nov 930am - 130pm  12 - 14 Nov 930am - 130pm 16 - 18 Nov  130pm - 530pm Games Development with GameMaker (Recommended for ages 15 - 17) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 23 - 27 Nov 130pm - 530pm  30 Nov - 4 Dec 130pm - 530pm 7 - 11 Dec  930am - 130pm About the Teacher The lessons are conducted by Mr Li Jiansheng. He has taught programming in Raffles Institution for the past 6 years. He was in charge of Computer Elective Programme where he designed and developed the curriculum to ensure the programme is relevant and is focused on projects-based learning. Going beyond learning in a classroom, he encouraged his students to take part in apps development hackathons as hackathons emphasized very much on real life problem-solving. He participates together with them and his teams have done well for many hackathons. Some notable achievements were Angelhack 2013 (Finalists), Apphack 2013 (Top 3), Startup Asia Hackathon 2014 and Hackatron 2014 (1st and 2nd runner-up).  FAQs Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? Yes! This is to speed up the registration process.  The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay? Yes. As long as he has a printed copy of the ticket. For example, the parent has signed up for his child. Do I need to bring along a laptop? Laptops will be provided. It will be more convenient to use our laptops as it has all the required software. What can I expect from this workshop? Be prepared to have fun while you are learning! There are a lot of hands-on exercises to help you learn faster. There might be times where you will have discussions or to present your game ideas. Finally, you will be able to create your very own games and share them with your friends! How do I contact Paideia Learning Academy? You can head down to: 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-16 Coronation Shopping Plaza, S269707 or you can call Mr Li at 9679 1932 or email us at
      Social Innovators Hack!
        14 Nov - 09:00 AM
        Singapore, Singapore
           Win a spot at INSEAD’s Social Entrepreneurship Programme (worth $6,800)  One impactful and social enterprise-minded individual will be get to attend this intensive, one-week programme that equips budding social entrepreneurs with the business skills and frameworks they need to grow their social venture and maximise their social impact. Learn more.   Join the Social Innovators Hack! (14-15 November) to spark new ways to foster stronger collaborations and communications amongst people in the private, public and people sectors, and build a robust social marketplace to accelerate the growth of the Social sector. Use technology to address these challenges: Collaboration - Enable social innovators to connect with one another, and share ideas and resources (funds, mentorship, etc) Commerce - Match SEs wtih corrporate customers, helping corporates search and identify suitable SE suppliers and facilitate these conversations / business opportunities Communications - Help Social Organisations engage volunteers and retain them   Organised by Social Innovation Park in partnership with HPE Helion, this hackathon is for all of you who are passionate about Social Innovation!    Why you should join?  Whether you’re a social entrepreneur, an active volunteer of a social organisation, or someone who is passionate about doing good for the community, this hackathon is great way to contribute your knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the Social sector. This hackathon is part of the Global Social Innovators Forum (GSIF), happening on March 2016. Winning teams could be invited to network and share their hackathon solutions with over 300 global leaders and innovators from over 30 countries.   Key Dates     More Info Find out more about the hackathon here.
        HackerNest Singapore October Tech Social
          26 Oct - 06:30 PM
          Singapore, Singapore
        Drinks on us. That's right: free beer/(possibly wine)/water.  HackerNest Tech Socials are a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech brethren. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (no sales pitch, yo), and brimming with UltraSmart(TM) people. We believe that strong, supportive tech communities should exist everywhere - not just in hotspots like San Francisco and New York. In 2011, we started running Tech Socials in Toronto, where our monthly attendance grew to over 350+ technologists literally 100% from word-of-mouth. The typical Tech Social schedule: - 6:30pm: folks arrive, grab drinks, socialize  - 7:00pm: quick intro, thank sponsors, quick announcements  - 7:10pm: back to chatting with interesting new friends  - 9:00pm: go home exhausted from great conversations Sponsors make this growing movement possible - email us to chat!  Venue: The awesome folks at IDA are sponsoring the venue and light bites for you.  Wanna show off your office? We're always looking for big open spaces that are easily accessible. Get in quick to secure your spot and let the Singapore Tech Community know what you have to offer!  Volunteers:  Our awesome Tech Socials are volunteer run, and need people like you! Email if you are interested in becoming a volunteer!    HackerNest is an international nonprofit uniting local tech communities through unpretentious Tech Socials and hackathons. We cram lots of smart, accomplished people into a room with free drinks. Our relaxed, down-to-earth events attract a diverse and highly technical membership. Strict no-douchebag policy.
          Startup Grind Singapore Hosts Cameron Priest (CEO and Co-Founder at TradeGecko)
            22 Oct - 06:30 PM
            Singapore, Singapore
          Cameron Priest, CEO and Co-Founder at TradeGecko Born out of a friend’s battle to manage inventory for his apparel business, TradeGecko’s inventory and multi-channel platform has become the central core of operations for thousands of small and medium businesses. Through partnerships with accounting software such as Xero, QuickBooks Online and e-commerce stores like Shopify, Amazon, and others, TradeGecko optimizes businesses to provide a real competitive advantage. With thousands of customers and having helped process billions of dollars in transactions to date, Cameron has scaled TradeGecko into a global company. TradeGecko has raised over $10M to further expand on this success. Agenda   6:30 Networking and Food 7:30 Fireside Chat 8:30 Networking Hosted By Son Le Thanh, Singapore Chapter Director Community and Tech are at my heart. My full-time job is the Cloud Technology Evangelist at IBM Bluemix, an open standards, cloud platform for building, running, and managing apps and services. On the side, I am working with an awesome team to run Startup Grind in Singapore - a monthly event series featuring successful founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Email: | Twitter: @thsonvt Global Partners Google is committed to empowering entrepreneurs around the world through programs, partnerships, and our products. Local Partners Impact Hub Singapore is the nation’s largest community of entrepreneurs, creatives and techies. We are a co-working space and community in Singapore, located in the heart of the museum, arts and design precinct. Impact Hub offers mentorship, incubation, workshops, inspiring events, networking opportunities, and corporate innovation labs. DBS HotSpot Pre-accelerator is a 3-month programme designed for digital startups, social enterprises and DBS intrapreneurs to grow concepts into prototypes. The programme aims to cultivate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in Singapore through experimentation, mentorship and entrepreneurship awards of SGD 25,000 each without taking equity from the startups. Visit to learn more about the next intake! Padang & Co provides our private, public and people sector partners the space to adopt a range of open innovation practices to solve problems and develop new opportunities, with one another and with the start-up, civic, data, maker and creative innovation communities, such as UP Singapore and DEXTRA. Through our Hackathons, coLABs, cloud-enabled Challenges and Matchmaking, we provide a stimulating environment and the conditions to develop meaningful, impactful outcomes for business and society in general. That’s what we do. We create the conditions for creativity and innovation to emerge and grow. What is Startup Grind? Startup Grind is a global startup community educating, inspiring, and connecting entrepreneurs. We host monthly events in more than 150 cities and 65 countries featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Our monthly fireside chat interviews, startup mixers and annual conferences provide ample opportunities to connect with amazing startups and the people behind them, tap into a strong support network, form meaningful connections and gain inspiration for the startup journey ahead. For more information visit or follow us on twitter @StartupGrind. Disclaimer: Startup Grind event ticket sales are non-transferable, non-refundable, and final. If an event is cancelled due to weather, speaker availability, or any other unforeseeable event you will be refunded automatically. If a speaker moves the event date you will have 48-hours to request a refund if you are unable to make the new event date. Please direct any additional ticketing issues to
            Hyper Haze Hack
              13 Oct - 09:00 AM
              Singapore, Singapore
            Dear potential participants,  As we have reached the maximum capacity of the venue, we have stopped ticket sales for this event. Thanks for your support and see you on Tuesday! Singapore’s Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) hit its highest point in two years recently, with many schools cancelling outdoor activities and people staying indoors. So we are looking to build novel and practical applications on the seasonal haze situation that blankets Singapore every year. We are bringing together developers, bloggers, environmental organizations and media associations in an unprecedented civic hack to enhance our media reporting and response to the haze through the use of data. Key Objectives Participants in the one-day haze-a-thon, on October 13, will be challenged to develop solutions, tools, widgets or apps that will enhance media reporting and citizen's responses to the haze. Proposed solutions could address some of the following challenges:  ●Forecast weather movements ●Deliver objective, trustworthy PSI figures ●Send timely alerts to residents ●Help citizens to take adequate decisions and actions ●Improve public education Who Should Attend? ●Developers ●Designers ●Data visualizers ●Students  ●Bloggers ●Media ●Environmental experts ●Governmental agencies ●Non-governmental agencies Check out for the rules of this hackathon!
              Ideation Workshop, Changi Airport Hackathon
                02 Oct - 06:30 PM
                Singapore, Singapore
              *** Due to a very strong demand from the community, registration for this workshop is now closed.  Please put yourself on the wait list (only if you are already in a pre-formed team).  We will try to release more spots later, if other attendees drop out. *** At the Pre-Hackathon Workshop, Saturday, 26 September, you will learn about the themes and challenges for  This hands-on workshop draws on Design Thinking principles to explore the themes further through a series of ideation exercises. You will share your observations, participate in discussion, develop / record your insights, ideate solutions and share them. This is also your final opportunity to form / join a team ahead of the hackathon. • Recap challenges, share key insights from Pre-Hackathon Workshop • Hands-on group ideation workshop • Idea pitching and team formation Why you should join?  The workshop is designed to examine the hackathon challenges and derive interesting insights and patterns that can serve as the starting point for your work at the hackathon. The session will be guided in a way that provides you with freedom to explore ideas as well as a framework to structure your thoughts. It's also a great opportunity for you to meet like-minded innovators to share ideas and form teams ahead of the hackathon. Keep in mind that there won't be a team formation session at the hackathon itself.    Key Dates           More Info Find out more about the hackathon here.