Showing results 11 to 17 out of 17
EIT Alumni Startup Days 2018 - Barcelona
10 Mar - 09:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Welcome to the EIT Alumni Startup Days:Challenge Solving Edition The EIT Alumni Startup Days bring together graduates, researchers, developers, designers, young professionals, entrepreneurs, and start-up enthusiasts under one roof, in an intense 12 hour hackathon to solve challenges faced by major industries across Europe, and embark on new entrepreneurial adventures. This year our event will focus on solving a particular challenge in a one day hackathon. The event will take place in the beautiful Apocapoc co-working centre in Barcelona. The ChallengeINCUBATING A NEW INNOVATION DISTRICT IN BARCELONA: THE RECOVERY OF THE LITTORAL FRONT BETWEEN BADALONA PORT AND THE BESÒS RIVER We are very proud to announce that our challenge is provided by Daria Tataj, one of the first members of the EIT Governing Board and advisor to EU Commissioner Moedas. Her company Tataj Innovation wants your support in renovating Barcelona's Littoral Front. Let’s imagine that the littoral front between Badalona Port and The Besòs River becomes over the next 15 years a new innovation hotspot on the Barcelona metropolitan map....  Inquire: what else is moving in the area and what's new?Think: who are investors interested in the area?Strategize: what are the needs and challenges and how could you provide solutions? Who could become a client, industry partner, investor and sponsors for your entrepreneurial project? The EIT Alumni Startup Days is a non-profit event, We are asking for a 20 euro down payment. This will be reimbursed in full following your participation.
    05 Mar - 01:00 PM
    Barcelona, Spain
     About the Hackathon   The sector of mobility is facing a major challenge as a result of the growth of population in the cities and the rising demand for a cleaner, greener world.  Besides that, new technologies such as the Internet and on-board computers (whether it is a mobile phone in a pocket or a computer integrated into a vehicle), allow us to be more connected than ever before, thereby creating a range of technological and digital possibilities that will be key for understanding the future of mobility.   The hackathon focuses on these aspects: how will we move, our experience while doing it, and the services derived from our movements.  From CARNET we want to promote new ideas for the future of mobility, offering the attendees the chance to participate in it. This creative event includes tutorials on key technologies. A wide range of devices will be available for use and key data will be provided to validate the solutions that are developed. THREE CHALLENGES HackForGood. Social Mobility: waking up the machines by Cátedras Telefónica This Challenge focuses on how to make Mobility more socially sustainable using information and communication technologies.  AI For Mobility & Driving Experience  By SEAT   This Challenge focuses on how to improve Mobility and Driving Experience using a Cozmo Robot and its Artificial Intelligence Visualizing Mobility By Metropolis:Lab This challenge focuses on how can we see and identify the patterns of mobility inside the city, creating or improving services derived from it.    For more info, check    /                @carnetBCN
      Hackathon Girona 2018 (5th edition)
      03 Mar - 08:00 AM
      Girona, Spain
      Un any més ens reunirem nerds, geeks, makers, freaks i smoke sellers, per a dur a terme un projecte tecnològic en un sol dia. Treballant junts, exprimirem els límits de les vostres habilitats, i de les maquinetes que tingem a l'abast. En l'edició d'aquest any, vist l'èxit de l'edició de l'any anterior, seguirem extenent el projecte de l'any passat! És un esdeveniment obert a programadors, IoT specialists, machine learnign lovers, dissenyadors i apassionats de les Startups El preu de la inscripció és simbòlic a fi de garantir l'assistència i ajudar en la compra de material. Tots els participants tindran els àpats inclosos i accés al tirador de birra durant la jornada! El material utilitzat durant la jornada (Arduinos, Raspberrys, etc...) serà sortejat entre els assistents al finalitzar el Hackathon.  Més informació a
        Ironhack Alumni Summit
        17 Feb - 12:00 PM
        Barcelona, Spain
        * THIS EVENT IS FOR IRONHACK ALUMNI ONLY * On Saturday, February 17, Ironhack Barcelona will be hosting the very first Ironhack Alumni Summit! We have prepared an amazing afternoon (and evening! and night!) so you can meet other ironhackers, keep learning, have fun and, as always, drink beer! Agenda • 12 PM — Icebreakers & Lunch: reconnect with your classmates and find out what everyone has been up to since they graduated • 2 PM — Saveboost Hackathon: meet other ironhackers, have fun and come up with the funniest project * • 7 PM — Pitches: present your idea to the jury to have a chance to win the hackathon • 8 PM — Party Time! Don't miss this chance to relive the Ironhack experience for a day! Please RSVP through this link so we know who's coming or how could we improve the event to make it better. * Please bring your laptop if you want to participate in the hackathon :)
          Presentación Imagine Express 2018
          08 Feb - 06:30 PM
          Barcelona, Spain
          Presentación del IMAGINE EXPRESS 2018. Quinta edición del programa de innovación disruptiva en tren que recorrerá Barcelona-Paris-Londres del 23 al 26 de febrero, fin de semana previo al 4YFN - Mobile World Congress 2017.Durante el evento se presentaran los retos de esta cuarta edición y se seleccionarán los 3 últimos participantes (Dreamers) de los 36 que subirán al tren del Imagine Express 2018. AGENDA18:30 h. Apertura de puertasProyección Videos resumen Imagine 201719:00 h.Presentación Imagine Express 2018Albert Mikkelsen. Master of Ceremonies Imagine ExpressAnuncio 33 Dreamers de los 36 participantes en el Imagine Express 2018Xavier Verdaguer . Fundador Centro Imagine Silicon ValleyDaria Shornikova. Directora Imagine Express 2018 19:30 h. Selección del último Dreamer de la categoría Creative MindCoordinador: Albert Ventura (Imagine Staff)Jurado: Joanna Parlinska (Imagine),  Malwine Steinbock (Imagine FoodTech), Eli Martínez (Conector) 19:50 h. Selección del último Dreamer de la categoría BusinessCoordinador: Julie Chrysler (Imagine Africa)Jurado: Marta Ordeig (Imagine Silicon Valley), David Domingo (4YFN - Mobile World Capital), David Roman (EADA)20:10 h.Selección del último Dreamer de la categoría Developer (hackathon previa de 15:00 a 18:00)Coordinador: Arnau Asensio (Imagine Staff)Jurado: Valentí Freixanet (IoT Product Owner at Girbau), David Ferrer (Telecos), Bernat Basté (Giikod)20:20 h.Entrega premio Dreamer Creativo: Miquel Molins. Presidente Fundación Banco SabadellEntrega premio Dreamer Developer: David Domingo (4YFN - Mobile World Capital)Entrega premio Dreamer Business: David Roman (EADA Business School) 20:30 h.Parlamentos de CierreÒscar Alcoberro, HR Director de OtsukaAlejandra Vitoria Head of International Markets of Renfe-SNCF en Cooperación 20:45 h.Networking con Estrella DAMM + info:  
            Peacetech 101
            29 Jan - 08:30 AM
            Barcelona, Spain
            Peacetech 101 is a practical introduction to innovation and technology for peacebuilders. The first of its kind, this 5-day training course covers innovation processes and technology tools that can be successfully used to build peace and prevent conflict. This emerging body of practice is often referred to as ‘peacetech’. Participants will emerge with a strong understanding of best practices in peacetech that will allow them to design and manage programs that introduce technology tools and innovation processes to their peacebuilding work. Learning Objective 1Through a series of case studies, introduce participants to the functions that technology tools can play in peacebuilding initiatives, concretely: Data management (mobile data collection, digital maps, big data, drones, etc) Strategic communications (social media, virtual reality, radio-to-mobile, etc) Networking & mobilisation (videogames, gamified apps, sms networks, etc). Key outcomes: Participants gain awareness of the current practice and possibilities of peacetech globally Participants are able to reference peacetech practice for their own innovative design purposes Participants are able to identify the operational and ethical issues associated with a peacetech concept or idea Learning Objective 2Through practical exercises, explore approaches to successfully designing tech innovation in peacebuilding, concretely: User-centered, participatory design: from prototype to pilot to full roll-out Context analysis for peacetech: information ecosystems, technology assessments, stakeholder mapping, conflict sensitivity and ethics Monitoring and evaluation for peacetech Key outcomes: Participants understand what contextual data and analysis are needed to successfully design a peacetech intervention Participants are able to undertake user-centered, participatory design process for a peacetech intervention Participants have the tools to set up a successful M&E plan for peacetech Learning Objective 3Through practical exercises, explore approaches to successfully implementing tech innovation in peacebuilding, concretely: Your role as a product manager Working with developers: hackathons, innovation labs and partnerships Organisational learning and sustaining innovation Key outcomes: Participants gain awareness of the role of ‘product manager’ in a peacebuilding context, needed to drive tech innovation through their organisations Participants understand different ways of working with the technology sector from briefings to partnerships Participants gain awareness of some the processes they can implement at the organisational level to enable and sustain innovative peacebuilding practices The course fees include lunches, coffee breaks and a final participants’ dinner. Course fees do not include other meals and participants are also responsible for their accommodation and travel arrangements.
              Hackaton Ulule - Barcelona
              17 Jan - 09:30 AM
              Barcelona, Spain
              Entrepreneurs and creative types in and around Barcelona! Do you have a great product or business idea? Want to win financing for your project through crowdsourcing? You're encouraged to #LetsDoIt by participating in the Hackathon Ulule - Barcelona. Just submit your project to Ulule's crowdfunding campaign site. You'll then get to attend a day of intensive training to learn to specify, build, present and communicate your project. Present your project to a panel of judges for the chance to win a prize of € 3,000, plus free coworking spaces, special media coverage, and personalized coaching.