Showing results 11 to 14 out of 14
Hackahton with Destination Aarhus & Partners
14 Mar - 10:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
On march 14-15 (Saturday & Sunday) Destination Aarhus together with AarhusHacks and partners (Danske Bank, Terma and Grundfos)!
#HackHealthBCN 2020
13 Mar - 07:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona acoge del 13 al 15 de marzo el #HackHealthBCN 2020, un hackathon organizado por Bioinformatics Barcelona (BIB), Hackathon Spain y que cuenta con la participación de IBM, IN2 y BSC (socios de BIB).
Miro in Cube
21 Feb - 08:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Aim of the programme
Miro In Cube is a hackathon organized by the IDEFI Programme MIRO.EU-PM under the auspices of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia. The aim of this initiative is to stimulate the development of innovative projects in the field of tourism in a context of environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
56 hours non-stop to set up your project
Teams will have 56 hours non-stop to come up with a project, develop a prototype and put together a viable project related to AIand tourism.
3 cities in the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion
It will be held simultaneously in Perpignan, Barcelona and Palma, and will feature stakeholders in innovation and tourism from the Occitanie region, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.
Face-to-face and remote coaching
Teams will have the opportunity to receive support from coaches and experts from a wide variety of backgrounds, on site or remotely (by using the Miro in Cube application), so that they can also receive support from coaches at the other locations of the competition.
3 workshops held simultaneously
Participants will attend three workshops.Each workshop will last 45 minutes + 15 min. of Q&A.
First price
6 months of landing office for 3 people
€ 10,000 in servers with Amazon or Google
and more...
Second & Third prize
6 months of landing office for 3 people
Access to the virtual campus creation training for startups (Lean Startup method)
Som Hackathon 2020
07 Feb - 08:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
Què es?
La SOM Hachathon2020 és un repte, un esdeveniment creatiu i formatiu en el que, durant un intens cap de setmana, viuràs una experiència emprenedora treballant amb equips multidisciplinaris.
El Repte
El repte de la Som Hackathon 2020 implicaconstruir solucions tecnològiques transformadores que garanteixin un envelliment actiu i saludable.
Trobar solucions col·laboratives que facin de la ciutat un espai d’autonomia, drets i vinculació social per a les persones grans, no només en clau de present sinó també de futur, i en un marc de necessària sostenibilitat social i ambiental.
Equips universitaris:
Premi de2.000 eurosa distribuir entre els integrants de l’equip i accés directe al programa de preincubació de TecnoCampus.
Equips de Batxillerat i CFGS:
Premi de1.000 eurosa distribuir entre els integrants de l’equip.