Showing results 1 to 10 out of 13
Data Transparency Lab Conference 2017 (Barcelona)
11 Dec - 08:30 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Data Transparency Lab Conference 2017 will take place in Barcelona from 11-12 Dec. The event is DTL's fourth annual conference and industry leaders, policy makers, researchers, designers and media representatives are welcome to discover the last trends on data transparency and privacy. Our program includes panel discussions, app demos, Grants Program presentations and meetings one to one. Tickets: - Regular and early tickets: allow the entrance to Day 1 & 2 of the event and include lunches and coffee breaks. - Hackathon tickets: This tickets allows to attend and participate Day 3 (Hackathon). The price includes lunch and Snacks & beverages all day. Program: Day 1 09:00 Registration 09:30 Welcome address 09:45 Keynote Speaker 10:45 Coffee Break 11:15 Grants 2017 13:00 Lunch break 14:15 Tools for mobile transparency 15:15 Value Creation for users and companies 16:15 Speed dating  Day 2 09:00 Registration 09:30 Welcome address 09:45 We have the laws but who is going to apply them? 10:45 Coffee Break 11:15 Demo Grants 2016 12:15 Disruptive approaches in transparency: search and beyond 13:15 Lunch Break 14:15 Usable transparency in the time of AI and Machine learning 15:15 Panel: Discrimination and data Ethics 16:30 Concluding Remarks Day 3 - Hackathon 08:00 Registration 09:00 Intro // Kick-off 09:30 Idea pitches & Team formation 10:30 Hack! 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Hack! 18:45 Show & Tell 19:45 Judges evaluation 20:15 Prizes and closing
    Delta Hack Day
    02 Dec - 10:00 AM
    Deltebre, Spain
    DELTA HACK DAY - DISSABTE 2 DE DESEMBRE No et pots perdre l'esdeveniment més tecnològic de les nostres terres! Tan si vols mostrar el teu talent ocult, com si vols saber com estan treballant algunes de les empreses més innovadores del moment, has de venir! ENTRADA GRATUÏTA >>> PROGRAMA:9:00 - 10:00: Benvinguda / Entrega merchandising gentilesa de Velneo [@velneo -]10:00 - 10:50: Intro to Python11:00 - 11:50: Seguretat al router domèstic12:00 - 12:50: Intro a la programació de videojocs----PAUSA DINAR - Refrigeri gentilesa de Captio [ Captio_es-]----15:00 - 15:50: Introduccio a Intel·ligència Artificial16:00 - 16:50: Velneo: Com és treballar com informàtic? Com fer software de gestió rapidament? [ Velneo -]17:00 - 17:50: Transformació digital 18:00 - 18:50: Introducció a Xamarin [ Captio-]19:00 - 19:50: Introducció a Big Data20:00 - 21:00: Entrega de premis hackathon / Acte de cloenda AMB LA COL·LABORACIÓ DE: Ajuntament de Deltebre( Ajuntament de Deltebre) - Captio - Delinterne( Delinternet) - GitHub ( GitHub) - Infotic studio Infotic - Institut de Deltebre ( Institut de Deltebre) - MajorLeagueOfHacking Major League Hacking - Velneo ( - Webigame (WebiGame Deltebre) - 8Wires (
      MLH Local Hack Day at Barcelona Code School
      02 Dec - 10:00 AM
      Barcelona, Spain
      Hackers in and around Barcelona! Barcelona Code School invites you to participate in the Major League Hacking (MLH) Local Hack Day. At this one-day, nine-hour event, you'll be challenged to learn new technologies, design and build something cool -- a website, a mobile app, hardware -- it's your choice.
      Hackathon 2017
      25 Nov - 09:00 AM
      Barcelona, Spain
      Ven al hackathom 2017 que se hará el próximo 25 de noviembre de 2017!  Tienes una idea de startup pero no sabes cuando ni como hacerla? Quieres mejorar tu portfolio como designer y participar en la creación de una startup? Programar programar y programar! Que buena idea programar en una startup!  Apúntate al evento!  ES UN EVENTO PARA ESTUDIANTES DESDE 4T ESO, BACHILLERATO Y UNIVERSIDAD Página web: Instagram: @hackathom Twitter: @hackathom
        Bot Designers, Developers & Marketers Hackathon
        05 Aug - 09:30 AM
        Barcelona, Spain
        Chatbots are an increasingly "googled" term, more people now use messaging apps than social media apps on a regular basis.   Companies want to be present wherever their customers are and chatbots offer a great solution to this. Yet the chatbot industry is still in its infancy, chatbot user experiences hasn't yet been perfected.Chatbots can engage users across Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, on a Webpage or within an App and are able to assist with processes like lead generation, customer support, customer onboarding, meeting Hu:toma AI - an NLP chatbot builder & marketplace have teamed up with Sage & Ironhack to shed some light into the process of building chatbots. The focus of this hackathon will be designing and building a chatbot. We have a team of conversation designers, API experts and Bot Developers on hand to guide you through the process, with a number of workshops throughout the day.  You'll also be able to leverage Hu:toma's NLP engine to make your bots smart. Prizes  1st Prize - €300  2nd Prize - €200 3rd Prize - €100  All Three winners: Entry into a Bot Building competition with Top prize of €5,000. Coaching / consulting to turn their bot into a successful business over the next three months. All participants:  Unlimited API calls until end of the year  Workshops: Introduction to Conversation Design Building a webhook in Node.js on Google Cloud Platform  Partners: Hutoma AI - an NLP Bot builder + marketplaceSage - Making accounting easier than ever before, with a focus on next generation cloud solutions including chatbots IronHack - Preparing the next generation of digital creators through Intensive Web Development & UX/UI courses
          Code in the Dark Ubiqum
          22 Jun - 06:30 PM
          Barcelona, Spain
          THE RULES 15 min HTML/CSS No peeking on what your code is doing / No previews One champion You have 15 minutes to code a landing page using only HTML and CSS, it seems easy doesn't it? And if I tell you now that you can't preview your code? Code in the Dark is a new and growing movement. It's basically a fun way to test your web developer skills in a social environment. Some coders will be experienced, other without much knowledge, but it's all good!  To get involved, just bring along your laptop.  Yes there will be beers. Yes there will be snack.  No you don´t have to participate if you don´t feel comfortable.  The winner will receive a prize, a warm and strong applause from all participants and most important of all, the memory of having shared a good afternoon with all the attendees! Hackathon participation: 3€Spectators: Free entrance
            Hackathon : Hack Lego amb Sbrick i HTML5
            24 May - 05:00 PM
            Barcelona, Spain
            Hackathon : Hack Lego amb Sbrick i HTML5 Us proposem un repte intens i creatiu, descobrir les possibilitats de la programació d'HTML5 mitjançant web bluetooth pel control de robots i màquines en moviment fetes amb lego i amb la incorporació del sbrick. Té moltes possibilitats tant educatives com de desenvolupament. Pot oferir-nos independència als que coneixem Lego We-Do o fins i tot integració amb Lego Mindstorms. Si ets programador, educador, lego addicte, robo fan o simplement t'emociona crear peces de lego en moviment estàs convidat a venir i participar. --------- Hackathon: Hack Lego with HTML5 and Sbrick We offer a challenging and intense creative, discover the possibilities of using HTML5 web programming bluetooth to control robots and machines in motion made of lego and incorporating sbrick. It has many possibilities both educational development. Can offer independence to those who know Lego We Do-or even integration with Lego Mindstorms. If you are a programmer, educator, lego addict, or just make robo excites create lego pieces in motion are invited to come and participate.
              AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Barcelona
              13 May - 09:00 AM
              Barcelona, Spain
              Coders, designers and entrepreneurs in Barcelona! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Barcelona. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. You'r not limited! You could build an app that delivers positive value to your community, a web site satisfying an unmet financial need, a virtual reality game, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
              Code In The Dark - Star Wars Edition
              04 May - 08:00 PM
              Barcelona, Spain
              Coders and hackers in and around Barcelona! You're invited to participate in the second edition of Code In The Dark - Star Wars Edition. You'll have the opportunity to showcase your developer skills and be judged by an audience of your peers. Compete for terrific prizes and aspire to be awarded the title of Barcelona's best front-ender!
              BRAGI Recruiting-Hackathon
              28 Apr - 10:00 AM
              Barcelona, Spain
              BRAGI is the leading INNOVATOR in hearable computing, a PIONEER in the 4th computing platform and a VISIONARY of human machine interaction. If you, like us, are a visionary and have some revolutionary ideas on how to shape the future of human and computer interaction, join us on our first Hackathon that will take place at UPC in Barcelona. For more information and to sign up for the event, visit