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OWASP Göteborg: Security Tapas
20 Oct - 05:30 PM
Göteborg, Sweden
While preparing for OWASP Gothenburg Day we realised we need something that is quite the opposite of a giant all-day event with international speakers. We need a small and cosy down-to-earth session with local speakers. Like a hackathon but with some kind of agenda. Small demonstrations, primers on a subject or technology, a lightning talk or even a small hands on workshop. To make room for a lot of people we keep them short, aiming for 15-20 minutes for presentations with some additional room for workshops. OWASP will open up the floor, while you, our community, sets the agenda and take place on stage. Thanks to our sponsor ÅF we'll have a cool venue on the 16th floor and something to eat and drink. Pls, send us a short title, your suggested time slot size in minutes and whether this is a workshop or not (defined by the fact that participants will require to bring some kind of equipment and will be expected to perform some kind of activity) to OR let us know through the ticket registration form. You are of course very welcome to attend even if you don't have something to present.   Current line-up (continuously updated) Title Presenter Time Type Going dark Mattias Jidhage 20 P Mac Hack Backup Attack Jonas Magazinius 20-40 P Livepatching the linux kernel Mikael Falkvidd 15 P An introduction to QubesOS Fredrik Strömberg            20 P Hands on with wifi security Anders Rosdahl 15+15          P+W OWASP Security Shepherd Viktor Hedberg 15-20 P Introduction to Android app security review              Mikael Wecksten  20 P TrustZone, TEE and mobile security Peter Gullberg 20 P                   The agenda is still to be defined in detail. Multiple tracks is a possibility.   Agenda 17:30 Food 18:00 Introduction, OWASP updates and a word from tonights sponsor ÅF 18:10 Let's get going! 22:00 Time to wrap up?