Sowing results 2 out of 2
AI Science Hackathon
  20 Sep - 12:30 PM
  Gothenburg, Sweden
Researchers and students from across research disciplines—but with a curious mind and an interest in artificial intelligence (AI)! Come participate in an experimental AI science hackathon (sci-thon) that may help shape the way scientific research will be conducted in the future! The Sci-thon is focused on the future of composite materials and the goal is to map out solutions to a pre-determined research problem and to assess the usefulness of various research tools in conducting fast and effective research mapping exercises.
ZervicePoint Hackathon 16
  11 Feb - 09:30 AM
  Gothenburg, Sweden
Learn how to build automated services with ZervicePoint (Next Generation). Listen to some short technology lectures, test unreleased features and work with the automation program. This ZP Hackathon will run joint labs and competitions where you can test new features.