Showing results 1 to 10 out of 12
CoderDojo Österlen ht 2016. Programmera och skapa med datorn!
28 Dec - 01:00 PM
Skillinge, Sweden
Mini-hackathon i mellandagarna!
Som en terminsavslutning för höstterminen 2016 så är du välkommen till ett 4 timmar långt mini-hackathon onsdagen den 28 december kl 13 - 17. Ta med några dator-prylar om du har (annars har vi) så hjälps vi åt att ha digitalt kul skapande på jullovet!
CoderDojo är öppet och gratis för alla barn och ungdomar från hela Österlen mellan 7 - 17 år som vill komma igång att programmera eller på annat sätt skapa med datorer, mobiler, internet eller robotar. Inga förkunskaper i programmering krävs! Gratis resa med en "Ninja-taxi" ingår för dem som behöver skjuts till/från möteslokalen på Skillinge.
Möten sker på Skillinge (adress/karta längre ner på sidan) och handleds kostnadsfritt av professionella programmerare/it-experter på sin fritid med stöd från Skillinge Företagareförening och andra goda krafter.
Vi träffas ungefär varannan tisdag och gratisbiljetterna "släpps" c:a 10 dagar före varje tillfälle. Man behöver inte deltaga vid alla tillfällen, utan kan själv välja hur många gånger och vid vilka tillfällen man vill vara med. Anmälan/gratisbiljett krävs dock för varje mötestillfälle.
Till vårt möte kl 13:00 - 17:00 onsdagen den 28 december 2016 har vi plats för max 10 "ninjas", så boka din gratisbiljett här på sajten i god tid!
För att boka din gratisbiljett till möten på CoderDojo Österlen gör du så här:
klicka på knappen "Select a time", "Registrera" eller motsvarande på denna sida
du kan behöva klicka ytterligare en gång på knappen "Registrera" innan du kan boka din biljett
för biljettypen "Deltagarplats, 7 - 17 år (Räkna inte medföljande vuxen)" välj antalet biljetter (max 2)
fyll i namn och epost-adress och klicka på grön knapp
Eventuell avbokning mottages tacksamt genom epost till eller via SMS till 0768-516005 så att fler får en chans att vara med.
Eftersom det är svårt med kollektivtrafiken på Österlen så kan du också i samband med biljettbeställningen boka en "Ninja-taxi" som hämtar till mötet och kör dig hem efteråt. Vi tackar speciellt Skillinge Företagareförening för denna generös sponsring!
Glöm inte att ta med egen dator, laddare och hörlurar om du har!
Besöka gärna CoderDojo Österlens Facebook-sida och läs även mer om CoderDojo här !
Varmt välkomna!
CoderDojo - one rule - Be Cool!
#accelerateCPH /kickoff HACKATHON
25 Nov - 09:00 AM
Frederiksberg, Denmark
Danish techies and entrepreneurs! Do you have awesome ideas for sustainability solutions? Come and sign up for the #accelerateCPH programme run by the E.ON Agile Accelerator. Bring your project to the event and showcase how it can help address the world's energy and sustainability challenges. Collaborate with the best minds in the sustainability segment and compete to win prizes and maybe seed capital.
Telia JUMP - Hackathon
07 Oct - 05:00 PM
København, Denmark
Business managers, developers, graphic artists, marketing gurus and other startup enthusiasts! Participate in Telia JUMP - Hackathon 2016 and collaborate on startup ideas around the theme: INNOVATION FOR BETTER LIVING. Come and help realize the vision for:
»How better living for families can be achieved in a rapidly evolving online culture, where time for real life relations get shorter and shorter?
»How better living can be achieved through the digitalization of the physical world, in the Internet of Things?
»How can we fight the hazards and pitfalls of online communities and services for children and elderly?
»How can wearable-technologies make a positive difference for people?
Hack Integration
07 Oct - 04:30 PM
Copenhagen, Denmark
Are you eager to improve integration in Denmark? Curious about the opportunities of open data? Activists, designers, programmers, start-ups and curious citizens are invited to participate in Hack Integration! Collaborate with like-minded enthusiasts to identify ways to use open data to create viable and sustainable solutions to ease the arrival of migrants and refugees in Denmark.
Hack4DK 2016
23 Sep - 05:00 PM
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hack4DK 2016 is a hackathon of a different flavor than most, with the focus being arts and culture and how they assimilate into popular culture and tech. This years Hack4DK will be held at The Agency for Culture and Palaces in Copenhagen where they and other cultural centers will provide open data and any archives available.
20 Sep - 05:00 PM
Helsingborg, Sweden
The long awaited opening of the THINK Open Space will be met with an event as exciting as the opportunities the new building will bring. A creation of the business department of the municipality and city of Helsingborg, the THINK Open Space will be available to anyone and everyone that would like to attend. Their will be free food and drink, as well as programs by some of the local supports in the community.
Smarter Copenhagen Hackathon
13 May - 07:00 PM
København S, Denmark
The UBER Hackathon has decided to come to Denmark to gather talented people like eager entrepreneurs, engineers, software developers, designers, tech enthusiasts and urban planners for two days and challenges them to create an innovative app that will improve the city. Come along to solve real problems in your city and developing great products in a total of 36h. The sky is the limit! You will be provided with a workspace with high speed internet, food, drinks, and the possibility to stay at the workspace overnight.
11 May - 09:00 AM
Lund, Sweden
This hackathon is inviting all developers, artists, hackars, and designers to gather for an interactive experience on the theme "Building a City for Humans". Come along to take a look towards the future of the human city; a city where technology and art meet, a city built for people with feelings and visions. There will be three tracks that you and your team will be able to choose as challenges: internet, love and mobility. This event is also part of the Art & Tech Skåne Week 2016, which therefore will also be featuring inspiring lectures within the theme.
Future of Data Analytics Hackathon
15 Apr - 05:00 PM
København Ø, Denmark
The Future of Data Analytics is part of Future Hacks. The challenge for this event will be to create technologies of the future together with event partner, Inspari.
Hack Vores Kunst / Hack Our Art
08 Apr - 04:00 PM
Kbh V, Denmark
This hackathon is inviting all developers, designers, data-hackers and art knowers to come and test their skills by discovering new ways of communication, develop data visualizations and tell the story of 50 years of Danish art support and art in public space. The Danish Art Foundation and the Agency for Culture and Castles is teaming up to host a hackathon dedicated to cradle ideas and to the dissemination of art in public spaces. Join this event to nourish new solution and present data driven cases!