Sowing results 3 out of 3
Träff/hack 16.12
  03 Dec - 09:30 AM
  Uppsala, Sweden
Linux hackers in Uppsala Sweden. The Uppsala Linux User Group invites you to come and participate in Hit / hack 16:12. Bring your hardware or software project. Showcase your Linux skills and network with your peers in the Linux community. Discuss Linux technology and solutions and collaborate with other members in the ULUG mini-hackathon.
ULUG mini-hackathon 16.06
  11 Jun - 09:00 AM
  Uppsala, Sweden
Linux techies! Come and demonstrate your software and hardware prowess at the Uppsala Linux Users Group (ULUG) full day mini-hackathon! This is your opportunity to discuss your favourite Linux-based project and exchange knowledge with like-minded people. You can work together on a joint Linux hack, or just sit and enjoy the company. It's your choice!
CodeNight - IoT Hackathon
  17 Mar - 05:00 PM
  Stockholm, Sweden
This is an IoT Hackathon where you will be provided with a bunch of NodeMCU WIFI enabled micro-controllers, a load of DS18B20 temperature sensors and a box of other stuff to build some kickass wireless devices! Just come, pic a micro-controller, a few sensors to play with and make them work together make cool devices that will be connected to other devices or “the cloud”!