Showing results 31 to 32 out of 32
Energy Hackdays 2020
06 Mar - 09:00 AM
Brugg, Switzerland
The fourth edition of the Energy Hackdays is open for registration!
Thanks toan ever-growing interest from the Energy sector at large, participating to the Energy Hackdays 2020 will for sure make a difference!
Where: Hightech Zentrum Aargau, Badenerstrasse 13, 5200 Brugg
When: 6 – 7 March 2020
The13 solutionsdeveloped last year and the creation of an Energy Group by the partners 2019, prove that open Hackdays can make a valuable contribution to collaboration, energy efficiency and to our understanding of energy. Let’s build on these results and use energy datato create a sustainable energy future. We will explore, among other, Intelligent Networks, Sector Coupling, Decentralization, Transparency, Energy Efficiency, Electro-Mobility, energy supply security, Consumer Awareness and Empowerment...
As always, the Energy Hackdays welcomeall kinds of skills and perspectives: students, data analysts, designers, programmers, experts, creative brainsand many more!
GLAMhack 5th Anniversary
29 Feb - 10:00 AM
Bern, Switzerland
We are celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon at the National Library in Bern!!