Showing results 1 to 10 out of 17
Retail in the Era of Digitalization
  29 Nov - 02:00 PM
  Genève, Switzerland
If you're interested in RetailTech, then BusinessIn invites you to participate in their Retail Trade in the Age of Digitalization event. You'll get to enjoy an agenda packed with information on technical innovations in the retail space, followed by practical workshops where you'll be able to showcase your creativity and skills. Note that the event will be held in French.
Hacking 4 Humanity : empowering refugees with technology
  24 Nov - 06:00 PM
  Geneva, Switzerland
Developers, designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs -- both women and men! Are you interested in innovations that can help address the global refugee crisis? Girls in Tech - Switzerland invite you to participate in Hacking 4 Humanity: Empowering Refugees with Technology. You'll be challenged to conceive and prototype solutions that can help refugees and bring good to the world!.
European IT Hackathon by Procter & Gamble
  24 Nov - 05:00 PM
  Petit-Lancy, Switzerland
Swiss techie students or freelancers! If you have a passion for IT and new technologies, then you're invited to participate in the first edition of the European Procter & Gamble IT Hackathon! Showcase your skills and compete to pitch your voice recognition project idea to P&G leaders for a chance to take your idea forward.
Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good **Hackathon**
  10 Nov - 06:00 PM
  Genève, Switzerland
WANT TO USE BIG DATA TO ACHIEVE THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS? Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good brings together un(der)used Big Data sets of Humanitarian and International Development Organizations (I.O.s) and private organizations with the skills, creativity, and business potential of successful technology-based startups and potential founders of startups. After the great success of the Big Data: Techpreneurs 4 Good launch event on the 7th of June with 7 exceptional speakers and 120+ interested participants, we are now onboarding data providers, challenge proposals and obtaining additional financial and in-kind support for this initiative.   In this hackathon & support program, you will: - Learn of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges and aspirations with regards to Big Data - Ideate new business models that leverage Big Data in an economically viable way - and, if further developed, could potentially impact hundreds of thousands lives in a positive manner worldwide.   For whom is Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good for? Data scientists, coders and innovators (on their own, at IOs, startups or at private businesses) who get a kick of manipulating data sets to uncover trends, facts and nuances that can be used to make the world a better place.   Why is this hackathon different? 1) It will be devoted to humanitarian, social and public interest topics. Interdisciplinary teams of selected participants will work together. 2) Post-support: if the team is interested to continue working on the project, potential work space, support and funding may be available     Agenda: Friday, Nov 10:18h00 - 18h30 check-in18h30 - 19h30 kick-off: welcome, inspirational talk, hackathon structure & meet the teams19h30 - 20h00 apéro  Sat, Nov 11:08h00 - 08h45 breakfast08h45 - 09h00 welcome back09h00 - 12h00 hacking time *12h00 - 13h30 lunch13h30 - 15h30 hacking time *15h30 - 16h00 coffee break16h00 - 17h00 mid-review17h00 - 19h00 hacking time *19h00 - 20h00 dinner20h00 - 23h00 hacking time until closing** Sun, Nov 12:08h00 - 08h45 breakfast08h45 - 09h00 welcome back09h00 - 12h00 hacking time *12h00 - 13h30 lunch13h30 - 16h00 final hacking time!16h00 - 16h30 coffee break16h30 - 18h00 presentation of projects18h00 - 18h15 wrap up18h15 - 19h00 apéro    * several business help desks are available throughout the weekend, to be booked for periods of 30min. Topics include: hacking big data for non-techies, business modeling, sales, marketing, coding, etc ** Possibility to sleep at the Hub, if you choose to do so please bring sleeping bag & everything else you might need Open datasets that you can use: - Kaggle: use the search box to find open datasets on everything from government, health, and science to popular games and dating trends  - Humanitarian Data Exchange: large datasets of humanitarian-related indicators - CERN's Open Datasets: access datasets from the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, based on 100 trillion proton collisions. - CIA World Factbook: information on history, population, economy, government, infrastructure and military of 267 countries. - European Union Open Data Portal: interesting place to explore government-related data, with some visualisation tools built-in  - offers open government data from US, EU, Canada, CKAN, and more - UNICEF: statistics on the situation of women and children worldwide - World Health Organization: data on world hunger, health, and disease statistics - Facebook's graph API: query the huge amount of information that users share with the world - Google's Public Data Explorer: data from world development indicators, OECD, and human development indicators - Amazon Web Services public datasets: Huge resource of public data, including the 1000 Genome Project, an attempt to build the most comprehensive database of human genetic information and NASA ’s database of satellite imagery of Earth   You can also find several other databases on Github. You can find more information on Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good at Impact Hub's website.   This hackathon is co-organized by The Port @ CERN:
    Imaginascience2017- Hackathon - Journée collaborative apprentissages de demain
      18 Oct - 08:30 AM
      Annecy, France
    IMAGINASCIENCE 2017 - AU CŒUR DES NOUVELLES PRATIQUES IMMERSIVES ................................................................................ Projet porté par La Turbine Sciences à Annecy, la 5ème édition d’Imaginascience aura lieu les 17, 18 et 19 octobre. L’édition 2017 vous plonge au cœur des nouvelles pratiques immersives au service des apprentissages. ................................................................................ Dans le cadre  journée hackathon organisée avec le réseau Canopé, dans le hall des papeteries. Elèves et professionnels participent en équipe à ce marathon créatif pour réfléchir et produire un prototype pour les apprentissages de demain. Sur la journée, les participants, provenant de différents domaines liés à l'éducation, de l'image, la science ou les musées, combinent leurs habiletés à développer un projet sous forme de vidéo alliant apprentissage et immersion.Coachés par des professionnels et bénéficiant du showroom où vous testerez prototypes et produits en réalité virtuelle, augmenté, son 3d, vous ferez émerger de nouvelles idées pour apprendre ou transmettre les savoirs. Cet événement offre un environnement propice qui permet à aux professionnels et aux élèves d'échanger sur les besoins et envies pour construire les outils de demain. Il encourage l’ingéniosité et la curiosité des participants autour de valeurs communes, soit l’innovation dans le domaine technologique et la transmission.Le hackathon permet par équipe d'élaborer une solution qui répond à un problème spécifique autour de l'apprentissage ou la transmission des sciences, améliore l’expérience de l’utilisateur ou, tout simplement, propose une utilisation innovante d’une technologie immersive. Les équipes seront encadrées par des professionnels et s'appuieront sur les dispositifs présentés au showroom pour enrichir leur réfléxion. Cette expérience immersive favorise l’émulation, la motivation et la créativité.  ................................................................................ Médiateurs, communicants, enseignants, artistes, développeurs ou fans de nouvelles technologies, rejoignez la communauté pour un mix hors du commun ! Manifestation gratuite sur inscription. Organisé par La Turbine Sciences
      Imaginascience 2017
        17 Oct - 08:30 AM
        Annecy, France
      IMAGINASCIENCE 2017 - AU CŒUR DES NOUVELLES PRATIQUES IMMERSIVES ................................................................................ Projet porté par La Turbine Sciences à Annecy, la 5ème édition d’Imaginascience aura lieu les 17, 18 et 19 octobre. Les images de sciences poussées par de nouvelles technologies , facilitent nos apprentissages et nous aident à mieux appréhender notre environnement. L’édition 2017 vous plonge au cœur des nouvelles pratiques immersives au service des apprentissages. ................................................................................ Mardi 17 octobre : L'immersion comme bénéfice pour les utilisateurs. 9h : Matinale sur la thématique « e-santé » www.lespapeteries.com11h - 18h : Ouverture du showroom dans la grande halle des papeteries. Une dizaine de laboratoires et entreprises présentent leurs travaux de recherches : démonstration, test, échange et rencontre autour d’environnements augmentés. 12h : Conférence Evelyne Klinger « La réalité virtuelle au service de la Santé et du Handicap »  Mercredi 18 octobre  : Les apprentissages immersifs en pratique 8h30 - 18h30 : journée hackathon organisée avec le réseau Canopé, dans le hall des papeteries. Elèves et professionnels participent en équipe à ce marathon créatif pour réfléchir et produire un prototype pour les apprentissages de demain.10h - 18h : Showroom dans le grand hall des Papeteries, ateliers pratiques et thématiques. 13h : Conférence Philppe Fuchs La plus value éducative de la réalité virtuelle et augmentée, tendances et risques. 19h : soirée festive Jeudi 19 octobre  : Transmettre les sciences de demain , explorer le ludique. 9h30 : Table ronde à La Turbine, apprendre par le jeu, mettre en immersion son public pour mieux l’impacter. 11h : Retour d’expérience, mise en place et pertinence des dispositifs dans les centre culturels et musées. 14h : Table ronde, livres augmentés, nouveau format d’apprentissage ? 15h30 : Retour sur le hackathon, remise des prix. ................................................................................ Imaginascience est organisée par La Turbine sciences et accompagnée cette année par AMSCTI, CITIA/papeteries Images Factory, CANOPé et du CCSTI Laval. Evenement organisé par La Turbine Sciences
        THE Port 2017 Hackathon - Final Presentations CERN
          08 Oct - 06:00 PM
          Meyrin, Switzerland
        Interdisciplinary teams have been participating in 60-hour THE Port 2017 Hackathon. You are invited to attend the final presentation of participating teams to the judging panel. The teams have been tasked with developing humanitarian technology solutions to challenges including Age Assessment for Migrant Children, Renewable Energy App for Rural Electrification, Waste Management in Refugee Camps, Wearable for Parkinson Development Monitoring, and Cheap Sonic Wobble-Board for Lower-limb Amputees.
        BrainHack Lausanne 2017 - Let's Hack The Tourism!
          29 Sep - 04:00 PM
          Lausanne, Switzerland
        A Hackathon...?? No ; A BrainHack! For this 2nd edition, let's hack together the Tourism in Lausanne! Come to this event without any project, just your brain, your energy and your smile! You will meet others participants, entrepreneurs, designers, developers, hackers, a bunch of creative people! - By team of 5 people, you will hack the TOURISM to find innovative ideas or solutions - You will have 48 hours to develop a prototype or a concept of your product/service - You will meet others participants, all native hackers! - Unlimited food, drinks, crazy and funny activities, workshops, talks, and more To make this event even crazier...we announce you that IBM will give us their Watson technology for the BrainHack!  By groups of 5 people, you will have to choose an idea and work on it during 48h! The groups will be created during the BrainHack and the ideas found during a brainstorming at the beginning!--> t's not an's a real SHOW! Product Tank  Business & Pitch Workshops Fuck Up Night in the Tourism Yoga & Zumba IBM Talk  And more! (MORE!)Join us for this insane event and warm up your brain!
          Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2017
            15 Sep - 10:00 AM
            Écublens, Switzerland
          The open cultural data hackathon brings people with different backgrounds together for two days at the University of Lausanne (Genopode building), where they are invited to interact around specific topics, share experiences, and develop concepts and software prototypes. Typical participants include software programmers, researchers, data providers, designers, artists, and other people interested in open cultural data. There will also be a side programme with a variety of introductory sessions and workshops. Note that the side programme starts already on the afternoon of Thursday, 14 September 2017. Further information about the programme and the open datasets made available for the hackathon can be found at the hackathon website:
            Set up Policy Challenges to Accelerate the Implementation of SDG 5
              31 Aug - 06:30 PM
              Genève, Switzerland
            It is our great pleasure to invite you to the kick-off event of the Think Tank Hub’s newest initiative, the SDG Accelerator #PolicyHack. As an important stakeholder in the Geneva ecosystem of actors dedicated to achieving the 2030 Agenda, we hope you will be able to join us and help us setting up policy challenges aiming at accelerating gender equality and women’s empowerment by sharing your ideas and perspectives. Why the SDG-Accelerator #PolicyHack? While the world has achieved progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment under the Millennium Development Goals (including equal access to primary education between girls and boys), women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world. In this regard, as part of the SDG Accelerator #PolicyHack initiative, a hackathon will take place on November 16 to 18, 2017. This hackathon is a two and a half day event aiming at creating a temporary creative and collaborative space space for the development of new ideas for more effective, efficient, and transparent global, national and local policies. Policy experts and professionals, innovators, technologists, designers, scholars, students will meet and discuss challenges around gender inequalities and experience an effective and efficient process that enables them to come up with concrete and innovative solutions to addresses those issues. The project results from a partnership between the Think Tank Hub Geneva, Switzerland's Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the Impact Hub Geneva, and aims to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We need you! Because a good hackathon depends on the quality and the relevance of its challenges, we need your help to set them up! Let us disrupt current policies together and develop new ideas to address gender inequality challenges!