Showing results 1 to 10 out of 13
Bookcity - Hackathon: promuovere il libro su Instagram
  16 Nov - 10:00 AM
  Milano, Italy
Come promuovere un libro sui social?
    Hack the Hub! Hackathon by SeregnoHub - Accetta la nostra sfida di coding
      16 Nov - 08:30 AM
      Seregno, Italy
    Il primo hackathon di SeregnoHub! La partecipazione è gratuita, ma non sottovalutare la sfida... Ce la farai con il tuo team a vincere?
      USI HACKATHON 2019 // Making Data Alive
        15 Nov - 06:00 PM
        Lugano, Switzerland
      CodeLounge, the center for software research & development of theSoftware Institute, is pleased to announce the USI Hackathon 2019, which will take place in the USI Aula Magnafrom Friday (Nov 15) to Sunday (Nov 17). The USI Hackathon represents a first experiment in Lugano of an open data approach to share city-related data, in particular regarding city mobility flows. To this aim, a number of datasets concerning the city of Lugano and, in particular, its mobility, will be given to the participants. The City of Lugano will provide real data through theLugano Living Labinitiative. The goal of the USI Hackathon 2019 is to find interesting facts and trends in the data (data analysis track) and to leverage the data to build prototypes useful for citizens and tourists (coding track). In the coding track the teams with the best tool or prototype will be awarded, whereas in the data analysis track is all about producing the best data analysis. More details as well as examples of prototypes and analysis can be found in theFAQ. Moreover, there will be a“Mini-Hackathon”, a special competition for kids and their families, will take place on Saturday (November 16) with an award ceremony at the end of the day.
      Hack4Change: flash Hackathon in Bocconi
        09 Nov - 08:30 AM
        Milano, Italy
      Hack4Change è l'evento in cui idee di business sostenibili si trasformano in potenziali startup, in una sola, intensa giornata.
        B-Pioneers | Cercasi idee per migliorare la vita | Hackathon
          08 Nov - 09:00 AM
          Milano, Italy
        Vuoi contribuire a sostenere e migliorare la qualità della vita di una persona con l’atrofia muscolare spinale (SMA)? Partecipa a B-Pioneers
          B-Pioneers | Cercasi idee per migliorare la vita | Biogen SMA Hackathon
            08 Nov - 09:00 AM
            Milano, Italy
          B-Pioneers è la prima hackathon promossa da Biogen per lo sviluppo di soluzioni altamente innovative che migliorino sensibilmente la quotidianità, la qualità della vita e il benessere delle persone con SMA, una malattia genetica neuromuscolare rara che colpisce adulti, bambini e neonati. Ti aspettiamo l'8 e il 9 novembre 2019 a Milano, presso Copernico Isola For S32.
          GalaHACKtic Challenge of Cyber Security
            11 Oct - 10:00 AM
            Busto Arsizio, Italy
          The Cyber Security is nowadays a critical theme for organizations, societies and people.Reti S.p.A., an information technology company located in Italy (Busto Arsizio) decided, creating the GalaHACKtic Challenge, to deal with the Cyber Security matter by organizing an open and free event. IT University students or experts IT people with Cyber Security knowledge or interest my apply to the 2-days event tha will be hostedin Campus Reti (Busto Arsizio, Va, Italy) on October 11thand 12th, during the European Cyber Security Month. The contenders will be integrated in different team depending also on the own competencies and capabilities. The teams will have to exceed some cyber security challenges (hacking others app and defending the own app) prepared by the Reti Security Team. The team who will total up the major points number, will win the competition and gain the award. To apply visit the following link the Open Innovation Platform at Expiryapplicationdate: Friday 4th of October 2019.
          Olivetti Cash Register 4.0 Hackathon
            14 Jun - 05:05 PM
            Milano, Italy
          Perchè partecipare? Con Cash Register 4.0 Hack puntiamo a intercettare idee e soluzioni che possano da subito connettersi al nuovo Cash Register Hub Olivetti. Puntiamo a rafforzare la relazione fra Merchant e cliente finale attraverso l'introduzione di programmi di loyalty, food delivery, prenotazioni, messaggistica. Puntiamo alla digitalizzazione dei processi del Retail, con un nuovo modello di gestione degli stock, del magazzino, delle scadenze dei pagamenti, degli approvvigionamenti.
          Alten Hackathon
            18 May - 08:30 AM
            Pavia, Italy
          Are you a passionate about software development? Would you like to join an international team in Cote D'Azur near by the sea? Then is time to register!!! Hackathon timeline: 8:30 Welcome package 9:00 - 9:30 Presentation of Alten France & Polo Tecnologico di Pavia 9:30 - 10:00 Agile Methodology workshop 10:00 - 10:30 Hackaton induction and team building  10:30 - 12:30 Teams start working on the problem 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break - A buffet will be offered by Alten 13:30 - 17:30 Build prototype 17:30 - 18:30 Jury will review the MVPs 18:30 - 19:00 Announce the winners 19:00 - 19:30 Closing  Alten organized a full day hackathon in collaboration with the University of Pavia. The goal is to give the opportunity to undergraudate/graduate students of master's faculties and developers to embrace the daily team activity in a multinational software company. The attendants will have to form agile teams of 4/5 people and build a working MVP. A jury composed by Alten experts and University professor will judge the output considering two main aspects: individual coding skills and team synergy in deliverying all the tasks. Three teams will be awarded with amazing prices. The first team will also be invited in Sophia Antipolis, Cote D'Azur (travel ad stay reimbursed)  for the final interview with our clients skipping all the interview process. 
            Global Legal Hackathon Milano
              22 Feb - 03:35 PM
              Milano, Italy
            From 22 to 24 February over 5,000 participants will compete for 48 hours non-stop in a Hackathon that will take place simultaneously in 20 countries and 40 cities around the world. The winning team at local level will win a prize of 5,000 euros will participate in a semi-final (virtual) and will have the opportunity to advance to the final!