Sowing results 8 out of 8
Hackathon - Open Data - Données de santé
  10 Sep - 09:00 AM
  Besançon, France
Healthcare? Big Data? Healthcare hackers, come and collaborate on open data/health data.
Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016
  01 Jul - 09:00 AM
  Basel, Switzerland
Interested in open cultural data? Sign up to attend and participate at the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016. This hackathon brings together people with different backgrounds--programmers, researchers, data providers, designers, artists, and others--who are interested in open cultural data. Participants are invited to interact around specific topics, share experiences, and develop concepts and software prototypes.
Hackathon : les archives du Temps
  17 Jun - 09:00 AM
  Lausanne, Switzerland
Le Temps is organizing a hackathon on for historians, developers, designers, journalists, scientists, and anyone who is interested in exploring the two hundred years of history seen through the daily press of Le Temps. At this event, the numbers of all newspapers prior to the creation of Time will be accessible, that is to say: La Gazette de Lausanne (1798-1998), The Journal de Genève (1826-1998), and Le Nouveau Quotidien (1991-1998). No prior training is required. Participants will be invited to form groups. The type of project you make is free, You can for example make the home page of the website more engaging to users by presenting a selection of content, inviting exploration of archives through games, to work on innovative interfaces to program the bots able to share content on social media, or to create a work of historical analysis to map the places in the articles, etc. The projects that will reach an advanced level of achievement can be integrated with the permission of their authors, on the current site of the archives: This website is freely accessible, and not commercially exploited. You will have access to archiving of data, flipboards, the required means, and internet.
Hackathon Smartvillages 2016 - Accès, mobilité & services pour les villages
  14 May - 08:00 AM
  Les Diablerets, Switzerland
This is a hackathon on creating "Smart Cities" organized by Ecovillage. At this event you will develop new applications and tools for villages. The main theme of this edition is "Access, Mobility & services for the villages". So come participate in this event and be part of the design of the connected world of tomorrow!
Hackathon Ecovillages 2016
  14 May - 12:00 AM
  Les Diablerets, Switzerland
The Ecovillages Hackathon is all about "Smart Cities" and "Smart Villages". To accompany the 5th edition of its annual forum, which will deal with the digital revolution, Ecovillage is organizing this hackathon in order to develop new ICT applications and tools. The central theme of the hackathon is "Access, Mobility & services for the villages'. Setting up a creative space for coworking, networking and brainstorming. Come participate in the design of the connected world of tomorrow!
Hackathon Mobilité
  13 May - 08:00 AM
  Sierre, Switzerland
This is a hackathon organized around the theme of mobility. This event is open to all computer scientists, designers and professionals to develop innovative IT solutions.
Swiss Open Energy Data Hackday 2016
  08 Apr - 10:00 AM
  Mont-Crosin, Switzerland
The Open Energy Data Hack Days will be held on two different locations and under the label with as slogan "We go where the energy is coming from"! This event is for developers, visualiser, thinkers, designers, journalists, and interested Energiespeizalisten. Please bring your own hardware the rest will all be provided to you. Come and help to increase the energy efficiency in future Switzerland!
Power (2,5) Hackathon
  30 Jan - 09:00 AM
  Fribourg, Switzerland
The goal of "Power (2.5) Hackathon" is to design an Android application to enhance the lives of seniors. Participants will work in teams of 3 persons for 25 hours (= 32 hours) in the premises of La Haute école d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Fribourg.