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Wazihub IoT Hackathon
  07 Dec - 07:30 AM
  Kampala, Uganda
Techies in Uganda! If you're passionate about the use of IoT technologies to solve problems facing Uganda now and in the future, then you're invited to participate in the Wazihub IoT Hackathon. All are welcome (see code of conduct)! Come with a team, or join one at the event. Your team of 5-7 people will create an innovative IoT solution that involves the interconnection of devices over wireless networks. Your project can address your choice of a challenge such as traffic, environmental pollution, parkings, buildings, public safety, economic development, public health, collaborative infrastructure maintenance. The challenges include: → Agriculture, → Smart Cities, → Intelligent Building, → Connected Cars, → Smart Retail, → Energy Management, → Healthcare, or → Poultry and Farming. Pitch your project to a judging panel to win recognition and rewards.
Uganda Zoohackathon 2019
  16 Nov - 08:00 AM
  Entebbe, Uganda
Are you a Coder? Designer? Visionary? Are you passionate about wildlife? Join us for the 2nd consecutive Zoohackathon in Uganda.