Showing results 241 to 250 out of 262
Let's disrupt everything with Blockchain! - 31 January 2018 6:00pm London
31 Jan - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Hello folks2017 has been a smashing year for the blockchain industry. 2018 is going to be even bigger! Get ready for 2018!Three preeminent Blockchain projects from around the world will speak to the audience about how they are disrupting entire industries with blockchain applications.31 Jan 20186:00 pm to 9:00pmVenue: London Business School Campus
LBS Samy Ofer Centre (New Campus), Marylebone Road
Lecture Theatre LT18
About Capital Coin: Global Tour to unleash blockchain led paradigm shift in Capital Markets
Luke Shipley will present R_Block
"R_Block is a decentralized, anonymous hiring network., powered by a blockchain based referencing dApp. They believe in the world of Web3.0 everybody will be rewarded for sharing their time and data. They're tackling worthwhile problems of data abuse, prejudice and centralisation in hiring.
They have a Beta dApp running on the Ethereum testnet that has received some promising feedback from early customers; GOCardless, Qualcomm, and Aventus. Talent Manager - GoCardless: "R_Block is a simple easy to use intuitive piece of software that I foresee completely rejuvenating employee & employer referencing using intuitive Blockchain technology."
They've recently published a new Whitepaper and they have a shorter synopsis in a paper they call, the Blackpaper"
Arifa Khan will present Capital Coin
Arifa Khan, a former investment banker with Credit Suisse and UBS has embarked on her global DGCAMP tour to disrupt traditional Investment Banking industry with Blockchain and Smart Contract led Fintech Innovation. She is Ethereum India Partner.Through the DGCAMP platform, she intends to bring transparency to the global capital market ecosystem which would empower both asset issuers and investors to discover and conduct transactions in a transparent manner. This would shake up the $66 trillion-dollar global securities market backed by cozy investment bankers.The innovation would usher a beginning of a new era with no role for intermediaries. The platform would knit a core blockchain led infrastructure that would open immense possibilities - Digital IPO, Start-ups raising Venture and Private Equity capital, Corporate Bond Issuance, M&A’s and Cross-Border Transactions, Governments issuing Treasuries and other infrastructure bonds – that without paying a hefty fee to Investment Banks!The technology driven platform would open a channel for the best minds in Asset Management and Investment Banking industry to design innovative applications adding value to both investors and capital seekers. This would be a Google, Apple moment for the Financial Services Industry! And an Uber moment for Investment Banking! Arifa had a successful tour Sep-Dec 2017 : Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Kiev, Brussels, Paris , Seoul, Mexico, Davos, Zug, Chennai, Macau, Kualalumpur. She has been meeting Bitcoin and Blockchain community, potential investors, market participants, strategic partners and potential team members in order to build a user community for Capital Coin.Investment Banks and Trading Exchanges across the world are demonstrating their interest in these technologies with super disruptive potential.Arifa Khan speaking at a Blockchain Technology Panel at Bengaluru Tech Summit 17-18 Nov 2017 hosted by Govt of Karnataka, India.Blockchain World Showcase - Dates - January 20184-6 January - Ethereum Dev Hackathon on Decentralised Exchanges - Singapore 8 Jan Seoul , World ICO Showcase, South Korea
8 Jan Hong Kong
9 Jan Shenzhen, Blockchain Showcase, China10 Jan Shanghai, Blockchain Showcase, China12 Jan Tokyo, World ICO Showcase, Japan16 Jan Mumbai, World ICO Showcase, India22 Jan Davos, Switzerland - World Economic Forum Special !!This series is a gathering of “thoughtful, iconoclastic blockchain enthusiasts” from around the world who share a common interest in how can we solve problems with decentralized solutions for sustainable development through global innovation. Our vision is ambitious, which is nothing less than to reshape the entire way we think about decentralized development and growth.
Zero Field Labs, Fintech Storm and Himalaya Labs are joining forces with some leading lights in Asia to bring disruptive blockchain platforms to capital markets and financial securities industry (stocks and bonds) which is estimated at USD85 trillion, with over USD3 trillion of trading daily.All blockchain disrupters, inventors, ICOs, Cryptocurrencies, Tokens who want to present can get in touch with us. Team@Himalayalabs.comThis event is brought to you by DGCAMP - HimalayaWe are mighty thrilled to be presenting Himalaya ICO - DGCAMP for the blockchain cryptocurrency community.Read more on our ground-breaking innovation DGCAMP that will break the bank!
Two years since invention, Ethereum has already disrupted one industry big time. Venture Capital and traditional equity funding. Now for those naysayers who say tokens are Ethereum's killer app, we will prove them wrong!Here's yet another disruptive solutionLadies and Gentlemen - presenting DGCAMP to you!DGCAMP is potentially one of the biggest real world applications for Blockchain. DGCAMP takes direct aim at investment banks and intermediaries. DGCAMP can raise capital for anyone without the need for investment banks and intermediaries. DGCAMP envisages a smart contract architecture replacing the manual processes involved in investment banking, in the issuance of corporate equity and debt securities — processes characterised by opacity and high fees. (Read our preliminary paper on ) "Intermediaries in complex markets thrive on “the theory of opacity” and deliberately propagate the theory to further their own interests. The theory simply states that opacity of a process attracts intermediaries, and the more the opacity of a system or process, the more the intermediary can take away from the buyer or seller surplus. DGCAMP aims to do away with opacity in capital markets." - Arifa Khan, Founder Himalaya Labs — July 2017 Decentralised Global Capital Markets Platform ( DGCAMP ) is a new-age architecture where investors of capital and seekers of capital can interact freely, trustlessly and with minimum friction. The platform can operate with and without intermediaries. DGCAMP — A definition:DGCAMP is a blockchain and smart-contract driven platform where issuers (public and private firms, governments, non-profit foundations) can access a broad class of primary market investors (both institutional and retail), complete a variety of automated transactions and processes (such as book building, auctions, syndications, dividend distributions) and can issue a broad array of digital assets to investors. Investors of every type, jurisdiction and financial status can use the platform to learn about investment opportunities across the globe, their regulatory aspects, risks and expected returns, to access due diligence reports, and to invest directly without having to go through intermediaries. A secondary market layer with buyers, sellers, arbitrageurs can easily complement this system. The system can first be envisaged as a single-country system and then extended to a multi-country global marketplace.Capital allocation will be made in a cryptographically secure, quick, efficient, trustless way.
If you are a cutting edge blockchain developer, technical architect, UX UI designer, Dapps developer , strategist, financial services expert, Intellectual Property, Patent and Legal expert, this is your chance to join this game changing revolution now! Blockchain applications and ICOs so far have targeted well known industries and applications that were elaborated in Satoshi Nakamoto and Vitalik Buterin white papers.The real Wall Street is still a blue ocean opportunity for blockchain. We are the first to take aim at it. Come create history with us! Join the task force which is aiming to create a disruptive blockchain platform to take on wall street!We have hosted hackathons in India with Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum where we partnered with Ethereum Foundation and Consensys for Blockchain India Week May 2017!
To kickstart the new year with a bang, we are doing the World ICO Showcase in January 2018.
Join us and start your community building and outreach mission right away if you have a world changing, disruptive ICO.9 Jan Shenzhen10 Jan Shanghai12 Jan Tokyo16 Jan Mumbai22 Jan Davos, Switzerland just before the World Economic Forum.31 Jan LondonTeam@himalayalabs.comSponsors and Partners, ICOs that want to join us on roadhsows, get in touch with us!About DGCAMP & Capital CoinRead our preliminary paper on Decentralised Global Capital Markets Platform (DGCAMP) here ( is DGCAMP ? is potentially one of the biggest real world applications for Blockchain. DGCAMP envisages a smart contract architecture replacing the manual processes involved in investment banking, in the issuance of corporate equity and debt securities — processes characterised by opacity and high fees.(Read our preliminary paper (
DGCAMP aims to do away with opacity in capital markets. Decentralised Global Capital Markets Platform ( DGCAMP ) is a new-age architecture where investors of capital and seekers of capital can interact freely, trustlessly and with minimum friction. The platform can operate with and without intermediaries. DGCAMP — A definition: DGCAMP is a blockchain and smart-contract driven platform where issuers (public and private firms, governments, non-profit foundations) can access a broad class of primary market investors (both institutional and retail), complete a variety of automated transactions and processes (such as book building, auctions, syndications, dividend distributions) and can issue a broad array of digital assets to investors. Investors of every type, jurisdiction and financial status can use the platform to learn about investment opportunities across the globe, their regulatory aspects, risks and expected returns, to access due diligence reports, and to invest directly without having to go through intermediaries. A secondary market layer with buyers, sellers, arbitrageurs can easily complement this system. The system can first be envisaged as a single-country system and then extended to a multi-country global marketplace. Capital allocation will be made in a cryptographically secure, quick, efficient, trustless way.Decentralised Capital Markets Platform for Digitally Represented Assets (DGCAMP)Benefits of DGCAMP:Disintermediation of Investment Banking by a Digital Asset Issuance Platform:A Smart Contract Architecture can replace everything an investment bank does in securities issuance — book building, IPO pricing, algorithm-based allotment of digitised assets to various subscribers, accepting payments and issuing digital securities, custody of digitised assets Cost saving, for example:Taking Away IPO fees of 7–10%De-risking of issuance process :Eliminating counter-party and settlement risksPost-issue management of investor base and performance reportingDigital coupon and dividend distributionGlobal Open Access Trust-less Platform for direct interaction between Investors and Capital-seekersGlobal efficient capital flows between countriesPotential App Market Place for Asset Management Industry and intermediaries to build on our Core PlatformReputation scoring of investors and issuers enabled over timePotential platform for independent service providers to sell Research, Due Diligence, Legal and Regulatory ProductsDecentralisation of Access to Capital!Decentralisation of Innovation!“As a professional provider of investment advisory services, including, for example, management of liquidity funds on stock exchanges, we are very interested in lowering the transaction fees as those direct expenses paid to different counterparties like DMA brokers, custody etc lowers the returns for our customers. So we are very interested in such an exchange that would give us the reasonable safety within the regulated scope and good fees to more bigger returns.” - Alexander Zitsev, Founder, Raison AI"As if online book building/ trading was not enough, the Crypto Economy, with a much more vast array of possibilities is likely to overhaul the way in which primary and secondary capital markets operate. To pick just a couple of aspects that are 'ripe targets’ - the current, less than optimum allocation and settlement protocols are suddenly looking almost archaic, highly inefficient and often described as bordering on being unfair."- Maneesh Malhotra, Capital Coin ICO Adviser, Senior Debt Capital Market Specialist, having worked with HSBC for almost 2 decades in India and South East Asia, opened new currency and geographical markets for a vast array of capital raising entities, while maintaining a deep interaction with regulatory bodies in different jurisdictions. He now works at a boutique Corporate Finance Advisory outfit in Singapore, covering Asia Pacific region.DGCAMP serves as a substitute to the current manually-intensive, time-bound and costly processes involved in the issuance of real world securities for corporates, governments, and non-profits.About Ms Arifa Khan, Founder Himalaya Labs, Capital CoinArifa Khan is Ethereum India Partner.Arifa's latest project is setting up a Decentralised Capital Markets Platform for Initial Public Offerings through a tokenised platform for securities. She will be leading the Capital Coin ICO in early 2018 as CEO and Founder. Arifa is Member WhartonUK Club Committee, Founder Europe-India Conclave Series, speaker at ICBI's "Payments International 2015" and an acclaimed painter. Arifa has spoken at several international blockchain conferences alongside Vitalik Buterin. She was a speaker at several international blockchain conferences in 2017 in Macau, China, Ethereum India Summit featuring Vitalik Buterin, Davos (D10e), Istanbul (ICO Summit), Bengaluru Tech Summit, Kiev (Blockchain UA) etc.She is a London based Blockchain & Fintech expert, a seasoned Banking & finance, strategy and operations executive, with over 15 years experience in Investment banking, Leveraged Finance/ Financial Sponsors Coverage/ Debt Products & Credit. She has worked with two suisse banks Credit Suisse & UBS, which honed her ability in deal origination, analysing strategic growth maps of companies, leading teams for impeccable execution. She has deep sector expertise in Banking & Financial services & Fintech, operational insights, the business acumen to forge big strategic partnerships. She currently advises Government of India on infrastructure financing. Arifa has an MBA from The Wharton School of Business, USA. She is also mathematically gifted, and has a B.Tech from IIT Madras. She is a Blockchain evangelist. Her profile features in Femtech Leaders.Arifa is also the architect of Europe India Conclave and Token Storm Global Tour.She writes a popular series chronicling her Blockchain World Tour on "Tales of a crypto nomad". )Here is what Londoners say: ( )Join us on our upcoming Token Storm World ICO Showcase!
Drop us an email
Join our wechat group "Capital Coin" .
If you'd like to talk to the organisers, or join their project - drop an email to
The GC-CXO Forum - Legal Function Clean Page Hackathon
31 Jan - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
UK lawyers and business leaders! Are you concerned about how the legal function operates in your organization? Board effectiveness consultant, Ciarán Fenton, invites you to sign up to participate in The GC-CXO Forum - The First Legal Function Relaunch Workshop. You'll be part of a two-person team of a lawyer and a business leader and be challenged to create a draft plan for the relaunch of the function -- designing an in-house legal function from scratch.
Six 21: Project Sleeper Hackathon
27 Jan - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Students from Six 21! You're invited to sign up to participate in the Six 21: Project Sleeper Hackathon. You will be a member of a team that brainstorms and develops an innovative solution and prototype for one of the issues of teenage sleep. Present your solution to a public audience and they will vote for the winning solution that best meets their needs.
Global Game Jam - Newspeak House edition
26 Jan - 05:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Gaming enthusiasts in the Greater London Area! Come and participate in the Newspeak House London location of the Global Game Jam — the world's largest game jam event, where you can collaborate with like-minded individuals to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating and testing your own new game — all in less than 48 hours.
Global Game Jam 2018 SAE Institute London - OFFICIAL REGISTRATION
26 Jan - 03:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Gaming enthusiasts in the Greater London Area! Come and participate in the SAE Institute London location for the Global Game Jam — the world's largest game jam event, where you can collaborate with like-minded individuals to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating and testing your own new game — all in less than 48 hours.
Break into the Blockchain space! Hands-on Blockchain Developer Workshop.
25 Jan - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Due to popular demand and positive feedback from our students we are running a series of Blockchain developer workshops in London. Big thank go out to Linklaters in London for hosting us. This will be our 10th developer workshops so far in London plus one in Zug, Switzerland. We have trained over 220+ developers to date since Jan 2017, our students have gone on to work as a Blockchain Developer and others have set up their own Blockchain start up.
Join our two-day Blockchain Developer hands-on workshop and be at the very forefront of this new technology. Our workshop consists of topics that all future Blockchain Developers must know and we incorporate plenty of hands-on development sessions. Our goal is to help regular Application Developers become Blockchain Developers. This workshop is also available on-site for start-ups and corporates at your desired location during the weekday and weekends.
Day 1
Intro to Blockchains, Bitcoin and Byzantine Fault Tolerant Networks
Intro to Ethereum and Smart Contracts
Hands-on development on Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contracts
Day 2
Smart Contracts Security and Ethereum Internals - Cryptography, Consensus, EVM, Privacy plus more
Intro to Formal Verification
What to know as a Blockchain Developer plus more
Hands-on development on Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contracts
This workshop comes with one month of continued on-line support via our own dedicated Gitter channel.
After the workshop, we hope our students will continue coding, learning and exploring the Ethereum platform, and in good time, we hope our students will have the opportunity to work professionally in the Blockchain space. With this in mind, to help our students succeed, we are providing a dedicated Gitter channel after the workshop where our students have up to a month to ask further questions in relation to Ethereum, smart contracts etc.
Recommended development experience
Minimum of 6 months development experience is required. If you are a student and would like to attend, you must come from a Computer Science and Software Engineering background.
We have a great line up of trainers that will help you break into the Blockchain space.
Matthew Di Ferrante
Matthew is a Software Engineer with a passion for Information Security, Cryptography, and Distributed Networks. He has worked in many different areas, from hardware, embedded and kernel programming, to data mining, analytics, and network / systems programming. He first started learning programming at 12 years old, and is completely self taught, both on the practical side of programming, and on the theoretical side of computer science, mathematics, and cryptography. Matthew was first exposed to Bitcoin in late 2010 due to his interest in information security, as Bitcoin was first mainly used on darknets/Silk Road, and got fully involved in the Blockchain space around the time Ethereum started to exist - beginning his foray while living with Vitalik Buterin and long time friend Vlad Zamfir (Creator of Ethereum's Casper Protocol) in London for a few months.
Matthew currently works as a Technical Lead at Clearmatics developing Blockchain Technology for financial use cases, a member of the Ethereum Foundation Security Team and FounderlLead auditor at Zero Knowledge Labs focusing on smart contracts security auditing.
In his free time, Matthew works on personal hardware projects, gives Information Security and Blockchain related talks at various events, and organise one of the largest monthly Information Security events in the North-West. Matthew’s design for a Secure Oracles Reputation System on Ethereum recently won first place for Smart Contract Security at the Thomson Reuters HackETHon.
Matthew will be introducing developers to the way the Blockchain works technically, and what its potential applications could be. He will cover the workings and history of the Bitcoin Blockchain, as well as Ethereum and its concept of smart contracts that allow Turing complete code to execute on a virtual machine on the Blockchain.
Matthew will also talk about Smart Contracts Security and Ethereum Internals. He will discuss the most important areas to know as a Blockchain Developer. Matthew will hold a Q&A session after each topic.
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson is a Senior Software Engineer and has been working in the software engineering space for the past 16 years. Nick is currently working as a Software Engineer for the Ethereum Foundation and prior to this, he worked at Google for a number of years.
He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in Solidity that he loves to share and will be teaching how to write and develop smart contracts during the hands-on development session, and will give students the opportunity to ask questions in relation to the Ethereum platform.
Laurence Kirk
After a successful career writing low latency financial applications in the City of London, Laurence was captivated by the potential of Blockchain Technology, and in particular smart contracts.
Two years ago, Laurence moved to Oxford and set up, a consultancy working with start-ups in the UK and overseas, developing applications on the Ethereum platform. He brings with him a wealth of real world experience that he loves to share with those new to this area.
Laurence hold a Physics degree from Durham University, and currently taking his MSc in Software Engineering at Oxford University. In addition to giving talks, mentoring at hackathons, and running groups about Blockchain Technology, Laurence also organise Artificial Intelligence and Data Science groups in Oxford.
During the workshop, Laurence will be teaching Solidity (an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts) from the simplest smart contract up to interacting with a web application. The focus is very much the practical techniques that are needed when developing on Ethereum. The sessions will be very hands on, encouraging students to practice and explore Ethereum and raise any questions students might have regarding the Ethereum platform.
Jerome Rousselot
Jerome is a co founder, advisor, public speaker and Blockchain developer in the blockchain industry. Jerome left his job as Android TV technical lead at Marvell Technology and relocated to London to create Mycelium UK in 2014. He now helps the Mycelium wallet to break even and deliver its roadmap.
Jerome has also been involved in exchanges, micro finance, insurance, fair betting, supply chain, gaming, secure hardware, smart contracts and teaching software developers. Jerome's startup Jita is coached by the Singularity University.
He is a fellow of the Startup Leadership Program and obtained his PhD in Computer Science at EPFL, Switzerland. Jerome has a passion for teaching others who are genuinely interested in learning about Blockchain technology.
Nick Zeeb
Nick is a passionate advocate for Blockchain Technology and loves teaching technical concepts in an understandable way. He was previously the Lead Engineer at Clearmatics, a London Blockchain financial start-up and has expertise in high performance trading systems.
Nick holds a Master’s degree in Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Oxford. He has given a number of talks on the subject of Blockchain Technology.
Nick will be introducing developers to the way the Blockchain works technically, and what its potential applications could be. He will cover the workings and history of the Bitcoin Blockchain, as well as Ethereum and its concept of smart contracts that allow Turing complete code to execute on a virtual machine on the Blockchain. Nick will hold a Q&A session after each topic.
There will be plenty of Q&A throughout the whole two day workshop.
Date: Thursday 25th & Friday 26th of January, 2018
Time: 10:00 to 18:00
Workshop Location: Linklaters, 1, Silk Street, EC2Y 8HQ
Breakfast and lunch are provided during the workshop on both days.
This event is brought to you by The Blockchain Connector.
Antonio Sabado is the founder of The Blockchain Connector, a training and recruitment company focusing entirely on Blockchain technology. If you are hiring or looking for your next job opportunity in the blockchain space, please get in touch. Antonio has 10+ years experience working closely with global Investment Banks placing and managing highly skilled eTrading Technology professionals. Antonio has an extensive network, ranging from mid to senior level technology and business professionals across various sectors. He is an organiser of several Blockchain focused events in London aimed at software developers and business users.
The Blockchain Connector’s goal is to build a blockchain developer community by helping regular developers become blockchain developers. We host regular hands-on developer workshops, technical deep dive sessions and hackathons. We train and recruit developers on behalf of start-ups and global firms working on Blockchain related projects. We are also planning a series of Blockchain focused seminars for business users/non-technical users to take place in London.
We have the resources to organise and mentor blockchain based hackathons. Contact us if you are a blockchain based company who would like to sponsor one of our hackathons or you would like us to lend you a helping hand with organising a hackathon.
Developer Training:
We have the resources and expertise to offer companies a blockchain developer focused training on site. Alternatively, developers can join our monthly hands-on developer workshop in London.
We have the network to help you build your development team. Contact us if you are a company looking to hire or a developer looking for your next job opportunity.
Volunteer Developers:
We have access to developers who are looking to contribute to open source projects on a volunteer basis. Contact us if you have an Ethereum based project that require volunteer developers. Alternatively, contact us if you are a developer looking to gain commercial blockchain development experience.
Future events:
Click HERE to view all our up and coming blockchain related events.
Blockchain Developer Monthly meetup:
Join our developer focused meetup group held monthly in London. This meetup group is strictly for developers only. Technical talk made for a technical audience.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us on or +44 7923 521 833.
Twitter: &
Hackadram - a hackathon to define the future of spirits around the world
25 Jan - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Calling innovators of all kinds - from bartenders, technologists, luxury experts, developers, retailers, baristas and more! Come and participate in the Hackadram -- a hackathon to define the future of spirits around the world. Come as a team -- or join one at the event -- and collaborate to design and prototype a solution to your choice of four challenges -- from the drinking experience to the future of e-commerce and bartender engagement. Present your team's project to a panel of judges for the chance to take your solution forward.
Future Democracy - Alternative Models of Democracy
22 Jan - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Join us in this meeting at Conway Hall where we look at the inadequacies of our democratic system and consider four alternatives to create a better democracy for us all.
This will be the first meeting in our series held jointly with the Conway Hall Ethical Society and that will look at different models of Future Democracy and also Education Transformation.. Each meeting will have a £5 entrance fee but for fully paid up members of GlobalNet21 and the Ethical Society then it will be free. You can choose to join GlobalNet21 or the Conway Hall Ethical Society and get access to all our events in the coming year free of charge.
It is clear that our existing system of representative democracy falls short of providing good government or adequately representing the will of the people. As a result there has been growing discontent and a lack of trust in both politics and politicians.
But if our existing system is no longer fit for purpose then what is the solution. What alternative is there that can form the basis for a more inclusive democracy.
Here we look at four alternative models of democracy and open the discussion up to those there so that we can not just identify what is wrong with the present system but how we can move forward to one restores our faith in the political process.
The four models that we will examine and discuss are.
• Deliberative Democracy is an effective way of engaging citizens in the democratic process at a much deeper level than voting. Pilot projects around the world have consistently shown how ordinary citizens are capable of intelligent dialogue that produces clear-sighted policy proposals. Drawing on his work with the Wise Democracy Pattern Language Andy will outline the reasons why citizen deliberation is vital for future democracy."
This will be presented by Andy Paice whose work is to facilitate and catalyse new ways of working and living that are fit for the realities of the 21st century. He coaches people, offers mindfulness classes and runs workshops and trainings. He is a champion of deeper and more participatory forms of democracy.
• Sortition is the use of random selection to populate assemblies or fill political positions. An assembly that uses sortition would be composed of people just like you and me: it would be a representative random sample of people, making decisions in an informed, fair and deliberative setting.
This will be presented by Peter Cross of the Sorition Foundation. Peter’s interest in and frustration with the poor state of our “democratic” government was awakened when he came across the idea of sortition. He recently joined The Sortition Foundation which aims to promote and to institute sortition as a means of empowering citizens’ assemblies.
• Digital Democracy With the advent of the Internet can democracy be effectively based on the people's will and can it replace representative democracy with more direct online citizen involvement? And can it make democracy global where many of the decisions we face cross national boundaries. Using digital tools and methods like hackathons can our democracy change for the better?
This will be presented by Max Kalis a Senior Strategist at Start, an agency delivering problem solving brand, retail and digital design. He also founded the Influx Trust, a charity for promoting better understanding and engagement between the UN and the public, which delivered a global hackathon series ‘Connect2Effect’ in 9 countries in 2017 to support public engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals ( ).
• Proportional Representation is the idea that seats in parliament should be allocated so that they are in proportion to the votes cast. Rather than the winner-take all approach of other systems, proportional representation ensures that votes carry equal weight.
This will be presented by Jessica Garland who is the Director of Policy and Research at the Electoral Reform Society. Jess is a former Senior Political Adviser, she has spent six years working in Parliament for Shadow Ministers and MPs. Jess is responsible for policy and research development for the Society. She has a Research Masters in Government, Policy and Politics and was formerly Chair of a youth-led volunteering charity.
Future Democracy - Alternative Models of Democracy (Student Ticket)
22 Jan - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Join us in this meeting at Conway Hall where we look at the inadequacies of our democratic system and consider four alternatives to create a better democracy for us all.
This will be the first meeting in our series held jointly with the Conway Hall Ethical Society and that will look at different models of Future Democracy and also Education Transformation.. Each meeting will have a £5 entrance fee but for fully paid up members of GlobalNet21 and the Ethical Society then it will be free. You can choose to join GlobalNet21 or the Conway Hall Ethical Society and get access to all our events in the coming year free of charge.
It is clear that our existing system of representative democracy falls short of providing good government or adequately representing the will of the people. As a result there has been growing discontent and a lack of trust in both politics and politicians.
But if our existing system is no longer fit for purpose then what is the solution. What alternative is there that can form the basis for a more inclusive democracy.
Here we look at four alternative models of democracy and open the discussion up to those there so that we can not just identify what is wrong with the present system but how we can move forward to one restores our faith in the political process.
The four models that we will examine and discuss are.
• Deliberative Democracy is an effective way of engaging citizens in the democratic process at a much deeper level than voting. Pilot projects around the world have consistently shown how ordinary citizens are capable of intelligent dialogue that produces clear-sighted policy proposals. Drawing on his work with the Wise Democracy Pattern Language Andy will outline the reasons why citizen deliberation is vital for future democracy."
This will be presented by Andy Paice whose work is to facilitate and catalyse new ways of working and living that are fit for the realities of the 21st century. He coaches people, offers mindfulness classes and runs workshops and trainings. He is a champion of deeper and more participatory forms of democracy.
• Sortition is the use of random selection to populate assemblies or fill political positions. An assembly that uses sortition would be composed of people just like you and me: it would be a representative random sample of people, making decisions in an informed, fair and deliberative setting.
This will be presented by Peter Cross of the Sorition Foundation. Peter’s interest in and frustration with the poor state of our “democratic” government was awakened when he came across the idea of sortition. He recently joined The Sortition Foundation which aims to promote and to institute sortition as a means of empowering citizens’ assemblies.
• Digital Democracy With the advent of the Internet can democracy be effectively based on the people's will and can it replace representative democracy with more direct online citizen involvement? And can it make democracy global where many of the decisions we face cross national boundaries. Using digital tools and methods like hackathons can our democracy change for the better?
This will be presented by Max Kalis a Senior Strategist at Start, an agency delivering problem solving brand, retail and digital design. He also founded the Influx Trust, a charity for promoting better understanding and engagement between the UN and the public, which delivered a global hackathon series ‘Connect2Effect’ in 9 countries in 2017 to support public engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals ( ).
• Proportional Representation is the idea that seats in parliament should be allocated so that they are in proportion to the votes cast. Rather than the winner-take all approach of other systems, proportional representation ensures that votes carry equal weight.
This will be presented by Jessica Garland who is the Director of Policy and Research at the Electoral Reform Society. Jess is a former Senior Political Adviser, she has spent six years working in Parliament for Shadow Ministers and MPs. Jess is responsible for policy and research development for the Society. She has a Research Masters in Government, Policy and Politics and was formerly Chair of a youth-led volunteering charity.
Lab Liftoff: #RobotZoo
21 Jan - 11:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Parents in the London area! The Institute of Imagination invites kids - age 7 and above to participate in Lab Liftoff: #RobotZoo all-day workshop. They'll get to learn about and interact with robotics. Using kits provided, the kids will design and build a Robot Zoo, creating moving robot animals.