Showing results 71 to 80 out of 262
Develop a Successful IT Tech Startup Business Today! London - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
29 Oct - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful IT Startup Company Today!
Always wanted to start an tech startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own IT Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own IT Startup into the market.
During this IT Startup workshop we will cover:
Session 1: IT Basics
During this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
IT Hardware
IT Software
IT Platforms
IT Projects
IT Systems
IT Blueprint
IT Tools
IT Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startup
IT Consulting Chatbot
Remote IT Support
IT Support Chatbot
Operative System Scripting
Database Maintenance
IT Monitoring Dashboard
IT Systems Performance Analytics
Operative System Logging
Network Maintenance
IT Networking Chatbot
IT Operations VR/AR Lab
Agriculture Industry
Healthcare Industry
IT Drone Management
IT Repairment
Data BD Analytics Dashboard
Cloud Solution Configurations
Storage/Backup Solutions
IT Automation
ITIL Process Improvement
IoT Data Integrations
Technician Chatbot
SySAdmin Tasks Automation
Ticket Issue System Management
Technical Documentation
Database Design Solutions
System Analytics
Server Migration Solutions
Configure Management
Web/Application Server Management
OS Virtualization Management
IT Architectual Solutions
SLA Agreements
Hosting Solutions
File Server Solutions
Mail Server Solutions
IT Project Management
VR SysOps
Augmented Administration
Automated DevOps
Healthcare Infrastructure
IoT DevOps
Vehicle Infrastructure
Real Time Monitoring
Streaming Services
Gaming Industry
E-Commerce Industry
Hosting On Demand
Airport DevOps
App/Cloud Hosting
Cloud Healthcare
Logistical Cloud
VR Cloud
Fintech Cloud
Cloud Retail
Industrial Cloud
Cloud Monitoring
Cloud 3D Mapping
Cloud Intranet
Traffic System
Food Cloud
and much more
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing
Unlimited Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations
VIP Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops
Gold Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops + 24/7/365 Access + Unlimited Attendees Registration
"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M."Not able to tell you how happy I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping future tomorrow" - Cohen. A
""I am completely blown away by the quality and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
For detailed information go to:
[This is an online Event/Workshop]
Predicting and preventing bursts - Data Hackathon (South East Water)
29 Oct - 09:30 AM
Dartford, United Kingdom
The leakage reduction team at South East Water is looking for ways to improve targeting of leaks on their distribution mains using their existing data. This will enable the company to develop new ways to identify and prioritise leaks before bursts occur and better target their leak intervention teams.
Using historical data, the hackathon provides an opportunity for interested parties to access a wealth of real-world data and demonstrate the value of their approach in two main areas:
Development of new analysis models and tools for identifying and prioritising leakage events.
Demonstrating new approaches to distribution main leakage management, with focus on identifying and prioritising 7-day and 60-day targets before mains failure.
How To Develop a Successful Nursing Tech Startup Business! London - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
28 Oct - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Nursing Tech Startup Company Today!
Always wanted to start an tech startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Nursing tech startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Nursing tech startup into the market.
During this tech startup workshop we will cover:
Session 1: Nursing BasicsDuring this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
Nursing Hardware
Nursing Software
Nursing Platforms
Nursing Projects
Nursing Systems
Nursing Blueprint
Nursing Tools
Nursing Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startupTech Ideas:
Hospital Synchronization Platform
Medical Cloud Journal System
Hospital VR/AR Lab
Patience AI Assistant
Hospital IoT Platform
Hospital BD DC Platform
Hospital Management System
Prescription App
Nurse Staff Wearable
VR Nursery Educational Platform
Nursery Staff Kiosk
Patient BioMonitoring
Nursing Chatbot Support
AI Nursery Adviser
Robotic Nursery Assistant
Niche Disease Wearable
Nursing Facility Cloud Management
Nursery Telepresence System
Nursery Care App
and much more
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing
Unlimited Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations
VIP Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops
Gold Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops + 24/7/365 Access + Unlimited Attendees Registration
Testimonials:"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M."Not able to tell you how happy I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping future tomorrow" - Cohen. A
""I am completely blown away by the quality and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
For detailed information go to: Event - Web Conference - Webinar
How To Develop a Successful Cryptocurrency Tech Startup Business! - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
28 Oct - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Cryptocurrency Startup Company Today!
Always wanted to start an tech startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Cryptocurrency tech startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Cryptocurrency tech startup into the market.
During this tech startup workshop we will cover:
Session 1: Cryptocurrency BasicsDuring this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
Cryptocurrency Hardware
Cryptocurrency Software
Cryptocurrency Platforms
Cryptocurrency Projects
Cryptocurrency Systems
Cryptocurrency Blueprint
Cryptocurrency Tools
Cryptocurrency Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startupTech Ideas:
Cryptocurrency Tech
Cryptocurrency Big Data
Casino/Blackjack/Poker System
Cryptocurrency Apps
Business Based Currency
Cryptocurrency Bar Platform
IPTV Platform
Airport System
Bitcoin Robotics
Crowdfunding Platform
Cryptocurrency Classifieds
Holographic Bitcoin
Vending Machine
Cruise/Train Integration
Cryptocurrency E-Commerce
Cryptocurrency AI
Cryptocurrency Telematics
Advertising Platform
Bitcoin ATM
Software Cryptocurrency Retail
Cryptocurrency Boker
Cryptocurrency Ad Networks
Equipment Lending
Cryptocurrency IoT
Bitcoin Auctions
Repair Platform
Cryptocurrency Web Shopping
Cryptocurrency Sensors
Gambling Platform
Cryptocurrency Cloud System
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
Workshop Curriculum
Advertising Edition: Emerging Tech Trends, Emerging Markets, 1 hour
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing
Unlimited Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations
VIP Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops
Gold Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops + 24/7/365 Access + Unlimited Attendees Registration
Testimonials:"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M."Not able to tell you how happy I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping future tomorrow" - Cohen. A
""I am completely blown away by the quality and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
For detailed information go to:
Online Event - Web Conference - Webinar
Unilever & iamtheCODE Kingston Global Goals Hackathon
27 Oct - 09:30 AM
Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
Girls aged 11 – 18 living in the Greater London area! If you're interested in the tech industry and enjoy building things, then Unilever and iamtheCODE invite you to participate in the 2-day Global Goals Hackathon coding event in Kingston. You'll get hands-on experience with Kano Computer Kits and build an innovative solution to one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, related to challenges including poverty, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and justice.
BTNG Hackathon 2018
27 Oct - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Solving the problems of running successful elections in Emerging Economies
We are organising a Hackathon to bring together bright, determined people to help hack the problem of running successful Elections in emerging economies; using the Nigerian elections which come up in 2019 as a focal point.
There are numerous technological, ethical, economic and political questions which can be answered by focusing on this theme, and we are looking to explore and address questions such as:
1. Elections are driven by political campaigns, which are dependent significantly on the availability of Big Data and its analysis. In what ways can Big Data be used to ensure fairness in the election process?
2. Elections are significantly affected by social media and the ability to decipher what is real from what is fake. What innovative solutions can we come up with to look into this challenge?
3. Elections are affected by how they are perceived, and the ability to show transparency and hence win credibility. Who can we provide innovative solutions in this space?
4. Elections involve disparate parties including international monitoring organisations who are in need of better ways to gather information and verify Election results. How can we improve the process?
5. In recent times severe allegations have been made about elections being influenced by nation states and corporations. Are there ways in which we can use technology to reduce the impact of external parties in the elections of emerging economies?
6. In recent times, Blockchain technology has gained a lot of traction, but asides building a currency around it, to what extent can Blockchain technology be used to assist the electoral process in results verification? In what ways can blockchain technology be explored in the elections of emerging countries, particularly in the 2019 general elections in Nigeria?
What is a Hackathon?
Who can attend?
BTNG Hackathon series is open to anyone 18 years or older who is interested in working on creating fun, cutting-edged Apps for solving the problems of running successful elections in Emerging Economies
Is this event for developers only?
While developers are necessary for each team, anyone is welcome. UX/UI designers, marketers, biz dev, or even if you’re just interested in trying a hackathon for the first time anyone can participate and be a part of a team
How many people can be on each team?
Teams can have a maximum of 5 people
How do you join a team?
You can arrive solo and meet up with others to form a team at the event, or you can build your group beforehand and come to the event as a team. For that, you have to agree to join our Slack channel during registration
What can I bring into the event?
A laptop is a must and any other devices or equipment required to work on your project. Be sure to bring any dev tools that you use on your laptop or USB drive
What about food and drinks?
We will provide food and drinks throughout the event
Who Owns the IP?
Participants will own the rights to their work. Sponsoring companies may have their own terms and conditions for proprietary technology or content
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Saturday, 27 October 2018
9:00 am - Doors Open to Attendees (Pre-networking, Badge and Collection/Registration)
10:00 am - Opening Ceremony and Sponsor Talks
10:30 am - Design Thinking Session
10:45 am - Team-building and Networking Session
12:00 pm - Hacking Kickoff
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:00 pm - Hacking Continues
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:00 pm - Hack Hack Hack
8:00 pm - Closing (No overnight stay)
Sunday, 28 October 2018
8:00 am - Tea/Coffee
9:00 am - Hacking Continues
10:00 am - Prepare your Presentations & Hacking Continues
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:00 pm - Hacking Concludes and Submitted to Wiki
2:30 pm - Hackathon Presentations Begin
4:45 pm - Winners are Announced / Prize-a-thon!
5:00 pm - Hackathon Closing Remarks
5:15 pm* - Drinks/Networking
For up-to-date information, please visit
Check out our blog posts too :-)
Tickets are limited and served on a first come first serve basis
Availability of tickets ends 21st October, due to strict security badge policies from Microsoft
Oracle Blockchain Gov Hack
26 Oct - 07:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
This October Oracle will be holding their first 24 hour Blockchain Hackathon over the weekend of the 26th and 28th October in London. This event is targeted towards the UK Government and its aim is to identify and use real-life use-cases of distributed ledger technology to develop a deeper understanding on how and why DLT can be utilized in modern infrastructure to improve current processes, development, citizen user experience, efficiency and more.
We would like to explore and identify with all Government Departments for potential real-life use-cases to use within the Hackathon.
At the Hackathon we expect a whole host of delegates such as engineers, software developers & architects, students, designers, analysts, researchers allowing everyone to network, share knowledge and work on the challenges over the Hackathon weekend.
Example use-case:
Government departments or any other public institutions providing public services that requires interfaces and integration including contracts, licences, permissions, travel documents, customs, immigration, certification, and standards.
What is the problem you're trying to solve?
On the technical front, resolves the need for costly system interfaces, integration and intra-web services. Government and public institutions generally lack expertise and skills to undertake and sustain integration and web service projects. On the social, economic, and legal front, increases transparency, accountability, and availability of end-to-end e-government services.
How do you plan to solve it?
On the blockchain, integration, and interfaces are implicit through distributed ledgers, smart contracts and consensus algorithms. Need to explore Blockchain services and tools, brainstorm, and propose and specify a technical solution.
The following are the general ideas that could further be refined for a probable solution:
1. Leverage existing platforms, databases and technologies to migrate public records to the blockchain.
2. Leverage existing national identification or create a unique ID for natural persons and legal entities linked to a unique cryptographic public address for access and participation in a permissioned blockchain.
3. Design smart contracts for enforceable standards, legal contract clauses, workflows, business processes, administrative and legal procedures, due dates, service fees etc.
4. Design a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm for the trustless system and maintenance of the distributed ledger.
DID (Distributed Identification)
The Challenge: "Currently there is no single citizen identity across government departments"
The Challenge: "Current tendering processes in place are manual, complex and cumbersome"
Land Trade in a post Brexit Britain
The Challenge: "Combigning different technologies to move goods/services across boarders/customs"
Open Challenge
This is an open challenge allowing teams to focus on use-cases that they are more interested in within Government.
26 Oct - 01:12 PM
London, United Kingdom
Community managers, members of working spaces, creatives, UX/UI designers, and developers in the UK! Launch22 invites you to participate in Hack4Communities. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like-minded freelancers, entrepreneurs, and developers on improving community experiences.
Climathon London - Hackathon in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London
26 Oct - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Circular economy and sustainability enthusiasts in the UK! The London Legacy Development Corporation invites you to participate in Climathon London -- a Hackathon to be held in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative way for the City and citizens of London to eliminate plastic waste and recapture the value of those materials.
The Airbnb Startup Experience
24 Oct - 11:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Explore, learn about and get connected into London's world of entrepreneurs, tech startups and innovation in a revolutionary new way - with Airbnb.
Why join.
In partnership with Airbnb, the world's largest community driven travel company, The Airbnb Startup Experience programme revolutionises how people from around the world learn about building startups and get connected into London's startup ecosystem, communities and innovation, in just one day. Attended by startup founders, teams from Apple, Google, IDEO and Ebay, CEO's, governments, Youtube stars and innovators from more than 120 cities around the world.
What you'll do.
We begin in Tech City and Silicon Roundabout, with insights about the rise of London's startup ecosystem - from its hackathon history to its growing trends and what is happening now - as we look at the coolest new concepts in coworking space you'll see anywhere in the world.*
Then, we visit one of London's best startup communities, to learn the startup process, and how entrepreneurs are solving big problems, creating new business models and launching innovative companies in areas from fintech, to blockchain, to artificial intelligence, all within startup communities. Plus discover what investors look for when funding startups and why and how to pitch your startup for venture capital.
Finally, we'll explore one of the best locations in Europe for innovation and the design thinking behind products that have changed the world. From brands like Apple, Google and Facebook to the future of revolutionary technologies like augmented reality, smart cities apps, fashion tech, and 3D printing.
Join this fascinating, mind-shifting, learning experience and adventure to discuss your next steps and get practically connected into London's startup ecosystem - for individuals, partners, teams or groups.
Where we go.
We begin at 11am in East London's Tech City, Shoreditch and Silicon Roundabout area: the world's 3rd largest technology startup scene, after San Francisco and New York. Then to central London. And finally, finishing the day in Kensington at 3pm.*
The format.
The day is designed with a tour through London as a small group for better discussion, visting a number of startup spots across the city for better learning.
Individuals or groups.
Join the small group experience as an individual or with a partner. Or arrange your own group experience or team day.
Previous attendees.
Teams from Google, Ebay, Apple and IDEO, startup founders, government teams and leaders, company heads of innovation, property entrepreneurs, Youtube stars, digital marketing managers, women in tech, venture capital analysts.
Organised by.
Anthony David King Ventures
Anthony David King designs, runs and supports startup programmes for innovators, investors and partners around the world, including O2, Airbnb, Techstars, Silicon Valley Comes to the UK, Bank of Korea and Bloomberg, to develop new ventures -- with a mission to revolutionise the world’s human and startup experience.
The global travel community that uniquely leverages technology to economically empower millions of people around the world to unlock and monetize their spaces, passions and talents.
Confirm your spot early.
If a date you want is available, book it immediately. Don't wait. One of the most frequent messages received is: "Hi, I saw the date I wanted earlier, but now its gone!" This is because it was booked full by others, and there's no way to squeeze anyone else on afterwards.
Read all 150+ reviews
"Game changer experience" - Rui
"This is a masterclass in building a start up company, delivered in a very unorthodox style." - Ayob
"The Startup Experience topped my imaginations by far!!" - Frank
"One word: AMAZING. I felt like someone was showing me electricity for the first time. Incredible." - Barligea
"Beyond worth what we paid for - this was awesome!" - Adrianne
"Excellent experience, I can see why it has such excellent reviews." - Duncan
"If there were six stars, I would give six stars!" - Sasha
Read all 150+ reviews
Also running during London Fashion Week, Open House London 2018, London Tech Job Fair, London Design Festival and Global Entrepreneurship Week.
*The day begins in central London at the startup community for group experiences of 10 people or more.