Showing results 51 to 60 out of 213
Algothon 2019 @ BlackRock
19 Oct - 12:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Algothon, the largest quant finance hackathon in Europe, is returning this year with BlackRock on the 19th and 20th of October inside their London Office!
You can expect:
- Exclusive alternative data and core data.
- Machine Learning & Deep RL workshops.
- Talks from leading academics and BlackRock Researchers.
- Free Snacks, Restaurant meals, Swag and T-Shirts.
- Prizes (To Be Announced, last year's included: iPads, $8000 AWS credits, super car driving experiences)
Everyone is welcome to apply.
19 Oct - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
***At least 50% of teens attending are on Free School Meals. As with all events, we are committed to reducing the diversity and inequalities gap and we actively encourage young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to experience the event for FREE. If you are in receipt of FREE SCHOOL MEALS, please send evidence (letter from school confirming FSM, Income Support etc) to Natasha on
Teens in AI is partnering with NASA Space Apps Challenge to inspire young people aged 11-18 into solving problems using data science and artificial intelligence.
All NASA challenges are outlined here:
What is the Space Apps Challenge?
Part of the Open Government Partnership, Space Apps is an annual event that pulls citizens together regardless of their background or skill level. Don't let the name fool you... it's not just about apps! Tackle a challenge using robotics, data visualization, hardware, design and many other specialties! Inspire each other while you learn and create using stories, code, design and, most of all, YOUR ideas. Show us your problem-solving skills and share your talents with the world!
What is Acorn Aspirations?
Acorn Aspirations is a social impact company, which aims to inspire young people aged 11-18 into the world of technology and entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to bridge the digital skills gap and nurture the next generation of digital talent to fill the jobs required by the tech industry.
What is TeensInAI?
Teens In AI exists to increase diversity and inclusion in artificial intelligence. We aim to democratise AI and create opportunities for underrepresented talent through a combination of expert mentoring, talks, workshops, hackathons, accelerators, company tours and networking opportunities that give young people aged 11-18 early exposure to AI for social good. Our vision is for AI to be developed by a diverse group of thinkers and doers advancing AI for humanity’s benefit. For more info go to
I Wish to Apply as Mentor
Great! We are looking for Design Thinkers, Tech Mentors and Entrepreneurs to mentor young people and inspire them into diverse careers in tech and AI. Please RSVP - the organiser will be in touch with more info.
How much will that cost me?
As with all events, Acorn Aspirations is committed to reducing the diversity and inequalities gap and we actively encourage young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to experience the event for FREE. If you are in receipt of FREE SCHOOL MEALS, please send evidence (letter from school confirming FSM, Income Support etc) to Natasha on
Do I need to bring a laptop?
Yes. We do not provide laptops. If you don't have one, you will be able to share.
Do teens need to know how to code?
No prior coding skills are essential. Do not worry - we will teach you all you need to know. Trust your mentors - they will guide you through the entire process!
Do parents need to participate?
No. This is a drop-off event. Teens are to be dropped-off at 9.30 am and picked up at 6 pm on both days.
TADHack 2019 London
12 Oct - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
TADHack, telecommunications weekend hackathon with cash prizes and goodies
Kingdom Code BUILD 19
11 Oct - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
BUILD, Kingdom Code’s annual hackathon is back for 2019. In October, join Christian technologists from across the UK and beyond to share ideas and kick start projects that integrate our Christian faith and technical skill sets.
Whether you’re a developer, designer, project manager, branding/marketing expert, ideator or something else entirely, enjoy taking a weekend to meet and work with others who share your desire to see God glorified through technology.
Here’s what people have said about previous BUILD events:
"I got to work on [solving] a problem for Christians Against Poverty that could be genuinely useful… while learning new front-end technologies.
"Seeing the excitement and passion in people as they took ideas from conception to a presentable prototype was inspiring."
"It was such a highlight to meet other Christian developers and discussing God centered technologies."
BUILD 2019 is being hosted by St. John’s in Hoxton.
St. John’s sits minutes away from Silicon Roundabout, London’s tech hub. They have long been a supporter of Kingdom Code and we’re really excited to be able to host the hackathon with them.
Details about the 2019 challenges are coming soon, however to whet your appetite, check out some of the challenges from previous events:
In 2017 Christians Against Poverty asked us “how can digital tools enable churches to serve the poor and save the lost in their local communities?” Home for Good asked “how could Home for Good better use digital tools to inspire people, support them in their fostering and adoption journey and enable them to be part of a growing movement?
Friday 11th October
18:00 | Doors open and registration18:30 | Dinner19:15 | Welcome, worship and project pitches20:30 | Team formation and hack time
Saturday 12th October
08:30 | Breakfast and team bible studies13:00 | Lunch16:30 | Project deadline17:30 | Dinner18:45 | Presentations20:00 | Voting20:20 | Awards and final words21:00 | Event close
(please note that these timings are estimates and may change nearer the event)
Why are we charging for this event?Ticket sales will cover less than half the cost. The hackathon in London is hosted by Kingdom Code, a not-for-profit group, with a passion to help Christians in technology find encouragement and collaborate. Over half the budget will be met by the generosity of sponsors.
Are you going to feed me?Yes! You'll be well fed over the course of the weekend. We'll eat together Friday dinner through to Saturday evening. There will be plenty of snacks and caffeine on tap.
Is there a student discount?Maybe... if you ask nicely! Snap a photo of your student ID / NUS card and send us a tweet (@kcodeuk) and we'll see what we can do for you.
Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?Kingdom Code is on Facebook and Twitter, send us a message there and we'll get back to you ASAP.
Can I update my registration information?Yes! Just log into Eventbrite and update your information.
I heard rumours of a cat...Alas, not this year. The new venue has no church cat (maybe a few church mice though…)
Are there refunds?Sorry, we can't do refunds, however the tickets are transferable, so feel free to pass your ticket on to someone else (just remember to update the name on the ticket).
Is there an age limit for the event?There is no age limit for the event, however under 18's must be accompanied by a legal guardian and cannot stay overnight.
24 hours? What about sleep?While some people will be working for the full 24 hours (caffeine provided in the ticket cost) it is certainly not expected! Don't worry you can go to sleep. We've set aside seperate rooms (including the church crypt) to put out a rollmat and catch some
Block-Sprint Hackathon Information Evening
11 Oct - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Come and discover more about Block-Sprint, the two week Hackathon organised by the UCL CBT, Capital Enterprise, and Ripple.
BES Quantitative Ecology Hackathon
08 Oct - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
This one-day hackathon will join researchers together in small teams to work with socio-ecological data.
Facilitated by experienced R programmers and quantitative researchers this day is a great opportunity to learn new analytical skills while working with new people on interesting data driven challenges.
The day is being led by the Quantitative Ecology SIG in partnership with the Citizen Science SIG and will see small teams work together on challenges that combine ecological and sociological data. These challenges might seek to answer a research question, design an R-package to access data, or advance a statistical method. There will be a range of challenges to join on the day so you will have the chance to pick one that best suits what you want to learn.
Anyone is able to submit an idea for a challenge so if you have an idea you would like to work on please add it to the live document.
Throughout the day facilitators will be on hand to answer your questions and support your projects, including how to build R-packages, how to write reproducible code, and how to build shiny apps.
At the end of the day teams will have a chance to present their work to the rest of the teams.
09:30 Introduction to the day
09:40 Talk by Anna Krystalli - "Adventures in open code and data"
10:00 Self-sorting into teams
10:20 Hacking
12:30 Lunch
13:00 Hacking
16:00 Presentations
17:00 Awards
Hacks/Hackers London X Count - Data Hackathon
07 Oct - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Hacks/Hackers London X Count - Data Hackathon
Hacks/Hackers LDN is delighted to be partnering with Count for a special event this October. Come and practise your analytics skills and meet fellow data enthusiasts at this fun, informal hackathon totally free of charge!
Count is a new data publishing platform changing how we interact with data online. The Count team want to put an end to the dry, uninspiring data files that litter our websites and instead turn them into beautiful, engaging content which anyone (whether data enthusiasts or beginners) can explore, share and discuss all in one place.
What will we be doing and who's it for?
This free event is for people who enjoy making new discoveries using data and want to develop and test their data skills. We will work in groups (or individually) to uncover interesting and surprising insights about specific challenges set by the hosts. There will be a choice of datasets for you to pick from on the evening.
We will:
Familiarise ourselves with the datasets (many of which are exclusively prepared) and identify what questions you want to ask
Analyse and interpret the data
Share back our findings and see what others have discovered
Bring your laptops and chargers as this will be an interactive session!
People of all levels of analytical experience are welcome, you don't need to be a data expert already. We will be running the event using Count (, @counthq), a new data publishing platform which makes it easier and quicker for anyone to explore data online and share their discoveries. It only takes a few minutes to learn, so don't worry if you've not used it before. You will be able to prepare data tables within Count to download for use in other tools, if you prefer.
IDEALondon, 69 Wilson Street, London, EC2A 2BB
After entering the building on Wilson Street, go to the IDEALondon cafe area on the ground floor, then downstairs to the event space.
Due to the nature of this event, we have a strict limit to the number of people we can admit into the venue.
We do understand that sometimes people need to cancel at the last minute. Due to these cancellations, we release more tickets than the venue has capacity for.
We don’t like to turn people away, but we have to operate a first come first served policy. To make sure you get a place, please arrive as early as you can. We suggest 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Hacks/Hackers London is supported by:
Live Hackathon: Power Babies VR
05 Oct - 05:00 PM
Brighton, United Kingdom
Take part in the making of the most beautiful, tremendous game you’ve ever seen. No coding required!
05 Oct - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
BARPAS Innovation Group Hackathon
We are looking for medical students, doctors, engineers, coders, people of any background who are interested in trying to find solutions to problems within the NHS to deliver surgery.
1st Prize: £1500
Additional Prize: Technology Fellowship with Chevron TM to develop ideas founded at the Hack
This Hackathon is focused on the logistical problems highlighted in:
- Delivering the patient to the site of the operation
In the UK and in the developing world: getting the patient to the surgery or the surgery to the patient
- Delivering the equipment or even the surgical team
On a daily basis but also, in a major incident; the right kit at the right time
- Delivering thte patient home
Discharging home with the right equipment, medication and rehabilitation
We are looking to generate some new ideas to solve these common problems within the NHS and the worldwide surgical community.
Free event, catering included.
04 Oct - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Join a team and look to create solutions to business problems from businesses on The Trampery’s first sustainable fashion accelerator.