Showing results 41 to 50 out of 128
PayTastic Hackathon
23 Sep - 05:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Payments are heading into a brave new world of commerce, retail and transactions. If you think you have the vision to truly transform payments in the 21st Century join Startupbootcamp FinTech at the PayTastic Payments Hackathon. You'll have access to Intel Grove Starter Kits and Intel Edison Kits—plus access to other cool APIs—to aid you with your payments inspiration.
The New Era of H2H: e-Innovation
20 Sep - 01:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Are you in retail or work for a B2C or B2B brand? Interested in the opportunities and threats of the internet? Come attend e-Innovation: The New Era of H2H. You'll get the chance to discuss how innovation can impact your business, how to assess what works for you and your customers, and to understand how to make innovation work for you. This event will stimulate ideas, instigate discussion, build an understanding of what it means to embed innovation throughout the business— all while showcasing some of the latest technologies to help you evolve your business.
IG Hack the Markets - Fintech Hackathon
16 Sep - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Participate in the IG Hack the Markets—Fintech hackathon. Millennials as a group are about to move into their prime earning and spending years. However, 80% of millennials according to a recent Harris Poll are not invested in the Stock Market. Design a compelling and innovative proposition to get millennials trading, investing and setting money aside for their future. Think about how you can make this ultra low-cost and transparent and how you can integrate social features. Also, how would you acquire and retain your users and promote your solution?
How to Build DApps: A Technical Workshop on Blockchain for Decentralised Applications
16 Sep - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
For those that have ventured farther into block chain than most, this full day workshop will take a look beyond the theory of many concepts related to block chain, and give in-depth instruction on how to apply concepts to create a functioning decentralized application. Going beyond fintech's previous block chain workshop, this second installation will focus on building DApps on blockchain.
The Mipster Hack - Hacking Muslim Fashion Content with Kiosk
15 Sep - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hijabi/Muslim fashionistas! Buyers, coders, designers, marketers, social media experts, advertising professionals! Come participate in the Mipster (Muslim Hipster) Hackathon. Collaborate to develop key insights to inform marketing strategy for fashion brands and retailers in the UK. The Mipster Hack will involve 3 – 4 competing Hack teams that will build a social media / marketing campaign for a real retail client who is interested in speaking to millennial muslims.
ThingMonk 2016
12 Sep - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Come participate in ThingMonk — the developer conference for people building the internet of things. Collaborate with like-minded technologists on building IoT projects. Code by Candlelight and get your hands on some of the hottest IoT devices, including LoPy from PyCom, Arduino boards from The Things Network, a Vertu phone, and lots more!
IAMCP UK Exclusive Dinner: The Partner Eco-system - How do we stay ahead of the game in a world of channel disruption?
08 Sep - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
IAMCP UK members! You're invited to an exclusive dinner event, where the topic will be: "The Partner Ecosystem — How do we stay ahead of the game in a world of channel disruption?" The world’s power balance is shifting—West to East; central controls to decentralization; asset accumulation to the sharing economy and the preference for “utility” consumption commonplace for almost every product or service. Come and hear how new world power brokers are shaping the future of business success and how partnerships, ecosystems, and collaboration are fuelling some surprising and profound successes across industries and centres globally.
Distributed Ledgers & Smart Contracts - Technical Workshop for Developers
05 Sep - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
For those that have ventured farther into blockchain than most, this full day workshop will take a look beyond the theory of many concepts related to block chain, and give in-depth instruction on how to apply concepts to create a functioning decentralized application.
Food, Glorious Food: Reinventing a Sustainable Food Ecosystem
03 Sep - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Interested in a sustainable food eco-system? Then sign up to participate in Food, Glorious Food: Reinventing a Sustainable Food Ecosystem. Join MakeSense to focus on the Food Security Cause. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to help Food Social Entrepreneurs to tackle their challenges with innovative design thinking workshops, a mini-hackathon, public debate blended with live music and a day long festival “Farmers of the Future” and its focus upon Food Production.
StartupBus UK Hackathon Kick-off
01 Sep - 07:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Are you a developer, designer, UX specialist or marketeer? Think you have what it takes to build and launch a product in three days? Apply to ride the Startup Bus! Come to this year's kick off — an event that includes talks, panel discussions, and networking. Equal parts hackathon, road trip and global community, StartupBus is an annual competition designed to challenge top tier talent to hop on a bus and conceive, build and launch a startup in 72 hours.