Showing results 1 to 10 out of 25
ARM Hackathon
03 Dec - 09:00 AM
Southampton, United Kingdom
Engineering and computer science students in and around Southampton! Think you can create an Internet of things (IoT) device in less than a day? OK then! Sign up for the ARM Hackathon. You'll be provided with ARM mbed microcontrollers, sensors, and OS eco-system and challenged to build a working ARM powered device that addresses an IOT “Internet of things” market opportunity. Do you have ideas for an awesome, innovative IoT solution? Come and strut your stuff at the ARM Hackathon.
env.infohackit evening presentations @Southampton
02 Dec - 08:00 PM
Southampton, United Kingdom
Interested in seeing real scientific ideas presented in new innovative ways? Want to see science teamwork at its best? Come to the env.infohackit evening presentations @Southampton. You'll see the project presentations made by teams of PhD environmental scientists, designers, developers and other creative types. They will present the results of their hackathon participation where they will compete to create the most exciting, informative and compelling infographics to communicate their research topics.
General Assembly presents how data science could transform your social media strategy
16 Nov - 06:00 PM
Bristol, United Kingdom
#DataScience. #MachineLearning. #BigData. These aren't just buzzwords, they're extraordinarily practical tools for turning impenetrable datasets into clear insights & decisions that can help you to achieve your goals. Take a tour of cutting edge techniques that can transform your approach to marketing & social media, including case studies covering: How to use clustering algorithms to identify distinct behavioural user segments for enhanced targeting; How to use network analysis to identify key influencers on social networks; How to drive down CAC and churn by predicting customer behaviour long before it happens! John Sandall Over the years, John has added a number of strings to his bow. Statistician, geneticist, business analyst, startup founder, software developer, educator, non-profit strategist, data scientist, multi-instrumentalist! He currently runs a data science consultancy focused on helping businesses to identify and solve the challenges they face through a combination of research-grade statistical techniques, strategic analysis and a lean-startup engineering mentality. Until recently he was the Lead Data Scientist at YPlan. Prior experience includes business analytics at Apple Inc., genomics research at Imperial College London, building an ed-tech startup at Knodium, developing strategy & technological infrastructure for international non-profit startup STIR Education, and losing sleep to many a hackathon along the way. He also teaches the data science evening course and multiple workshops at General Assembly. He's also been known to dabble in violin; a concerto here, a pop gig there, occasionally conducting youth ensembles, and usually playing with his folk music band.
    General Assembly presents an intro to data science and analytics
    14 Nov - 06:00 PM
    Bristol, United Kingdom
    What exactly is Data Science and why does it matter? How does it differ from analytics? We live in a world with seemingly infinite data, and if you can learn the right balance of computer science, statistics, and information theory, there are lucrative opportunities available to you. Discover case studies about how data science is uniquely positioned to solve major problems for a variety of companies. By the time you finish this class, you’ll have a better idea of what the data science field is, and more importantly, how you can help yourself get what the Harvard Business Review calls the “sexiest job of the 21st century”. John Sandall Over the years, John has added a number of strings to his bow. Statistician, geneticist, business analyst, startup founder, software developer, educator, non-profit strategist, data scientist, multi-instrumentalist! He currently runs a data science consultancy focused on helping businesses to identify and solve the challenges they face through a combination of research-grade statistical techniques, strategic analysis and a lean-startup engineering mentality. He also teaches the data science evening course and multiple workshops at General Assembly. Until recently he was the Lead Data Scientist at YPlan. Prior experience includes business analytics at Apple Inc., genomics research at Imperial College London, building an ed-tech startup at Knodium, developing strategy & technological infrastructure for international non-profit startup STIR Education, and losing sleep to many a hackathon along the way. He's also been known to dabble in violin; a concerto here, a pop gig there, occasionally conducting youth ensembles, and usually playing with his folk music band.
      Social Storm- 24 hour Virtual Hackathon
      11 Nov - 01:00 PM
      Birmingham, United Kingdom
      Aston University students and graduates! Are you passionate about finding innovative solutions to global issues? Come and participate in the Social Storm - 24 hour Virtual Hackathon. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to tackle two global issues; food security and sustainable housing. You'll work in a team with students from other universities to find a sustainable solution to a real life problem, and to present a video pitch to a team of judges.
      AstonHack 2016
      05 Nov - 10:00 AM
      The Aston Triangle, United Kingdom
      Students and recent graduates! Come and participate in Aston University's second student hackathon! The AstonHack event has been expanded to allow for even more student hackers to participate in 24 hours of designing, coding, and making! Be prepared to collaborate with other participants to build cool software.
      Hacktoberfest Birmingham 2016
      26 Oct - 07:00 PM
      Birmingham, United Kingdom
      Hackers and open source supporters! Sign up to be part of Hacktoberfest 2016! This is a month-long celebration of open source. Participate and help move an open source project forward. Maybe it's a project that you use and you want to give back, or perhaps it's a project new to you! You don't have to be a super coder to be part of this—bug fixes and documentation updates are a great way to contribute.
      01 Oct - 10:00 AM
      Birmingham, United Kingdom
      Everyone is welcome to participate in HackTheMidlands—a 24-hour, inclusive hackathon. Participants will come together to share ideas, and create new and awesome projects! Experience is NOT necessary! Everyone has to start somewhere, and there will be mentors at the event to help you along. One of the most awesome qualities of hackathons is the sheer number of lovely people that you'll meet at them, so no matter your skill level or expertise, you'll always be able to have an awesome time, pick up loads of new skills, and make new friends!
      Milton Keynes Hackathon
      25 Jun - 12:00 PM
      Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
      Red Alert! Hackers wanted to build a great app to navigate the Milton Keynes Redway system--a 169+ mile network of RED tarmac paths for cyclists and pedestrians that criss-crosses the city. Help open up the Redway--making it easy and safe to travel. Participate in the Milton Keynes hackathon and build a Redway app that maps the system, highlights great places to visit, alerts travelers to busy spots and anything else you can conceive.
      FOSS4G UK 2016: Humanitarian Hack with HXL
      14 Jun - 09:30 AM
      Southampton, United Kingdom
      Open source GIS users, developers, supporters--join OSGeo:UK at FOSS4G UK 2016 for two days of conferences and a one day hackathon - Humanitarian Hack with HXL. Sharpen your design and coding skills to explore ways to improve information sharing during humanitarian crises. Come up with innovative ways to leverage data discovery and spatial data usage, using HXL with QGIS and CKAN, to help people in need!