Showing results 11 to 20 out of 30
HackTheMidlands 2.0
23 Sep - 10:00 AM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
  HackTheMidlands 2.0 is a 24-hour, inclusive hackathon being hosted in Birmingham on the 23rd/24th September 2017 at Millennium Point. We're super excited to be back for our 2nd iteration, and we'd love to have y'all join us!  But what is going to happen at the event?   Over the 24 hours, people aged 14+ of all skill levels (you don't have to be a professional or a student! Just be lovely, passionate and interested in tech!) will come together to share ideas, and create new and awesome projects! (Not sure what a hackathon is? MLH have a great explanation here). There'll also be fun minigames, challenges and free food/drink to make sure you have an absolutely wonderful time. But I don't have any experience - I won't be any good!    Nonsense - Everyone has to start somewhere, and we will have mentors at the event to help you along. One of the most awesome qualities of hackathons is the sheer number of lovely people that you'll meet at them, so no matter your skill level or expertise, you'll always be able to have an awesome time, pick up loads of new skills, and make new friends!  
    FinTech: Understand your customer better, a Hackathon
    16 Sep - 08:00 AM
    Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
    Fintech data techies and coders in the Milton Keynes area! Xbean Consultants invites you to participate in their Fintech event UNDERSTAND YOUR CUSTOMER BETTER, A HACKATHON. You'll be challenged to come up with innovative ideas on how to understand customers better. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to conceive and prototype approaches that can leverage data to increase customer understanding.
    MLH Hackcon EU III
    15 Sep - 06:00 PM
    Birmingham, United Kingdom
    MLH Hackcon is the official hackathon organizers' conference. It's an opportunity to meet the community, learn from one another, and to tackle the issues that we are facing together. With two full days of workshops, talks, and discussion sessions, new organizers can learn best practices for running a hackathon, and veteran organizers will share their experiences and help guide the next generation.
      RESI Hackathon
      14 Sep - 09:00 AM
      Newport, United Kingdom
      Start-ups, developers, designers, and others in the residential health and safety sector! You're invited to participate in the RESI Hackathon 2017. This eight-hour hack will be held in conjunction with the UK's premier residential property market conference. Collaborate with a team and compete for cash prizes. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that can save lives.
      BSC CCG Citizens Group: NHS Finance Hackathon
      10 Aug - 10:00 AM
      Stirchley, United Kingdom
      NHS Finance: Confused?   Join us at Stirchley Baths for a focused session of our Citizens Group. You can find out more about how local NHS services are funded and what challenges there are in your neighbourhood. Quiz our finance team colleagues through a creative, problem solving session. You must book to attend, but we will have the kettle on.   Got a question? Let us know in advance and we’ll try and answer it on the day. Contact details found below.    BSC CCG’s Citizens Group is a volunteer led platform that helps us shape our engagement and commissioning through open dialogue. To find out more go to our involvement page on our CCG website.    For more information about the event please contact us on or 0121 255 0789
        IMCreate 2017 – Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Hackathon
        01 Jul - 09:30 AM
        Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
        Data scientists, coders, business thinkers, designers, creative types! Are you interested in connected and autonomous vehicles? Transport Systems Catapult invites you to sign up for the IMCreate 2017 – Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Hackathon. You'll be faced with five connected and autonomous vehicle challenges and have the chance to win great prizes including £2,000 in cash! The top three teams will further develop their prototype solution and pitch it at the Showcase Final.
        Mental Health Hackathon
        29 Jun - 12:30 PM
        Birmingham, United Kingdom
        iSE, as part of their work leading the West Midlands Third Sector Innovation Network, is holding a taster half day 'hack' with West Midlands Academic Science Health Network and in partnership with RnR Organisation, for anyone interested in innovative solutions for mental health prevention. We invite third sector organisations, service users, entrepreneurs, developers, designers, healthcare professionals and the public to come along and work together on addressing these health and social care issues by designing and building digital or service solutions. Why come to #HackMentalHealth? #HackMentalHealth will bring together professionals, students, industry experts, and others in healthTech who are passionate about healthTech and building the future of mental health services, so come along to find new ideas, meet someone new, have fun, or simply learn a new skill that stretches you beyond your usual day-to-day life. Hacks are very fluid sessions where everyone has a voice and can collaborate to build and demonstrate inspirational, creative and innovative ideas to address a 'challenge of the day'. For this social hackathon we are looking at innovating to improve mental health across a range of topics such as... Mental support application for unemployed workers Supporting the mental health of long-term care workers Fostering well-being, stress reduction and sense of belonging during transition to full-time work Taking control of digital stress E-health interventions for indigenous mental health in the workplace Addressing the burden of addictions on the workforce with e-tool solutions Building accessible mental health literacy training and supports for under-resourced health-care workplace Developing a mental health support programme for prevention of major depression in workplaces Whether you are an expert or a newbie, we welcome you to join this event and work with your local health community to present your ideas for solutions to real-world problems. Challenges will be pitched at the kick off of the event, and attendees can pick one of the challenges to work on with a team. At the end of the hack, teams have the option to showcase their projects on stage.  Event information will be updated here over the next week but please register to attend and secure your place. Also, if you have a passion for a mental health topic, or a future hackathon topic, please email us with your thoughts #HackMentalHealth  FAQs > Do I need to know how to code to join? Diversity is key in a team! Hackathons are focused on the creation that includes a variety of competencies. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to get in touch.  > I don’t have a team, can I join by myself? Teams will be formed on site so just bring yourself and meet the rest of the attendees at the pre-hack get together (details TBC) or at #HackMentalHealth itself.  > Do I need to bring my own laptop/PC? If you want to use them please bring your own computer, devices etc - only wifi will be provided. This event is kindly supported by the WMAHSN. This project is co-financed by the European Regional and Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative.
          Freshwater and citizen science: A research hackathon.
          25 May - 05:00 PM
          Oxford, United Kingdom
          PhD students and freshwater scientists in the Oxford area! If you're interested in citizen science, then Earthwatch Institute invites you to participate in a research hackathon to be held at Oxford Brookes University. You'll collaborate with other participants to hack FreshWater Watch's citizen science-generated dataset on water quality in rivers, streams, ponds, lakes and wetlands. You'll work in a small team to explore a given research issue and use the FreshWater Watch dataset in conjunction with other accessible datasets in order to identify opportunities for freshwater ecology.
          CodeSoc Hackathon
          06 May - 08:30 AM
          Oxford, United Kingdom
          **NOTE: this event is no longer on the 4th of February**Welcome to the CodeSoc-Microsoft Hackathon! Whether you are a hackathon addict or a novice coder, please join us for the first CodeSoc hackathon. ** Date to be confirmed ** Sign up and we will keep you up to date!
            AI Systems for Society Tutorial & Hackathon
            18 Apr - 02:00 PM
            Bath, United Kingdom
            AI enthusiasts! If you're planning to attend AISB 2017 -- or even if you're not -- you're invited to participate in the AI Systems for Society Tutorial & Hackathon. This event will run alongside the conference. You'll get the opportunity to sit in on tutorials and them to test drive software and write AI code. The theme of the tutorials is ‘building Artificially Intelligent (AI) systems to work within society’.