Showing results 41 to 50 out of 53
ESA Business Incubation Centre Hackathon 2015
17 Oct - 09:00 AM
Didcot, United Kingdom
ESA Business Incubation Centre, Harwell will host a Hackathon on the Harwell Campus from 17th - 18th October 2015.
The theme for this event is ' Well Being'.
We are looking for innovative ideas using space technology in a non-space application. This can include a variety of sectors such as:
If you are an entrepreneur, innovator or problem solver, this is the event for you!
You will meet like minded people, coming together to share ideas with a focus on creating the next big thing that could make a differnce in society.
Registration is required for each individual and teams will be confirmed on the day.
This event is free to attend and will include:
Welcome package
Food and drink throughout the event
Showers available if required
Resting space
All you will need to bring is your laptop, sleeping bag/floor mat and your next big idea!
You will spend two days developing your concept before pitching your idea to a panel of experts. The winning team will receive a six month business support package to help accelerate the growth of their idea.
If you would like to attend this exciting event register now as places are limited!
Click here for further information about how to get to Harwell Campus
PCH Hardware Hackathon London
16 Oct - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Calling all makers!
The PCH Hardware Hackathon is coming to London!
Join us and over 100 designers, developers, tinkerers, and innovators in October for a weekend dedicated to developing ideas and hacking hardware. Our goal is to help you take your prototype to the next stage. We provide you with the tools, mentorship and community to help build faster, better hardware.
To be eligible to participate you must be pre-revenue, pre-launch.
Tickets to this event are FREE but requires an application. To apply as a team or mentor, please visit our event page.
What's a Hardware Hackathon?
Watch the video
Contact us
Still have questions? Need an extra push to signup with your big idea? We're here to help. Contact us at
PCH Hardware Hackathon Breakthroughs from 3D printers to Arduino boards have lowered the barriers to entry for hardware hackers, but the challenge of designing products that are innovative as well as beautiful and easy to use remains high. This iteration of Hardware Hackathon will focus on just that problem: How makers – with a little help – can hack their way from concept to designing a product consumers will love.
Worker co-operative solidarity fund event
14 Oct - 11:00 AM
London , United Kingdom
This is a strategy and planning meeting for the worker co-op solidarity fund. The fund has been created to manage a permanent common fund, paid for by the voluntary subscriptions of individuals, worker co-op members, their worker co-ops or other organisations that support industrial democracy and collective ownership. All the decision making for the fund takes place on-line, but from time to time members meet to discuss and plan specific topics. The focus for this event will be designing and developing the fund's website.
If you would like to contribute towards the Fund and become a member please join:
11.00 - 13.00 - Worker Co-op Solidarity Fund Meeting Focusing on general strategy and planning for the fund. Particularly setting out what the Website should be for. Ends with a lunch.
13.00 - 17.30 - WCSF - Hack-a-thon Working groups focus on distinct areas agreed earlier in the day. In particular a group of web developer members will focus on designing and building the website.
17.30 - Late Co-op Social
INTEL Edison and IBM BlueMix Training and Hackaton
13 Oct - 06:00 PM
City of London, United Kingdom
This is a five week course, starting on the 13th October, all about INTELs Edison platform run at Fab Lab London and repeated across the country. You will also use IBM BlueMix cloud service and integrate the two. The purpose is to enable you to build a project and share it with the community. There is a small deposit (£50) for the board and components which get refunded when you have finished the hackathon and shared your adventure.
Each week we will set homework and review it. You don't need to come each week but it probably is most helpful if you can and the content level is set that anyone of any level can join in. However novices will probably have more homework than experts. Each week the timing will be from 17.00 to 19.00
13th October. Session 1. We will give out the boards, overview of the technology, power it up, set up the output function to control lights, servos and motors: Set Homework
21st October. Session 2. Review the homework and do more on outputs so you are an expert. Setup the input functions so you can take data from sensors and switches: Set homework
27th October. Session 3. Review homework, do more on inputs so you become an expert, set up closed loop input/ output control system. where you use an input sensors to control how an ouput device behaves: Set homework
3rd November. Session 4. Review homework, Intro to networking and cloud services. Set up ability to control the board from the internet. Set homework
10th November. Session 5. Review homework and look at advanced setting, networking, cloud, fault finding and support. Think about project for hack day
A couple of weeks break
26th November The hack day from 10.00 to 17.00 - come to the lab and build the project using all the Fab Lab machines and your board. Last task do a write up.
There are two tickets - you can pay the deposit in advance or pay on the day. You will get refunded the way you paid.
Zebra Enterprise Hackathon
12 Oct - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Create whacky but plausible enterprise apps in under 12 hours! Apply specific technologies to win extra prizes!
The AppForum 2015 Enterprise Hackathon is a standalone activity running the day before the Zebra Technologies AppForum developer's conference on 13th and 14th October.
It is free-to-enter and runs all day on Monday 12th Oct for those who wish to spend some of their time in London in a creative way and gain a chance to win one of the great prizes including Amazon gift vouchers, Parrot drones, Pebble Time Smartwatches and Go Pro 4 Session.
Challenge Theme and Criteria
The theme for the Hackathon will be revealed at the start on Monday 12th October. The theme will define a broad definition of the topic but will give participants the freedom to create and develop a wide range of apps within the theme.
Development language is open, so use whatever you are comfortable with - NET, C/C++, Java or Web based...native or via a developer framework/tool.
The type of app is also left open to participants, it can be B2C, B2B or B2E or a combination! The only guidance is that it should be designed with the enterprise in mind, ie not a purely consumer/games app.
The judging panel will apply certain Challenge Criteria for which extra credit will be awarded, but the final decision of the judging panel will essentially be subjective.
As well as overall winner and runner-up, there will be some addition Technology-Category Prizes awarded for participants who incorporate those specific technologies as part of their submission.
The Technology Categories will be listed on Judging Criteria Area and more may be added nearer the time as new Technology Category sponsors come on board. Initial Technology Categories already defined include:
Best use of RhoMobile development suite
Best use ALK CoPilot Mapping Tools (not Sat-Navigation)
Best use of Digital Defence Encryption SDK
Entry is FREE and refreshments will be provided.
Pre-registration is required however so that we know you are coming along.
$2,250 in prizes
Overall Winner
$500 in Amazon Vouchers, or similar.
Runner Up - Parrot AR 2.0 Elite Drone
AR.Drone Parrot 2.0 Elite Edition
RhoMobile Tech-Prize - Pebble Time smartwatch (3)
With a new color e-paper screen and a thin, comfortable ergonomic design, the Pebble Time smartwatch is the companion you’ll want with you every moment, every day.
ALK Mapping Tech-Prize - Go Pro 4 Session
Go Pro 4 HERO4 Session
Digital Defence Tech-Prize - Parrot Spider Drone (3)
Parrot Mini Drone Rolling Spider
Linked Music Hackathon
09 Oct - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
The SLICKMEM and SLoBR Semantic Media projects present: The Linked Music Hackathon brings together those with a shared passion for music and the data that describes it: students, coders, researchers from all disciplines, and members of the public; all with an interest in exploring, combining, playing, hacking, and creating with the vast wealth of musical information now available in digital form. We will provide access to a number of linked (and potentially linkable!) musical datasets drawn from sources including the British Library and the BBC, with a particular focus on historical music data including early European music of the 16th and 17th centuries; as well as a collection of tools and expertise to aid in the interlinking, analysis, creative use, and (re-)publication of this data. Come and bring your ideas, enthusiasm, your own datasets and software, arts and craft materials, friends and colleagues! Technical expertise is not a requirement (although certainly much valued!) -- friendly techy collaborators will be available on the day. The goal is, loosely stated, to create something amazing, from scratch, within a very short time. This event will take place at Goldsmiths, University of London, from 10am to 5pm on Fri October 9th 2015.
Datasets taking part:
British Library - Early Music Online (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Electronic Corpus of Lute Music
BBC Radio 3 Early Music Show programme data
Concert programme data from the In Concert project
More to come!
Provisional schedule 09:30: Coffee 10:00: Introduction 10:30: Presentation of datasets 11:00: Hacking starts! 13:00: Lunch 16:00: Presentations 17:00: Close. Discussions continue at pub!
Sponsorship Would you like to sponsor the Linked Music Hackathon? Please get in touch! Adapted from Portion of a ms. leaf by POP (CC BY 2.0)
Funding This event is funded by the EPSRC Semantic Media Network.
Support Contributing datasets generously provided by:
You have data that you would like to contribute? Please send us an e-mail!
Code for the Kingdom Global Hackathon - London, UK
02 Oct - 07:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Kingdom Code is pioneering the UK’s first faith-inspired hackathon this October - joining a global initiative run by the Leadership Network.
We are bringing together creatives, technologists, visionaries, entrepreneurs, and anyone passionate about faith and technology, to use their gifts to advance the Gospel.
The Global Hackathon will run in 15 world cities simultaneously, including Addis Ababa, Bangalore, Houston, Jakarta, Los Angeles and London.
Together our vision is to provide more opportunities for communities around the world to participate and showcase innovation and entrepreneurship in their communities. We expect over 1,000 people to participate across the world, and address a number of challenges aimed at helping release the oppressed, teaching God’s Word, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and supporting the church and the body of Christ.
We want to catalyse friendship, passion, purpose, and collaboration in technical and entrepreneurial communities.
Like the first century Church who quickly used the technologies of the Roman Empire, we encourage contemporary Christians to use 21st century technologies to serve the Kingdom.
To create a scalable community across the UK to accelerate and encourage Christian innovators.
A London judging panel will choose the award prizes to the best projects.
The 2015 program will conclude in December 2015. Every participating city will give two of their local winners to a Global Judging Panel that will decide the best technologies created across the world during the Global Hackathon Weekend.
A final report will be published, summarising key highlights and results of the 2015 Code for the Kingdom Global initiative.
Ticket sales will cover less than half the cost.
Kingdom Code is a not-for-profit group, with a passion to help Christians in technology find encouragement and collaborate.
Over half the budget will be met by the generosity of sponsors.
• be leveraged to create, cultivate, and strengthen society's foundational relaIonships of
marriage, family, friendships?
• bring the word of God to the first generation of children who are growing up with mobile
• help cut and/or combat the effects of fatherlessness in a child’s life, in turn strengthening
families, reducing poverty and crime?
• become mobile games which disrupt the mindsets of atheism, postmodernism, violence,
and secularism among youth today?
• foster a culture of generosity towards each other?
• identify, promote, test, collaborate, augment, and fill the gaps of ministry programs around
the city?
• disrupt human trafficking?
The London organising team is made up of 12 enthusiasts, from students to grandfathers - from coders to hardware makers to designers to finance types. All with a passion to see Christians in technology be encouraged and collaborate.
Join us in Picadilly on the first weekend of October - make new friends, get inspired and build something that matters.
Everyone is welcome - come as you are and join-up with a team on the Friday night, or bring a team with you.
The Friday will start with food and then individuals / teams will pitch their idea, and invite people to join with them to hack for the weekend.
What can you do?
Sign up now - get an early-bird discount.
Get some friends together - bring a team - or just come as you are.
Sponsor a place for someone less well-off?
Think of a product you would like to build.
We can't wait to meet you.
Rupert Edwards & James Doc
On behalf of the London Organising Team
Friday, October 2
7:00 PM Doors Open
7:00 - 8:00 PM Dinner & Networking
8:00 - 8:25 PM Welcome & Review Format
8:25 - 8:35 PM API Presentations
8:35 - 8:50 PM Review - Official Challenges
8:50 - 9:20 PM Open Floor - pitch your own project
9:20 - 11:59 PM Team Formation/Create Away
Saturday, October 3
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Creating
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Schedule and logistics announcements, team rebalancing
12:00 PM Lunch
4:30 p.m. Optional progress briefing, more developing
6:00 PM Dinner
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Meet with Mentors and Subject Matter Experts
Sunday, October 4
12:00 - 2:15 PM Creating
8:30 AM Breakfast
10:30 - 12:00 AM Option to join with Sunday Service
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Presentation Walk-thru & Judges Make Rounds
2:30 PM Submission deadline; Team Presentations Begin
4:30 PM Judges adjourn
4:50 PM Call-back
5:00 PM Awards Ceremony
5:30 PM Closing
Sport England Sports Technology Hackathon
02 Oct - 03:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Introducing The Sports Technology Hackathon, in Association with Sport England
Creating an App to Inspire Social Change Through Sport
£10,000 Bursary on Offer to Winning App
The Sports Technology Awards, in association with Sport England, is launching the first UK-based Hackathon for sports technology.
Taking place over 25 hours on 2nd and 3rd October in central London, the Hackathon will see teams of up to six people develop an app that encourages a specific demographic to be more physically active. The event is free to enter and the winning team will receive a £10,000 bursary from Sport England.
Each team, with the help of mentors, will create their app with the last hour of the Hackathon seeing them present their concept to a judging panel. Three finalists will be selected with the winning team announced at the Sports Technology Awards in April 2016.
Anyone based in the UK over the age of 18 can create a team and enter but each team must include at least one woman.
TechFugees Hackathon
02 Oct - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
The TechCrunch Techfugees Hackathon will take place at the Wayra academy on 2nd October from 9am. We invite tech engineers, entrepreneurs and startups together with NGOs and other agencies to work on tech solutions and products to aid both refugees and agencies.
For further updates, follow @Techfugees and sign up to the Facebook group -
Dear TechFugee Hackathon attendees
Apologies for the length of this, but this contains important information about what we’d like you to work on at the TechFugees Hackathon.
We are really excited to work with you on this, so please share this with any developers you know who can come and work on these important challenges.
At the end of this email, there is information on the conference on Thursday (the day before the hackathon), if you want to attend that as well.
*** TechFugees Hackathon ***
October 2nd, 9am - 9pm
Wayra London, 2-10 Shropshire House, Capper Street, WC1E 6JA
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Hackathon on October 2nd at Wayra London - thank you for giving up your time to work on this crisis. We will send you a couple of emails between now and then as we confirm details. Bear with us as this is all on a supremely tight deadline
Ed Saperia, Matthew Gardiner and Emma Mulqueeny (Rewired State) are handling the hack for the TechFugees project. Ed an Matthew will be there on the day.
We do have three main challenges for the Hackathon that have been set by Syrian refugees in Berlin as the things they most need help with. We also have three "further ideas" sent to us by aid workers in Calais, where there are now large Refugee encampments.
We’re collecting active projects, research and resources in a hackpad here:
1. Refugees are being separated from friends and family as they flee Syria. Build a way for them to locate and reunite with each other.
2. There are currently countless incidents of war crimes and crimes against people that are going unrecorded and reported. Build a way to record and report the time and location of crime against refugees.
3. The displaced people of Syria are not represented by anyone and have no democratic collective voice. Build a way for them, and any they choose to represent them, to be heard so that their actual needs are met, and not those we suppose they have.
1. Build an application that allows users to work out safe routes of passage, allowing refugees to share safe ways to reach their destination.
2. Build an App that allows refugees to report trouble spots. At present the police in Calais descend unannounced on refugee encampments. There needs to be a way for refugees to be able to warn others that trouble is coming. A large Syrian camp in Calais was closed down in the early hours of Tuesday morning - police went in with teargas and batons, tents were bulldozed and all belongings including personal photographs and passports were taken and binned as the refugees were herded into the main 'Jungle'. There needs to be a way of allowing people to warn each other of such events so that people can at least gather up their personal belongings before the police arrive.
3. Aggregate country-specific asylum and immigration information. Sweden has an excellent website with an asylum 'pre-application' which allows people to try and figure out how probable it is for them to be granted asylum by Sweden should they make it there. Look for ways to scrape this information and produce and API from other country data. Aggregate information that allows people to access info on asylum requirements and procedures and country by country. Information on rights and benefits could help refugees figure out the best place to go. It will also allow those who are not in fear of their lives but are making the journey for economic reasons to get a more realistic idea of what life is like in respective European countries and perhaps make the decision that since their lives are not at risk, they may be better off staying where they are.
4. While it’s true that many refugees have smartphones/internet connectivity and so can be reached directly, we should also consider help we can provide to NGOs or other organisations who are also working on the crisis. We will outline other ideas as we get them from those agencies.
Many of these challenges represent significant risk to life, and therefore rely on anonymity. Your solutions to this challenge should bear that in mind.
Whilst there is access to computers in many refugee centres, mobile appa, whether on the mobile web or nat maps, are going to be the most effective way to help. For obvious reasons Android tends to be the most prevelent mobile OS.
We are also building a platform that we hope will be live by October 2nd for you to submit your prototypes to. We hope to also make it open for submissions until the end of October.
Obviously There is no amazing cash reward for “winning”. However, we will work throughout November to determine the best hacks from those selected at the end of October by actual refugees and displaced people across Europe. Developers of the best applications will be connected directly with refugee groups to iterate through to product by the end of November.
Obviously any IP you develop is yours, the we should make clear that the platform for submissions will be open and we hope you opensource the code on projects to enable them to scale and be iterated.
We need to do this before Winter hits. There are families who need to be together come December and the tech community can make that happen. As the days become shorter and night sets ip earlier, the risk to women and children from crimes against their person rises exponentially.
The situation on the ground is very complex. The refugees themselves are very diverse, and they’re distributed across territories with very different capacities for aid, as well as varying political sympathy towards refugees and migrants.
The TechFugees community will come back together in December to see how we can use this platform for further useful things.
So, stand-by for some logistics from Ed and Rewired State for the hack day and platform access.
Thanks you again for participating in this collective effort.
Conference Date:
October 1st, 9am - 5.30pm
Skillsmatter at CodeNode, 10 South Place, London, EC2M 7EB
Free Tickets
Lunch and coffee/tea will be served.
Speakers so far:
Adam Rodriques,
Paula Schwarz, StartupBoat
Katharina Dermühl, Migration Hub
Josephine Goube, migreat
Rohan Silva, Second Home
Cliodhnagh Conlon,>
Richard Sergeant, Engineers Without Borders
Anna Kondakhchyan, Oxfam
Anne Kjær Riechert, Refugees On Rails
Gi Fernando, Founders for Good
Dan Sutch, Wearecast
Paul Miller, BethnalGreenventures
Debu Purkayastha, Mercy Corps
Gary Stewart, Wayra
Marianne Bouchart,
Edward Saperia, Redwired State
Sonia Ben Ali,
Franziska Becker,
Frank Khan Sullivan,
Christopher T. Mikkelsen,
Pranay Manocha,
Raphael Mazet,
Josephine Goube,
Måns Gårdfeldt, OrphanGift
Murtada Alsaif,
Bernhard Niesner,
This project is being supported by the following sponsors and partners:
Skillsmatter, the community where you can learn and share skills with thousands of developers passionate about software craftsmanship and progressive technologies.
Wayra UK are Telefónica’s startup accelerator and we help the best entrepreneurs to grow and build successful businesses.
At the forefront of the digital payments revolution, PayPal helps millions to send money without sharing financial information and flexibility. Working alongside PayPal is Braintree, acquired by PayPal in 2013. Braintree’s SDK powers PayPal, including One Touch, Apple Pay, Bitcoin, across any device.
DataShaka is on a mission to make data easy to work with.
Fieldhouse Associates
FieldHouse Associates is a communications consultancy working with high growth tech businesses, and their investors and advisors, to help them achieve their next stage of growth.
Gordon & Eden
Gordon & Eden - From high-growth firms to established businesses, we hire executive talent in technology & digital.
Malwarebytes protects people and businesses against malicious online threats that consistently escape detection by traditional anti-virus
Nesta is the UK's innovation foundation, with a mission to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life. We do this by providing investments and grants and mobilising research, networks and skills.
Tech London Advocates
Tech London Advocates is a private sector led coalition of over 1,800 expert individuals from the tech sector and broader community who have committed to championing London’s potential as a world-class hub for tech and digital businesses.
The Exponential Network
The Exponential Network works with social projects and start-ups, supporting them in developing their mission and vision as well as measuring impact and social profit.
Paddle: Giving app developers access to all their favorite tools from a single SDK.
The TechFugees project has been put together by:
Mike Butcher - @mikebutcher
Petra Johansson - @PetraJohansson
Frank Meehan - @frank_meehan
Monique Lunt - @MoniqueMLunt
Josh Russell - @joshr
Robbie Howshall - @robbiehowshall
Edward Woodcock - @IAmFledge
Emma Mulqueeny - @hubmum
Edward Saperia - @edsaperia
Moved by the plight of refugees in Europe, a number of technology industry people have formed a small voluntary team to create the free, non-profit, "Techfugees" conference and hackathon. In the last 48 hours our Facebook Group and Twitter account has exploded, with over 1,000 people from the tech community signing up. There is clearly a huge desire amongst the tech community to get involved. This will be an entirely non-profit event to bring together tech engineers, entrepreneurs and startups together with NGOs and other agencies in order to address the crisis in ways where the technology world can bring its considerable firepower.
01 Oct - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Techfugees Conference & Hackathon
Moved by the plight of refugees in Europe, we have formed a small voluntary team to create the free, non-profit, "Techfugees" conference on October 1st in Central London.
We'd like you to come.
The background:
In the last 48 hours our Facebook Group and Twitter account has exploded, with over 700 people from the tech community signing up. There is clearly a huge desire amongst the tech community to get involved.
See: and
This will be an entirely non-profit event to bring together tech engineers, entrepreneurs and startups together with NGOs and other agencies in order to address the crisis in ways where the technology world can bring its considerable firepower.
UNHCR Rewired State Paula Schwarz, StartupBoat Anne Kjær Riechert, Refugees On Rails Marieme Jamme, Africa Gathering Bernhard Niesner, Busuu language-learning startup Marianne Bouchart, HEI-DA Data journalism institute
On October 2nd we will be running a "Hackathon" with the Telefonica-backed accelerator, WAYRA, to work on tech solutions and products to aid both refugees and agencies.
The aims of the Hackathon are to start working on products and solutions that can be fed into the I Am Here Hackathon in Berlin, run by Rewired State, on October 3rd. This will increase the chances of tech products being deployed by Winter.
We would like you to come and engage with the tech community so that we can help discuss and build solutions.
We are also looking for sponsors to cover the costs of the event.
Please email about the event content and to sponsor the costs of the event.