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26 Sep - 09:00 AM
Shoreditch, United Kingdom
#peacehack is an initiative of International Alert that brings technologists, designers, developers and peace practitioners together to create and realise ideas and solutions that can be used to stop violent conflict and help build peace. The first #peacehack took place in September 2014 in London as part of International Alert’s Talking Peace Festival. Following on from the success of #peacehack 2014, International Alert is partnering with several organizations to organise simultaneous hacks in six cities around the globe over the weekend of 26th/27th September 2015 as part of Alert’s Talking Peace Festival. We're looking for participants who have strong technology skills (programming and design) and an interest in making a difference in the not-for-profit community – though they may lack the field expertise in peacebuilding. Peacebuilding practitioners and NGOs in each city will then talk about big problems they have in their programming and / or ideas they have for technology that could be helpful in peacebuilding. Challenges emerging from these consultations will be grouped into emerging themes, which will be presented at the start of the 30-hour hack. Hackers then chose a challenge and work (individually or in teams) to build a prototype technology solution. Prototypes are presented at the end of the hack, with prizes for the best solutions. The theme selected for the London hack is to develop digital solutions to help prevent violent extremism Objective The objective of #peacehack events is to bring the technology and peacebuilding communities closer to each other, and encourage collaboration. Some of the prototype solutions emerging from the hack may be taken forward; others may not be developed. Nonetheless, the hack offers an opportunity for technologists to experience how they might contribute to peacebuilding and for peacebuilders to realise the potential of technology-enabled support to their programs and processes. We believe it can be the seed for future collaborations, the beginning of a movement where practitioners and technologists work together for peace. Event schedule The hackathon takes place over two days, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 September 2015. Saturday 26 September 2015 09.00-10.00: Registration and breakfast 10.00-11.10: Briefings (see below) 11.10-12.30: Group networking and coding 12.30–1.30: Lunch 1.30–2.00: Ninety second shout-out: say what you hope to build; say what resource you need to build it; invite others to join you 2.00 onwards: Coding Sunday 27 September 2015 09.00-10.00 Breakfast 10.00-3.00: Coding 3.00-3.45: Prototype pitches 3.45-4.30: Adjudication 4.30-5.00: Prize-giving Amazing food, including selections from our Conflict Café will be provided free for all participants. Plentiful snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will be available too. And cake. Format Network with others to form teams. Use the shout-out to recruit team members. The maximum number in a team is six. Software resources Devs may build their prototypes via native code, APIs or templates. You may use any data analysis, processing or visualization tool you need to build your app. Ownership of code/app development It is our intention to share all code on the International Alert GitHub repo, to enable solutions to be developed outside the hackathon event itself, to maximise the benefit to the NGO sector and to form the basis of a community of tech peacebuilders. Judging criteria The prototypes produced by developers will be judged according to the following criteria: Impact: Does the app/project have a measureable impact? User Experience and Presentation: Is the project simple, well-designed, and easy to use by non technical users? Sustainability: How likely is the projct to survive beyond the hackathon? Is this a viable project? Is the idea promising enough to warrant sustained development and attention? The judging panel will be made up of peacebuilders and technologists. The venue Campus London, a Google Space has successfully hosted hackathons for many years. It's one of the more robust hackathon venues in the UK. Prizes Prizes will be provided from our sponsors and will include free tickets to the Build Peace conference and hackathon in Zurich in 2016, service credits from GitHub and firebase amongst others as well as spot prizes, t-shirts and other tech goodies. FAQs What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? We recommend you use public transport to get here as there is very little (and expensive) street parking near the venue. What can/can't I bring to the event? Bring your ideas, skills and talents. Probably best pets stay at home Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? Drop us an email (Dan and Andy) at or Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Yes, but please email us before you do Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? No, but it would make life easier if you could! What is the refund policy? If you have paid nothing, we will refund you the same amount (although if you can't make day, please again let us know so we can offer the space to someone else) The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay? We'd rather they did. Drop us an email if you want to make any amendments. Can I spend the entire night at the venue or will I have to burn the midnight oil elsewhere? The venue will be open for the entire duration of the hackathon. You are welcome to come and go as you please. If you intend to stay overnight, you may wish to bring a sleeping bag. Can I start before the hackathon? You can prepare wireframes, outlines, or notes but you cannot start any of your design or development until 10.00hrs on the Saturday of the hackathon. What resources am I allowed to bring/use during the hackathon? Anything you need to complete your prototype. What if I don’t finish the project in the allotted time period? You will be judged based on the completed features. It will be up to the judges’ discretion to determine how your project ranks against other teams’ projects. Do I need to bring my own computer? Yes. We encourage devs to bring their own devices. I'm hungry! Hopefully you won't be - we'll provide you with food and drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner and perhaps the occasional snack inbetween. You are also welcome to bring your own food. If you have any specific requirements, drop us a line and we will try and suit your needs. Finally we'd like to thank our partners and sponsors, without whose support #peacehack wouldn't be possible:  
    Startupbootcamp's "Hack Insurance" Hackathon
    25 Sep - 05:00 PM
    London, United Kingdom
    Do you want to disrupt one of the most non-digital industries in the world? Are you a hard-core coder, a designer or just a hackathon obsessor? If so, join Startupbootcamp Insurance for an innovative weekend of exclusive insurance challenges and API access from elite insurance partners, as well as top of the range hardware from Intel for you to work with. We strongly advise you to sign up and save the following dates now: 25th, 26th and 27th September. You don't want to miss this event - take the challenge! Follow us on Twitter @sbcInsurance Join us Register now to secure one of the limited places available for the insurance hackathon. The event is being held at our offices in the Rainmaking Loft in central London.   Startupbootcamp Insurance is the leading accelerator focused on insurance innovation, we are based in London with a global community. We have some incredible partners on board, including: Admiral, Allianz, Ergo, Momentum, Lloyds Banking, PwC, Route66, and Unipol. For the first time these partners are going to provide exclusive challenges and API access for attendees to work with during the hackathon. The Task You will be able to form a team at the start of the event, and then work on one of the exclusive challenges or APIs our partners have provided. You will have 48 hours to complete the task. Challenges The challenges will be about general insurance. That includes travel, home, car and health insurance. All of our partners are interested in different aspects of these fields and we can help you develop new solutions by providing you APIs related to blockchain, IoT, wearables and more from our event partners (more information about API to be announced soon!). What will be provided? Wifi is available throughout the building. Sockets, ethernet cables and other sorts of cables are also available.  We do NOT provide laptops and computers so please bring your own and any associated chargers. (Don't forget phone chargers too). Winning Categories Best Technical Solution Best Overall Concept Best Design & Usability Best answer to a challenge Prizes will be be provided from Intel and alike. In addition, there is a £5,000 cash prize to be won.  Refreshments & food Don't worry you won't be hungry, we will make sure you are fed well to ensure you have sufficient fuel to build a pioneering product. Please let us know of any dietary requirements when you register. Provisional agenda Friday, 25th September, 5:30pm-7:30pm - The Introduction 5:30pm Registration 5:45pm Welcome & agenda 6:00pm Partners speak about their challenges and introduce their APIs 6:30pm Ice breaking exercise 6:45pm Participants pitch their idea for 60 seconds 7:45pm Form Teams 8:15pm Intel IoT workshop 6:00pm  9:15pm Start hacking or go home and sleep Saturday, 26th September, 9:00am-midnight - All Day Hacking 9:00am Breakfast served 12:00pm Lunch 4:00pm Ping pong tournament  6:00pm Dinner  Sunday, 27th September, 9:00am-5:00pm - Hacking Towards A Deadline 9:00am Breakfast served 10:00am Pitch Training 12:00pm Lunch 2:00pm Coders self-assessment session 3:00pm Final Presentations     We are proud to announce that we got 8 challenges from our corporate partners: Prizes and technology provided by: #sbcInsurance
      MODHack - Mining the Deep Web
      25 Sep - 01:30 PM
      London, United Kingdom
      Event Details #MODHack - Mining the Deep Web MODHack is a unique opportunity to collaborate with software developers, data scientists and innovators to develop ideas and solutions for mining of the Deep Web. The Deep Web is the part of the internet which is not indexed (searchable) from standard search engines such as Google. It is estimated that up to 95% of the web is currently un-indexed, which is fine for a general internet user, but un-acceptable for domain specific search and retrieval. Participants will use a range of open source tools and services and build something that has the potential to support the national security of the UK. This event forms one aspect of the wider of the Catalysing Defence Innovation Science & Technology (CDIST) project, under which MOD is looking at new approaches for innovation, and mechanisms for engaging with non-traditional Defence suppliers. Objective The objective of the event will be to help invent better methods for interacting with and sharing information, so users can quickly and thoroughly organize and search subsets of information relevant to their individual interests. Creation of a new domain-specific indexing and search paradigm will provide mechanisms for improved content discovery, information extraction, information retrieval, user collaboration, and extension of current search capabilities to the deep web, and non-traditional (e.g. multimedia) content. Specifically Dstl is interested in innovative concepts and solutions which are useable by non-specialists and have the flexibility to be applied to new domains as operational requirements change and international threats develop. We're looking for ideas with potential, which could enhance MOD's capabilities in the long term. The MOD OSINT programme Innovation service will be used as the exploitation route for delivering emerging technology, tools and services to the User. Current domains of interest include Global Stability - MOD needs to understand the potential threat to UK nationals based overseas. Help us develop capabilities to track global and regional stability including the detection of deteriorating security situations. Support to National Evacuation Orders (NEOs) - During the evacuation of civilians and non-combatants from overseas countries (Libya (2011); Lebanon (2006); Sierra Leone (2000)) MOD needs to gain situational awareness of where UK nationals are based; where the main threats are; and what evacuation routes are suitable to support military planning  Support to Disaster Relief Operations - MOD plays a key role in providing support to a wider UK government response to disaster relief (e.g  the Ebola Crisis in West Africa). During such operations MOD needs to understand where forces are needed, and what threats exist. Help us develop capabilities for remote situational awareness during Disaster Relief Operations in the future.  Event schedule The hackathon takes place over three days, Friday 25th - Sunday 27th September 2015. Friday 25th September 13:30 - 14:30                      Registration  14:30 - 18:00                      Welcome and introduction to challenge and toolset 18:00 - 19:00                       Dinner 19:00 - 21:00                      Project selection and Team formation 21:00                                  Close first day Saturday 26th September Hack runs throughout the day 08:30                                     Breakfast 13:00                                     Lunch 19:00                                     Dinner 21:00                                     Close second day Sunday 27th September  08:30                                     Breakfast 10:00 - 12:00                        Project presentations 12:00 - 13:00                        Lunch 13:00 - 14:00                        Prize Giving 14:00                                    Close MODHack Format Come as a team - or join one on the day. Software resources Defence Science and Technology Laboratories (Dstl) are collaborating with the US Department of Defence’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Participants can use any technology they wish, however you may want to consider building on the Open Source tools developed by DARPA under the Memex Programme. The full set of Memex tools will be available on registration. Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (Dstl) experts will be on hand to assist with Memex and provide a Cloud development environment. All you need do is bring your laptop and be up for it! Ownership of code/app development Dstl/MOD will not have a claim on any Intellectual Property you create. You build it, you keep it. As the Memex tools are open source we would encourage participants to share any enhancements to enable solutions to be developed outside the hackathon event. Support will be given to the most promising proofs of concept to get a market ready MVP. Judging criteria The prototypes produced by developers will be judged according to the following criteria: -          Operational Impact: Does the innovation have a measureable impact? -          Exploitability: How easy will it be for MOD to exploit the project/concept? -          Usability: Is the project/concept simple, and easy to use by non-technical users? -          Innovation: How innovative is the idea? The judging panel will be made up of experts from MOD, Dstl, and Knowledge Transfer Network. The venue Wallacespace, 18 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DP. Prizes The Proofs of Concept developed will be judged and there will be awards in various categories for coding and concept skills. A rather exclusive prize is up for grabs to the team that develops the overall winning project. The dip in the Dunker has had to be withdrawn but will be replaced with an equally memorable experience. We are delighted to also offer winners Golden Tickets to ride the HackTrain kindly provided by HackPartners.  Photography Please also note, by confirming your attendance to this event, you have agreed to the filming, video, photography and vox pops that will be taken throughout the weekend and the use of these images after the event. If you do not wish to be photographed/filmed please make us aware upon arrival at the event. FAQs Who do I contact with any questions? Drop us an email Is my registration/ticket transferrable to another person? Yes, but please email us to amend our guestlist Do I have to print my ticket for the event? No you may bring it electronically, but you MUST bring ID e.g. driving licence or passport What transport should I use to get to the event? We recommend you use public transport to get here otherwise there is also opportunity to store your bicycles safely. Can I spend the entire night at the venue? The venue will be open until 9pm on both evenings, but if you wish to work later there are a number of local pubs and coffee shops with Wifi. Do I need to bring my own computer/laptop? Yes, it is recommended that that individuals bring their own devices Is there food? Yes unlimited snacks and your breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided, please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.