Showing results 71 to 80 out of 139
Interledger Workshop
06 Jul - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Attend the Interledger Workshop. You'll receive an introduction to the Interledger project, followed by in-depth sessions on Addressing, ILP Packet Header and Routing; Enabling ILP: The ILP Ledger Plug-In and ILP Ledger Virtual; Application layer protocols and the W3C Web Payments activity; Weaving the ILP fabric into BigchainDB; Demonstrating Real-Money Payments using ILP. To round off the workshop, there'll be an Interledger Hackathon.
Milton Keynes Hackathon
25 Jun - 12:00 PM
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Red Alert! Hackers wanted to build a great app to navigate the Milton Keynes Redway system--a 169+ mile network of RED tarmac paths for cyclists and pedestrians that criss-crosses the city. Help open up the Redway--making it easy and safe to travel. Participate in the Milton Keynes hackathon and build a Redway app that maps the system, highlights great places to visit, alerts travelers to busy spots and anything else you can conceive.
2016 Social Robotics Hackathon
25 Jun - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
This robot hackathon wants to challenge you to develop an application in which a robot engages in meaningful interaction with humans or other robots. The event is open to all developers interested in applications that make use of social robots. There will be some robots on-hand but if you already own a robot, feel free to bring it!
Cyclehack Camden
24 Jun - 07:00 PM
NW1, United Kingdom
Interested in helping overcome barriers to cycling in the Borough of Camden--and across London? Join with a diverse group of people to identify those barriers and generate ideas that eliminate them. Work in tandem with other CycleHack Camden participants to make your ideas become real. Help prototype them and see how they'll work in the real world. The best ideas win a CycleHack award and some of the awesome prizes on offer.
InsurTech Hackathon: Cyber Security, Privacy, Fraud & Crime
24 Jun - 05:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Are you a cybersecurity fanatic? Want to shake up the Insurance industry? Coders, developers, designers,'e invited to join Startupbootcamp InsurTech's Hackathon. This event is focused on disruptive insurance innovation and connecting with startups focused on the insurance market. You will work on one of the challenges: Cyber Risk Scoring, Safety and Security Beyond Traditional Passwords, Cyber Bullying Prevention and Support, Unified Reconciliation, Personal Data Sharing as a Service, Fighting Fraud with Social Proof, Crime in Motor Car Insurance, and Detecting Fraud in Cyber Insurance.
Data Festival London 2016
24 Jun - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
This is the best data festival for all data enthusiasts in London, powered by The DataFoundry movement. Business people, data analysts, data hackers and data scientists all come together for a full weekend of exploring the data world. The DataFestival.London is primary for three groups. For business users there is the Friday event which will be filled with real people stories and learnings about how they've transformed their business thanks to data and it's democratization. For the data geeks there is afternoon hacking from Friday night to Sunday for anyone interested in working on data sets with fellow minded people and great tech to try for free. Note: this is not a competition event. This event is just for learning, bonding, and having fun!
The Tech Factor
24 Jun - 10:00 AM
Romford, United Kingdom
The TECHFACTOR brings together students who aspire to work in the digital industry and employers looking for tomorrow's technology leaders. Leading industry mentors will take attendees through fast-paced Creative-Mindset workshops on the skills and knowledge they'll for the digital industry. Teams will then complete and get their Digital business prototypes ready to pitch to a jury of young leaders and top employers, who have the power to bring their ideas to life!!
FLIR "Hack the Heat" Hacker and Maker Challenge
17 Jun - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
This hackathon is inviting all Software Hackers and Hardware Makers to come along and heat things up with the power of FLIR ONE and Lepton. There will be two challenges open to new and existing projects. The new projects will use the FLIR ONE SDK and/or a FLIR Lepton developer kit to create totally new consumer-ready thermal-imaging solutions. Whereas, the existing projects will integrate the FLIR ONE SDK and/or a FLIR Lepton solution for innovative consumer-ready thermal-imaging solutions.
FOSS4G UK 2016: Humanitarian Hack with HXL
14 Jun - 09:30 AM
Southampton, United Kingdom
Open source GIS users, developers, supporters--join OSGeo:UK at FOSS4G UK 2016 for two days of conferences and a one day hackathon - Humanitarian Hack with HXL. Sharpen your design and coding skills to explore ways to improve information sharing during humanitarian crises. Come up with innovative ways to leverage data discovery and spatial data usage, using HXL with QGIS and CKAN, to help people in need!
Open Source Circular Economy Days 2016
12 Jun - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Come attend OSCEdays London 2016 a global hackathon-style event and community to create open resources and possibilities for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable and environmentally friendly Circular Economy. This event will be an opportunity to collaboratively imagine a future where London embraces open source and circular economy thinking. People from industry, grassroots, maker & hacker movements, students, etc. will work together on all kinds of challenges discussing, developing and experimenting with the Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE).