Showing results 181 to 184 out of 184
NoTosh @ The BETT Leadership Hackathon
18 Jan - 10:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Do you have a project that you're trying to get off the ground? Not sure of the next steps to take? Well here's your chance to move forward. Come and participate in the NoTosh @ The BETT Leadership Hackathon. You'll go through three fast-paced sessions and get the time and tools to leave with your challenges defined, ideas created and concrete prototypes ready for feedback. So sign up today and bring your project challenge or serious hurdle that's getting in the way of your awesome new idea.
Sex, Rights and Pleasure Lab
17 Jan - 10:00 AM
Brighton, United Kingdom
Students, staff and researchers at the University of Sussex! Researchers from gender research projects! Sexual health care professionals and manufacturers! The School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex invites you to participate in the Sex, Rights and Pleasure Lab. You'll be challenged to create new interventions to digitally mediated gender-based and sexual violence. Your pitch of your intervention to an international panel of gender research specialists will be recorded for subsequent judging by an expert jury and online voting by the general internet audience.
Hacking Happiness
16 Jan - 04:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Are you interested in happiness? Digital Catapult invites technical professionals from disciplines such as machine learning, data science, design and software engineering to participate in the Hacking Happiness hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like-minded individuals to conceive and prototype innovative solutions that address happiness. You have a choice of challenges on measuring, understanding, predicting and increasing happiness:
1.Quantified happiness: Using personal, geographic, social and environmental data sets.
2.Augmented happiness: Using wearables or sensors.
3.Interactive happiness: Using novel human-AI collaborations and interactions.
14 Jan - 11:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
As a civic-minded individual, were you scandalised by the Newham Council LOBO loan scandal? Worried about the type and level of risky and expensive loans that have been sold to local authorities? Debt Resistance UK invites you to sign up to participate in the on-line LOCAL FINANCE HACKATHON. You'll be challenged to review and analyse a dataset of LOBO loan contracts and to make create new analyses or visualisations to help others to clearly understand the scale of the problem facing local authorities.