Showing results 11 to 13 out of 13
Sheffield Refugee Hackathon
08 Apr - 06:00 PM
Sheffield, United Kingdom
This is the second Sheffield Refugee Hackathon taking place at Yoomee's offices at the Electric Works. Come along to get to know the people who came last time, if you did't already and catch up on the projects created then. If there are more people, participants will be forming teams to look at some new ideas. So Bring your laptop and join this event to hack for refugees!
Data Hack
29 Jan - 09:00 AM
Hull, United Kingdom
Hull UK City of Culture Hackathon is inviting marketing agents and digital companies to come together and work on a hack involving data around an aspect of the City of Culture and exploring its key digital themes. Attending will be David Watson, Head of the City of Culture’s digital team, along with Microsoft officials who will be providing guidance, experience and training to those who get involved.
Connected Healthcare at the Digital Media Centre
21 Jan - 11:30 AM
Barnsley, United Kingdom
The Yorkshire and Humber digital healthcare event is open to all creative design and digital technology specialists and healthcare professionals. Explore topics such as virtual reality, telehealth, animation and robotics, and new market opportunities for creative and digital technology in the NHS and healthcare sector. Learn how apps, software and digital solutions are improving the patient experience in existing care and how to get involved in a programme of healthcare hackathon and access to finance events to support your product development.