Showing results 1 to 10 out of 19
Hack the Holidays 2
17 Dec - 10:00 AM
Peterborough, United Kingdom
High schools and university students from across Europe! Sign up to participate in Hack the Holidays, a 24-hour holiday-themed student hackathon in Peterborough. Come and have fun and a festive hacking experience. Learn about GitHub and put your HTML and CSS skills to the test in a game of MLH !Light.
Social Storm- 24 hour Virtual Hackathon
11 Nov - 01:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Aston University students and graduates! Are you passionate about finding innovative solutions to global issues? Come and participate in the Social Storm - 24 hour Virtual Hackathon. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to tackle two global issues; food security and sustainable housing. You'll work in a team with students from other universities to find a sustainable solution to a real life problem, and to present a video pitch to a team of judges.
AstonHack 2016
05 Nov - 10:00 AM
The Aston Triangle, United Kingdom
Students and recent graduates! Come and participate in Aston University's second student hackathon! The AstonHack event has been expanded to allow for even more student hackers to participate in 24 hours of designing, coding, and making! Be prepared to collaborate with other participants to build cool software.
Hacktoberfest Birmingham 2016
26 Oct - 07:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Hackers and open source supporters! Sign up to be part of Hacktoberfest 2016! This is a month-long celebration of open source. Participate and help move an open source project forward. Maybe it's a project that you use and you want to give back, or perhaps it's a project new to you! You don't have to be a super coder to be part of this—bug fixes and documentation updates are a great way to contribute.
01 Oct - 10:00 AM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Everyone is welcome to participate in HackTheMidlands—a 24-hour, inclusive hackathon. Participants will come together to share ideas, and create new and awesome projects! Experience is NOT necessary! Everyone has to start somewhere, and there will be mentors at the event to help you along. One of the most awesome qualities of hackathons is the sheer number of lovely people that you'll meet at them, so no matter your skill level or expertise, you'll always be able to have an awesome time, pick up loads of new skills, and make new friends!
Milton Keynes Hackathon
25 Jun - 12:00 PM
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Red Alert! Hackers wanted to build a great app to navigate the Milton Keynes Redway system--a 169+ mile network of RED tarmac paths for cyclists and pedestrians that criss-crosses the city. Help open up the Redway--making it easy and safe to travel. Participate in the Milton Keynes hackathon and build a Redway app that maps the system, highlights great places to visit, alerts travelers to busy spots and anything else you can conceive.
Technology Ventures Conference 2016
25 Jun - 08:00 AM
Cambridge, United Kingdom
This is a huge event inviting over 300 inventors, investors, researchers, and entrepreneurs to innovate our way to a cleaner, healthier, more efficient future. Together you will aim to reimagining waste as a resource, advance science, develop new technologies, and create novel market opportunities. Waste and resource topics will be covered by looking at biotech, medicine, materials, AI, fin-tech, and consumer goods. This conference is not to be missed! A series of innovative programs culminating the brightest minds in the world, all in one day. The event will include the UK’s first Bio-Hackathon, the 2nd annual Sustainable Futures Challenge finale, and a sustainable technology start-up exhibition. There will be local and international media coverage from Bloomberg, WIRED, BBC and more!
IM Create2 Hackathon
04 Jun - 10:30 AM
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Data scientists, coders, business tinkers, creative types! Come and help create mobility solutions for the future. Participate in the Smart Transport Hackathon and set your mind and skills to create ideas and prototypes that address key developmental needs within the UK’s transport network.
Memory Palace Hackathon
22 Apr - 06:00 PM
Cambridge, United Kingdom
The Memory Palace Hackathon's main aim is for you to develop a software that will allow individuals to build memory palaces in virtual reality or a 3D modeled environment on a 2D screen. Human memory is significantly better adapted to learning spaces and images than it is to learning textual and numerical information. For millennia, memory techniques have been developed and leveraged in oral cultures to store huge amounts of information in human memory through association with space and image. While the core principles of memory palaces can be learned quickly, their application to specific subjects and disciplines remains elusive. By creating a means of building memory palaces in virtual reality, the entire process can be transmitted and demonstrated faster, more effectively, and with digital – as well as human – memory storage. Users will be able to see their own and other people’s memory palaces, as well as be able to create their own memory palaces with built-in guidance and step-by-step instruction. This event will require developers familiar with Ruby programming language and preferably with Sketchup itself. The goal is to code the steps and functions that allow teachers to create instructional modules and students to add their own associations and build their own memory palaces.
15 Apr - 07:00 PM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
The ART//GAMES//HACKATHON is an intensive workshop welcoming all artists, coders and technologists to team up, collaborate and develop prototypes for game art projects. This hackathon is part of Europeana Space, a large EU-funded project, which examines the creative reuse of online content across a range of media and art forms. The three winning projects will receive further mentoring from Simon Cronshaw from Remix and the chance to participate in a Business Modelling Workshop to further shape their projects and develop business plans. These three finalists will then compete for three months of tailored business incubation from world-class industry leaders.