Showing results 31 to 33 out of 33
UniHack- 48 hour social hackathon
03 Feb - 01:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Aston University students and graduates! Come and participate in UniHack! Collaborate to create innovative solutions to real-world challenges. Be one of 50 participants and team to develop an app, service, product or campaign that solves a real-life problem. Meet like-minded hackers and build innovative and incredible things!
Mini-hackathon- The Energy Knowledge Exchange
02 Feb - 11:00 AM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Energy professionals, SMEs, entrepreneurs, and innovators! The Energy Systems Catapult invites you to participate in a mini-hackathon — The Energy Knowledge Exchange. You'll get the opportunity to network with other energy fanatics in a mini hackathon — learning and sharing energy sector information, and collaborating to provide insights and feedback on prototype web services built using the new Energy Knowledge Exchange (EKX) platform.
Global Game Jam 2017
20 Jan - 04:30 PM
Lincoln, United Kingdom
College and University student gaming enthusiasts in and around Lincoln! Come and participate in Global Game Jam 2017 — the world's largest game jam event, where you can collaborate with like-minded gamer techies to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating, and testing your own new game — all in less than 48 hours. Get ready for Global Game Jam 2017 with the best hackathon advice!