Showing results 11 to 20 out of 51
Hackathon Challenge - UK Fast Manchester- Cyber Challenge - transport provided from Edge Hill
31 Oct - 07:30 AM
Birley Fields, United Kingdom
Hack Challenge - Cyber & Networking Challenge - in collaboration with UKFAST.
Manchester - UKFAST Offices. Return transport provided from Edge Hill.
Overview of challenge
A fabulous opportunity to get involved with the Cyber/Networking challenge being ran for Edge Hill students by UKFAST
You are part of a team working for UKFast charged with migrating new clients on to UKFast systems’ and infrastructure. Big Happy Shop Inc. have decided to use UKFast as a hosting provider due to poor levels of service from their previous supplier. They have particular concerns and requirements and are interested in the extra level of service that UKFast and its sister security company Secarma can provide.
Big Happy Shop Inc. are a leading UK eCommerce concern. Their main system consists of a shopping website that includes multiple functions such as account creation, shopping, comment and message functionality. The company recently received financial investment to take their product to a US market.
However, the deployment has not gone well. The US version of their site has potential security concerns due to inexperienced developers. In addition, they fear the site may have already been compromised in some way that may have compromised the security of their server. Your job is to find any security flaws in the web application, any vulnerabilities which may have been introduced to the server, and provide any relevant patches / fixes. Unfortunately, they require that the system remains online and may be under constant attack. You have five hours to identify as many security issues as you can and provide solutions!
Points will be awarded for each problem identified and each team will get double points for each solution offered with implemented fixes and patches. Each team will submit their findings using a Google Form. These will then be totalled and checked to pick a winning team.
Location: This challenge will be taking place at the UKFAST Offices in Manchester. Return transport will be provided from Edge Hill. Coach will depart from Edge Hill at 7:30am and pick up at the UK FAST offices at 4pm.
Open to Edge Hill Computer Science Department students
Hackathon Challenge - ROQ Defectives Tester Challenge comes to Edge Hill University - Halloween Special!
30 Oct - 01:00 PM
Ormskirk, United Kingdom
Open to Edge Hill Computer Science Department students
Computer Science - ROQ Defectives Tester Challenge comes to Edge Hill University - Halloween Special!
Monday 30th October/1pm – 4pm
Location: Tech Hub
The Computer Science Department are pleased to invite you to engage with this exciting Web based Hackathon in partnership with ROQ.
Defectives Challenge has been designed to challenge you and provide you with an opportunity to learn and experience a little about the testing phase of the software development lifecycle as well as an opportunity for networking with the technical staff from ROQ. There is no prior experience required all you will need is a laptop, tablet or mobile with a browser.
After a brief introduction and some helpful pointers, teams will work together to find defects on specific websites against the clock with a chance to win ‘Edge Hill Defectives University Challenge’ with some spooky prizes up for grabs.
No previous knowledge of software testing is required to take part, as training will be given; participants simply need a general interest and appreciation of IT and a sense of fun.
HackNotts 2017
28 Oct - 10:00 AM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
HackNotts is a 24 hour Hackathon hosted at the University of Nottingham. In October this year we will be returning for our fourth year! Join us for a weekend of hacking and fun in the stunning Jubilee Campus.
But what is going to happen at the event?
Over the 24 hours, people aged 16+ of all skill levels (you don't have to be a professional or a student! Just be lovely, passionate and interested in tech!) will come together to share ideas, and create new and awesome projects! (Not sure what a hackathon is? MLH have a great explanation here). There'll also be fun minigames, challenges and free food/drink to make sure you have an absolutely wonderful time.
What should I bring?
Apart from yourself, you will also need to bring laptops, chargers and some spare clothes if you want to sleep.
Please note that all attendees will be subject to the MLH Code of Conduct. For more information about the event - see our website
School of Computing 60th Anniversary 24 Hour Hackathon
20 Oct - 06:30 PM
Leeds, United Kingdom
Everyone is invited to our 24 hour non-stop hackathon looking at the challenging and exciting area of FinTech in partnership with major technology leaders (HSBC, IMC, AQL and others). Join us for this event, work in a team and propose a concept, or build a prototype, or design a start-up – whatever you do you will have the chance to win a portion of over £2,000 in prizes, continued mentorship, and gain access to job opportunities.
In 1957, the University of Leeds was one of the first universities in the UK to buy a computer. This was a revolutionary development in university science and engineering, and the springboard for academic computer science in the university.
60 years on, computer science underpins nearly everything we do.
The sponsors have provided a set of topics in the areas of financial tech, digital identity, security, and personal digital assistants. Your team will have 24 hours to propose a great idea for a particular topic and produce an initial prototype. You will then present your idea to a judging panel on Sunday afternoon. A winning team will be chosen for each topic area. Throughout the event you will be given mentoring and support by research staff and engineers in designing and building your concept. Mentors will also be on hand to look at your CV and give you tips on employability etc.
Over £2,000 of prizes to be won across sponsor led challenges as well as opportunities for sponsor mentorship and recruitment.
Teams will consist of 4 people, you can either register as a team or we can help you form a team at the reception event. We encourage multi-disciplinary teams to give you the best the chance of success.
Friday 20th October (18:30) - Welcome reception for delegates and sponsors with an introductory talk by Dr Chris Sier Fintech Envoy for the North
Saturday 21st October (10:30) - Hackathon Start
Sunday 22nd October (12:00) - Judging/prizes by Sponsors (scheduled close 15:00)
Are there restrictions on who can take part?
There are no restrictions on who can take part (other than age requirement of 18+). We would particularly like to see as many students (undergraduate, masters, and PhD) involved as well as staff from the universities in Leeds. We'd also love to see a great mix of disciplines, although having someone with a computing background on your team will help.
Are meals provided?
Yes, at the reception on Friday we'll provide a buffet. On Saturday we'll provide lunch and dinner. On Sunday we'll provide breakfast and lunch. There will be coffee and soft drinks available throughout as well. There is not cost for the food or drink.
Do we need to register as a team?
No, teams will consist of 4 people. You can register as a team online before the event or else you can let us know on Friday that you've got team sorted. If you haven't we'll help you either form or join a team during the reception on Friday and Saturday morning.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
Yes, hackathon participants must be over 18 as the event runs throughout Saturday night.
What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?
After 5PM the University Edge and Multi-Storey car parks are open to the public. Payment is made before exiting. Further details can be found here:
What can I bring into the event?
Please bring a laptop.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
Either use the contact details on your registration form or contact the School of Computing on 0113 343 5430.
Propensity to Cycle Hackathon
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Leeds, United Kingdom
This Propensity to Cycle Tool Hackathon is designed for advanced users and developers of the tool to share ideas, use-cases and skills. The aim is to build know-how of the tool and how it can be used, modified and extended to improve its ability to help provide an accessible evidence-based for transport planning.
Attendees will likely split into teams at the outset to work on issues such as:
How to best make use of data generated by the PCT
New scenarios (e.g. 'Go York')
Modifications to the PCT (this could have multiple teams)
It is hoped that the knowledge learned will be shared beyond the event via write-ups, workshops and extensions to the PCT by attendees.
R must be installed, in addition to the development version of the stplanr package:
It will help if you have Git installed on your computer. With it installed the following commands will download all files you need to reproduce the tool:
# clone the pct data creation scripts git clone
If you want to work on the 'full' PCT you'll need these on your laptop before the hackathon.
To download the input data, install git lfs from GitHub and run the following lines of code from an appropriate shell (e.g. bash on Linux or Windows Powershell):
git lfs install # check lfs is working # clone the data (warning - large) git clone # raw input files git clone # national outputs git clone # regional outputs used by pct-shiny
The contents of the regional outputs are used by the code in pct-shiny, which can be downloaded with:
git clone
See full draft agenda here:
The rough running order of the event will be as follows:
Getting up to speed 9:00-10AM (optional)
The aim of this section is familiarise attendees with the PCT. Optional for experienced users.
Policy relevance and the type of questions we want to answer (15 minutes)
Open question and answer and a chance for people to ask technical questions (15 minutes)
Meet and greet and team formation - talk to person next to you and decide what you want to get out of it (15 minutes over coffee)
Coffee break, discussion and set-up (15 minutes)
Learning to use and hack the PCT (10 - 12)
Live demo and where we're at with the Propensity to Cycle Project and quick demo (Robin - 15 minutes)
The aim of this section is to learn skills needed for the hackathon. By the end of it everyone should be in a team with a plan.
Split session. Getting up to speed with the tool - Robin, Nikolai and Ali to do tech explanation for people with PCT installed, others to demonstrate use cases for people without (45 minutes)
Free time to play with the tool, test hacks and network to finalise teams (1 hr)
Lunch: 12 - 1PM
The hackathon (1 - 4pm)
This is where the bulk of the work will take place
Reconvene to hear and discuss team ideas (30 minutes, ~5 min per team)
Free time for hackathon (2 hrs)
Feedback (4 - 4:30PM)
Presentation of hacks and discussion
HackSheffield 3.0 [MLH]
14 Oct - 09:00 AM
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our third Major League Hacking Hackathon based in the University of Sheffield - for students and recent graduates across the world!
For more information, visit!
Facebook Event
13 Oct - 05:00 PM
Chester, United Kingdom
University of Chester students! You're invited to sign up to participate in the 24-hour HackThornton hackathon. Come as a team, or join one at the event. You can pick one of the designated hackathon tracks -- voice UI, virtual reality, gaming, or innovation -- or work on your own idea.
The Big Conversation about Families, Parents and the Workplace
27 Sep - 05:30 PM
Salford, United Kingdom
HR professionals, researchers, and interested citizens in the Greater Manchester Area! If you are interested in issues related to parents and families in the workplace, then the Manchester Branch of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) invites you to participate in their Big Conversation Hackathon. At this event, you will get to share experiences and identify challenges such as maternity discrimination, childcare, carers, making shared parental leave work, adoption leave and flexible working. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to come up with practical ideas that HR people can implement in their organisations, as well as public policy issues that need to be addressed.
CAMHS Improvement Hackathon
26 Sep - 09:00 AM
Warrington, United Kingdom
Event Overview:
Join us for our exciting ‘Hackathon’ event exploring improvements to Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) across the North West!
This event forms part of our ongoing scoping exercise exploring a North West CAMHS improvement programme.
Hackathons aren’t your usual type of event. This is a fantastic opportunity to share some of the challenges facing CAMHS services with colleagues from across the region, and intensively collaborate to form innovate solutions.
Whether you’re new to Hackathons or you’ve tried one before, we highly recommend you give it a go.
How will the hackathon event work?
The Pitch - Teams will share their specific CAMHS related problem or issue with the wider CAMHS community via an initial one minute 'pitch'. This should focus on crisis avoidance and crisis support, although other specific pitches will be considered.
Sprints – Teams then move through a series of fast-paced structured exercise, or ‘sprints’ to develop outlines for potential quality improvement projects.
Judging Panel - The day will conclude with a presentation of each of the QI proposals, with a brief Q&A session with a judging panel.
The best projects / teams will then form the final part of our CAMHS improvement scoping exercise.
Who is this event aimed at?
The Hackathon is for CAMHS teams from across membership, who have a distinct idea for a one year quality improvement project.
Each team will be different but may include:
Young people
Social care
Non statutory services
Teams are also welcome to invite partners involved in their services.
What will attendees learn at this event / workshop?
Attendees will share thoughts, ideas and insights into service needs across the region, and work together to help to shape a possible improvement programme to support members.
Further information:
Please note this is an expression of interest and due to the size of the venue places at the event will be limited and we will confirm your place prior to the event.
Event Conditions:
Events are free to all Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) member organisations. In some cases, places can be paid for by non-members. If you’re interested in attending an AQuA event and are not a member then contact us at If you are unsure whether your organisation is an AQuA member, please click here.
Paid places on AQuA events are non-refundable however can be transferred. If you are no longer able to attend and wish to transfer your place, please contact the team on the details above.
Final event arrangements are confirmed with the venue up to two weeks before the event. In order to ensure that places are not wasted please let us know at your earliest convenience if you are no longer able to attend. Many of our events operate waiting lists so this will enable us to reallocate your place to someone else on the list.
We take photographs and occasionally video/live stream at our events. We use these pictures and video on our website and in other media such as Twitter and news publications. If you do not want to be photographed or filmed please let a member of the AQuA team know at the event.
By signing up for an AQuA event, we will add your contact details to our CRM system and let you know about future events, as well as send you our fortnightly e-bulletin. If you do not want to receive information from us, please let us know by sending us an email to and we will remove your name from our mailing list.
Supporting resources, presentations and other materials from the event will be made available on our website after the event for 30 days.
By registering for an AQuA event you consent for us to share your attendance information with your organisation for reporting purposes.
If the event is held jointly with one of our partners we will share attendee names, organisations and email addresses.
When you register for this event you’ll automatically be agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy statements.
If you would like further detail on any of the above, please contact
Sprint24 Hackathon Liverpool
23 Sep - 10:30 AM
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Join us for a 24 hour code fest!
Choose your challenge and test your skills, in a cool space with food and drinks flowing, good company and some great prizes to be won.
Enter as full or part teams...or as an individual. All experience levels welcome!
Are you up for the challenge? Book your ticket and join us for 24 hours of problem solving, inspiration, fun and networking.
DATE: Saturday 23rd September 2017
VENUE: Ziferblat, St Pauls Square, Liverpool, L3 9SJ.
START TIME: registration @ 10.30am - speaker @ 11.30AM
EVENT ENDS: 1pm - Sunday 24th September