Showing results 11 to 20 out of 117
hackSheffield 5.0 [MLH]
02 Nov - 09:00 AM
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our fifth Major League Hacking hackathon based in the University of Sheffield - for students and recent graduates across the world!
Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp
30 Oct - 09:00 AM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Microsoft Graph Hackathon
Inclusive Culture Mini-Hackathon
23 Oct - 01:30 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
This is an invite to take part in our 'Inclusive Culture Hackathon’ at 1 Angel Square in Manchester on Wednesday 23rd October 2019. It’s open to colleagues from any part of our Co-op.
If you're interested in improving our workplace, you’ll love this event.
It’ll be a really interactive afternoon and we’ll ask you to get involved in decision making and problem solving around the topics that are affecting colleagues most. We'll be sharing some problems with you and ask you how our businesses should work together to come up with a tool that’ll benefit all colleagues.
It’ll start at 1.30 pm, with the event finishing finish no later than 5.30 pm.
Please feel free to share this invite with any other colleagues who you know will be interested in coming along.
For Food store colleagues, hours will be credited for your time, so you won’t be left short-handed back at store. We can’t unfortunately help with travel costs.
Can you please drop an email to if you need any reasonable adjustments.
This event is for Co-op Colleagues only.
Fixing Broken Care Journeys: an INTEROPen Hackathon
14 Oct - 09:00 AM
Leeds, United Kingdom
This FREE* hackathon will bring together developers wishing to devise, test and develop solutions to connect systems and deliver better care
Health Hackathon
11 Oct - 03:00 PM
Leeds, United Kingdom
In partnership with the Medical Technologies Skills Academy at University of Leeds, Leeds BeckettUniversity and Surgical MIC are holding a hackathon for students to get involved with innovationin medical technologies. It is an excellent opportunity to shape the health service of the future, gain experience of multi-disciplinary team working and connect with senior professionals from health and tech across the Leeds City region.
Over the weekend of 11th – 13th October students are invited to enter a hackathon focussing on innovation in health services. It is an opportunity to work in multi-disciplinary teams to come up with novel solutions and prototypes – the prototypes might be tech based, service models or business plans – participants will present to a panel of industry and institutional leaders who will select the winning idea to receive a £1000 prize!
Ideas presented could be anything from an app that links people to others in their community, or a surgical innovation to support front line staff. As long as it is multidisciplinary and tangible and can be presented back in a ten minute slot then its up to teams to bring us their most innovative ideas. People can either join as teams, or as individuals who will then be placed into teams. Mentors will be available throughout the event to support and advise participants.
Student teams will have 24/7 access to the Leslie Silver library over the weekend and refreshments, including pizza in true hackathon style!
This will be a high profile event, providing excellent experience and a great coup on your CV, not to mention the opportunity to innovate within and improve health services in the Leeds city region!
Friday afternoon begins with scene setting, rules of engagement and introductions from key figures in health and tech across Leeds. Then we eat lots of pizza!
For the rest of Friday and all day Saturday, hackathon teams have free access to the Leslie Silver library to work on their ideas. Mentors will be available throughout this time, either in person or by telephone for advice and support.
On Sunday morning (not too early!) we bring everyone together in Woodhouse Lecture Theatre, where each team gets a maximum of 10 minutes to present their idea
Judges deliberate while some refreshments are enjoyed and then the winner is announced!
CCPi Hackathon 4
02 Oct - 10:00 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
3-day hackathon with CCPi team to prepare software for training session.
National Health Careers Conference 2019 #NHCC19
28 Sep - 10:00 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Update: Due to high demand, extra places have been made available!
The UKs leading event for aspiring healthcare professionals returns on Saturday 28th September 2019, taking place in MediaCity, Manchester.
Students can register for free for the national conference, this is set to be the biggest widening participation event for healthcare disciplines with a diverse programme including:
- Keynote talks and panels on the new #HealthCareersLive Stage- 30+ Workshop Sessions - learn about yout health career of interest and what you need to do to get in!- Clinical Skills Zone - your chance to get hands on!- Mentoring & Networking Zone - ask a current healthcare student or professional any question you want!- Digital Health & Innovation - a peek into the future of health!- Interactive Exhibition - an opportunity to meet key organisations and access useful resources!
Open to all school/college/university students, graduates, parents, teachers, career advisers, health professionals....
Come and hear from key individuals and organisations including:
NHS England
Regulatory bodies
Profession Councils
Royal Colleges
Healthcare Professionals and students: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Nursing & Midwifery, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Healthcare Scientists, Physician Associates, Allied Healthcare Professionals, Digital roles and more.
Apprenticeship opportunities
Health Career organisations
Health Education organisations
You will be able to register for over 40 workshops and activities on the day on a first come first serve basis. These include:
Becoming a Healthcare Professional - Official National Conference Team
Becoming a Doctor (GP, Psychiatrist, Physician, Surgeon, Radiologist...)- Official National Conference Team
Becoming a Dentist - Official National Conference Team
Becoming a Healthcare Scientist - National School of Healthcare Science
Becoming a Physician Associate - Health Education England
Becoming a Midwife (TBC)
Becoming a Nurse - Health Education England
Becoming a Psychologist (TBC)
Becoming a VET - British Veterinary Association
Becoming a Physiotherapist - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Becoming a Pharmacist - University of Manchester
Healthcare Hackathon ideation - Official National Health Careers Team
Self-care and Wellbeing- Edge Hill University
The future of Primary Care - NHS England
A career in Radiology -Royal College of Radiologists
Extracting your own DNA with Bayer Labs - A 2 hour exhilirating experience!
Have a go at Suturing! - Royal College of Surgeons
Situational Judgement Test (SJT) - General Medical Council (GMC)
Why Dentistry? - General Dental Council (GDC)
MMI Interview Simulations - Getting Into Med
MMI Interview Simulations - University of Manchester WP Society
Experience being a dentist! - Dentistry Pathways
Preparing for your interview
Preparing for the UCAT (Formerly UKCAT)
Preparing for the BMAT - UCL Medical School
Organising Work Experience in the UK and Abroad - Getting Into Med
Writing Your Personal Statement
How can I reflect on work experience? - Lancaster University
Applying as a Graduate Student / Mature learner to study Medicine - Official National Health Careers Conference Team
Digital roles in the NHS
Studying Medical Sciences - University of Birmingham Widening Participation Society
Oxbridge Medical School Interviews - Cambridge Medical School
Studying abroad
Working in the UK - General Medical Council
Website: / Event Hashtags: #BAD19 #NHCC19
Twitter: @HealthCareersCo @BecomingaDr
FB Page: /
FB Event:
Instagram: /
Snapchat: @HealthCareersCo / @BecomingaDr
Are you an organisation wanting to present, sponsor or exhibit? E-mail to request a conference pack.
Are you a teacher, careers adviser or healthcare student /professional wanting to volunteer? E-mail to get involved!
Our official events and conference partner is the Explosive Group. Find out more at and join them on social media at @explosivegrp
*Please note that the schedule is subject to change
Kingdom Code Leeds: Design Sprint
26 Sep - 07:00 PM
Leeds, United Kingdom
Kingdom Code is a community of Christians who work in the world of technology- whether you are a designer, developer, data analyst, game engineer, product manager, digital marketer, entrepreneur or something else entirely in tech this is a group for you.
It's a month until Kingdom Code BUILD, our annual hackathon, and we're beginning to think about what we're going to be making… We're inviting the mission agencies that we will be partnering with for BUILD to join us to share more about what they do and their hackathon challenges with us. We're going to condense Google Venture's Design Sprint down to an hour and a bit to work through some techniques to come up with ideas, to refine those ideas, and then get them ready to be pitched at the hackathon.
If you're still considering if you want to join the hackathon, this is a great evening to come along to, get a flavour of the projects that will be worked on and get to know some people in the Kingdom Code community. Or if you just want to see how five days can be squeezed into such a short period of time… that's worth coming to see as well!
We'll be digging into these two challenge areas:
How can we equip Christians to use the Bible more in evangelism?
How might we resource your local church to serve and include the poor?
We've got a full write up of the challenges over on the Kingdom Code BUILD page.
This is event is part of the Kingdom Code Think series. As a community of Christians exploring the world of technology we want to be thinking, discussing and exploring how our faith shapes and changes what we do. Find out more at
City leadersAlice CreaseyAlasdair Munday
I can't make this event, will there be more?Absolutely! Sign up to the mailing list or follow Kingdom Code on Twitter to stay in touch.Have any questions?Ping us a message on Twitter: @kcodeuk
Food Security and Resilience Copernicus Hackathon
19 Sep - 08:30 AM
Leicester, United Kingdom
Calling all coders, researchers, scientists, designers, storytellers, problem-solvers, and anyone enthusiastic about addressing challenges faced by us all. The Food Security and Resilience Copernicus Hackathon is coming to Leicester for the first time. The Hackathon takes place at the Leicester Innovation Hub on 19 and 20 September 2019.
Over an exciting 48 hours, teams will work collaboratively using Copernicus data “coding experience” practically to develop solutions to address global and local needs applicable to us all based on specific food security challenges.
The Benefit of Participation. Approximately 60 participants will take part in the free to attend “Copernicus Hackathon” to identify and ideally implement innovative solutions by exploiting Copernicus data and services collaboratively. Ideally the direct benefit of participation will be the development and commercialisation of new products and services through either the creation of new business entities or collaborative projects/partnerships with the university. The indirect benefit will be solutions identified in support of a common goal of food and water security, community cohesiveness and greater awareness of critical societal issues and challenges.
To optimise the benefits the University will also deliver a free training weekend, ahead of the 2-day hackathon, for developers, designers, researchers and industry participants on Agile and Rapid MVP (Minimal Viable Product) developments and their specific requirements. In addition, a prize will be awarded, and follow-up support offered to the winning team at the end of the hackathon to help progress the idea.
The theme. Food/Water Security, and its Resilience within a Changing Climate is a United Nations sustainable development goal ( Participants can choose any theme to work on during the Hackathon which could include:
Use of logistics, supply chain and block chain for food/water security;
Smart agriculture;
New services/technologies (e.g. smart insurance)
Resource mapping/stock taking;
Any societal or technical challenge relevant to the theme.
More information
Please visit event website.
Headline Partner
Local Partners
FISH Meets Medicine Hackathon
18 Sep - 10:30 AM
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Event details
The Faculties Innovative Students Hub (FISH) is a space for University of Liverpool students to come together, form interdisciplinary teams and create solutions to real-world problems.
This 'FISH Meets Medicine Hackathon' will allow physicists, medics, engineers, computer scientists and chemists to work together to solve problems, specifically in the field of medicine.
The two day event includes inspiring talks from clinicians who will deliver problems that require solving, and who can work with student teams on their suggested projects. It is a great opportunity for students to develop their creative, technical and presentation skills, not forgetting that lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided!
Who should attend?
We are looking for both students and clinicians to get involved.
Clinicians are able to submit problems which should be solvable by a team of STEM undergraduate students. We know things can get busy, so the amount of involvement is up to you. You could just attend the event to outline your problem or, ideally, you would become an active member of the team and provide feedback on the solutions as they are being developed.
Students attending will be able to apply their knowledge to discuss, brainstorm and solve real world problems in teams. The teams who identify the solution will maintain intellectual property rights to that solution.
>>> Submit a problem here
Wednesday 18th September (Venue: Sensor City)
10:30 - Registration & tea/coffee
11:00 - Introduction
12:45 - Lunch
13:15 - Meet the problems
13:45 - Build solutions
16:30 - Presentation of initial ideas and close out
Thursday 19th September (Venue: Central Teaching Labs)
10:30 - Tea/coffee (start work)
11:00 - Introduction to day 2
11:15 - Project work with team
12:45 - Lunch
13:15 - Project work with team
16:00 - Closing talk - Team presentations
Event venues
> Day 1 (Wed 18th Sept): Sensor City, 31 Russell Street, Liverpool, L3 5LJ
> Day 2 (Thr 19th Sept): Central Teaching Labs, Faculty of Science & Engineering, University of Liverpool, Off Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, L69 7BX