Showing results 21 to 24 out of 24
Workshop on Data-Driven Video Storytelling @ The University of York
19 Mar - 09:30 AM
York, United Kingdom
Perspective Media: Personalised Video Storytelling for Data Engagement is an EPSRC funded research project exploring how personalized, interactive video stories can provide more accessible, informative and pleasurable ways for the public to engage with the increasing amounts of data that exist about us in modern society. In collaboration with our partners BBC R&D, The Open Data Institute, The Digital Catapult, City of York Council, BAFTA-winning immersive media producer Catherine Allen and others, we aim to exploit the power of video storytelling for engagement and literacy with data, and the potential of data analytics to reveal new opportunities for storytelling. To kick-off the project, we are hosting a 1-day research workshop at the University of York. This workshop will bring together academics, stakeholders from the creative industries and experts in data engagement to explore the opportunities and challenges posed by data-driven video stories. We will begin by sharing and discussing our research vision and plans. The remainder of the day will then be dedicated to the hands-on, experimental development of ideas and concepts for Perspective Media content, and the interrogation of those ideas in terms of the aesthetic, practical and ethical challenges they reveal. The workshop is the first in a series of activities that will be held over the next 18 months, including hackathons and the collaborative production of experimental content. We hope that you can join us to explore the potential of this exciting new content form. We hope that you will be able to join us in York! Jon Hook & Shauna Concannon
    Environment Agency Mini Hackathon
    14 Mar - 09:00 AM
    Sunderland, United Kingdom
    The Challenge The Environment Agency want to improve the environment and in partnership with The Water Hub and The Digital Catapult NETV are seeking creative and revolutionary ideas for how environmental information can be better shared and communicated to enable local action. In partnership with local communities and stakeholders, the Environment Agency are currently reviewing and updating their River Basin Management Plans, which set out how rivers will be protected and improved. The Environment Agency provides data and evidence to inform these plans and has identified a need to: Engage and empower more people to contribute to River Basin Management Planning - making it meaningful for local people. Get more value from Environment Agency data by linking it with other open data sources. Build from existing Environment Agency resources and platforms.   What should the solutions demonstrate? · New and emerging technologies that would improve accessibility, usability and inclusion of river basin planning data and information; and, or How to join up with and improve functionality across government and third party open data systems. Why Attend? Up to 3 winning ideas and concepts will receive up to £2500 in prize money on the day. Winning ideas will be explored by potential customers including the Environment Agency to take forward for further funding. Opportunity to explore a new market and become visible to potential customers. The Agenda 14th March 9:00     Arrival & Breakfast 9:30     Presentation of Challenges by Environment Agency, The Water Hub and end users 10:30   Questions & Answers 10:45   Ideation/ Development Phase 13:00   Lunch Continued Optional Development Phase  19:00   Close (optional)   15th March  9:30 – 12:00 15-minute Pitching Slot (up to 10 teams) Winners Announced – Prizes awarded Breakfast and lunch will be provided around the Pitches Please note; all Intellectual Property rights will remain with the attendees unless they decide to propose ideas for the Catchment Data Explorer System (which is not the purpose of the event). All IP will be protected until commercial agreements are made between the Environment Agency and attendees to say otherwise.  
      Secure Code Warrior NTC Hack Event
      22 Feb - 05:00 PM
      Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
      Secure Code Warrior HackDays(SCWH): To further enhance our skills, we’ve managed to secure licenses for a platform called Secure Code Warrior (SCW) which is a gamified approach to improving your secure coding skills. It’s a suite of hands-on, interactive learning scenarios that enable developers to master secure coding techniques in different development languages and frameworks. It goes beyond the classic multiple choice techniques and offers hands-on challenges where software design and code needs to be analysed for security weaknesses. Once identified, you need to modify the code to remediate or mitigate the weaknesses. SCW supports different languages and technologies C# (.NET, WebForms, MVC), Java (Spring, Struts, JEE), Ruby (on Rails), Python (Django), Node.JS, Scala (Play) etc. Topic of the Month: Open source code is becoming an integral part of modern IT industry. We must manage unique risks and rewards of this software development model by establishing a robust security strategy. Gaurav Gaur, Developer @HMRC-DDCN, is going to talk about "What it takes to be Open Source?". He will talk about: Security measures and steps HMRC takes before going open source Case study about couple of security incidents @HMRC Hackathon: We will conclude the session by introducing a new of set code security challenges. The competition will be open for 3 days and there are some prizes to be won.   Pre-requisites: SCW account (if you don’t have one, please contact Ryan Allan) Laptop to participate in hackathon Any suggestions for future sessions
        Rise & Design 85: Corporate Innovation
        09 Feb - 08:30 AM
        Durham, United Kingdom
        Every organisation is different and the ways we innovate even more so. Join us at Martel Instruments as they give us an insight into the innovation journey that led them to creating their latest product, and hear about innovation in a rather larger organisation.   Keith Walker, Martel Instruments VIDA 4.0 is the latest innovation from Martel Instruments. Keith will give an exclusive insight into how the product was created, the minds behind VIDA 4.0 the partners that helped create the product and it’s recent launch. You're also invited on a tour around Martel's factory and Innovation Room at the end of the main event   Paul Sutherland, Add Strategy Northumbrian Water has long had an innovative approach to business, but in recent years has embraced techniques such as design sprints and hackathons, culminating in their 5 day Innovation Festival earlier this year. Much of that work has been led by Paul Sutherland who will give some insights into the workings of a large corporate, and the challenges faced in introducing new innovation methods