Showing results 11 to 20 out of 142
HackKing's 3.0
26 Nov - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
KCL Tech at King's College London invites all student techies (as well as recent graduates) to sign up for HackKing’s 3.0! Come and demonstrate your techie prowess! Collaborate in a team to build something awesome from scratch! Compete to win cool stuff...and maybe when the event is over, your team will be crowned King!
MiSK Hackathon: World’s first live broadcast dual nation $20,000 Hackathon
25 Nov - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Coders, developers, designers, business people, medical or technology students! The MiSK Foundation invites you to sign-up and participate in the world’s first live broadcast dual nation “Medical Internet of Things” Hackathon. Collaborate in mixed, cross-cultural teams to conceive tech innovations that could help solve some of the world’s most pressing health problems.
Misk Foundation Medical Internet of Things Hackathon
25 Nov - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Coders, Developers, Designers, Business, Medical or Technology Students in London and Riyadh! Sign up and participate in the “Medical Internet of Things” Hackathon - the world’s first dual-nation live broadcast event, sponsored by the MiSK Foundation. If you're a techie aged 18-32, and are eager to collaborate with world-leading experts on ground-breaking tech health inventions, then the MiSK Foundation wants to hear from you!
19-20 Nov, GEW2016: #AcornHack2016 - Inspiring The Next Generation of Tech Entrepreneurs
19 Nov - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week Acorn Aspirations is running a 2-day hackathon/start-up style event where 100 young people aged 12-19 will collaborate with mentors from the TechCity community to develop tech start-ups that solve social problems in their local communities and worldwide.
#AcornHack2016 will unlock young people’s entrepreneurial potential by inspiring them to get creative with coding, programming and digital technology, as well as attend masterclass workshops in digital marketing, branding, APIs, lean UX and Business Model Canvas.
The purpose of this event is to equip young people with the tools that will enable them to become change-makers and entrepreneurs of their own lives.
What is Global Entrepreneurship Week?
Global Entrepreneurship Week is the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth, and expand human welfare.
No hacking experience required, just passion to get up and go for it.
#AcornHack2016 will show you how your favourite mobile apps are built, you will then build your own as part of a team with the help of people who do this everyday.
You will learn how to turn your ideas into a basic working version. Things you'll learn:
How to decide which of your ideas are worth working on
How to decide what features the user needs to get them from A to B
How to sketch your ideas
How to build your idea using rapid prototyping tools
How to pitch your idea
Basic coding skills & UX - HTML, CSS and Android studio
Day 1: 19 November
9:45am – 10:00am Registration
10.00am - 10.10am Welcome and Introduction
10:10am – 11:00am Ice-breaker and team formation
11:00am – 12:00am Ideation workshop
12:00am – 12:15pm Intro to SCRUM
12:15pm – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm – 2:00pm SPRINT 1
2:00pm - 3:00pm SPRINT 2
3:00pm - 4:00pm SPRINT 3
4:00pm - 4:30pm Intro to Coding
4.30pm - 5.00pm Wrap-up
End of Day 1
Day 2: 20 November
09.45am - 10.00am Arrivals & Welcome
10.00am - 11.00am SPRINT 4
11.00am - 12.00pm SPRINT 5
12:00am – 1:00pm Pitch training
1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunch
2:00pm - 3:00pm SPRINT 6
3:00pm - 4:00pm PITCH
4:00pm - 4:30pm Judging
4:30pm - 5:00pm Winners announced & Closing
To learn about the #AcornHack2016, please visit:
To learn about Acorn Aspirations, please visit:
Eye Heroes Hackathon
19 Nov - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Eye Heroes invites all interested volunteers, eye health specialists, teachers, designers and friends to sign up and participate in the Eye Heroes Hackathon. You'll be challenged to come up with effective and innovative ways to fight avoidable blindness. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to help shape the future of Eye Heroes and further its impact, by creating new ways to spread the word about eye health.
General Assembly presents how data science could transform your social media strategy
16 Nov - 06:00 PM
Bristol, United Kingdom
#DataScience. #MachineLearning. #BigData. These aren't just buzzwords, they're extraordinarily practical tools for turning impenetrable datasets into clear insights & decisions that can help you to achieve your goals.
Take a tour of cutting edge techniques that can transform your approach to marketing & social media, including case studies covering:
How to use clustering algorithms to identify distinct behavioural user segments for enhanced targeting;
How to use network analysis to identify key influencers on social networks;
How to drive down CAC and churn by predicting customer behaviour long before it happens!
John Sandall
Over the years, John has added a number of strings to his bow. Statistician, geneticist, business analyst, startup founder, software developer, educator, non-profit strategist, data scientist, multi-instrumentalist! He currently runs a data science consultancy focused on helping businesses to identify and solve the challenges they face through a combination of research-grade statistical techniques, strategic analysis and a lean-startup engineering mentality.
Until recently he was the Lead Data Scientist at YPlan. Prior experience includes business analytics at Apple Inc., genomics research at Imperial College London, building an ed-tech startup at Knodium, developing strategy & technological infrastructure for international non-profit startup STIR Education, and losing sleep to many a hackathon along the way. He also teaches the data science evening course and multiple workshops at General Assembly.
He's also been known to dabble in violin; a concerto here, a pop gig there, occasionally conducting youth ensembles, and usually playing with his folk music band.
General Assembly presents an intro to data science and analytics
14 Nov - 06:00 PM
Bristol, United Kingdom
What exactly is Data Science and why does it matter? How does it differ from analytics? We live in a world with seemingly infinite data, and if you can learn the right balance of computer science, statistics, and information theory, there are lucrative opportunities available to you. Discover case studies about how data science is uniquely positioned to solve major problems for a variety of companies. By the time you finish this class, you’ll have a better idea of what the data science field is, and more importantly, how you can help yourself get what the Harvard Business Review calls the “sexiest job of the 21st century”.
John Sandall
Over the years, John has added a number of strings to his bow. Statistician, geneticist, business analyst, startup founder, software developer, educator, non-profit strategist, data scientist, multi-instrumentalist! He currently runs a data science consultancy focused on helping businesses to identify and solve the challenges they face through a combination of research-grade statistical techniques, strategic analysis and a lean-startup engineering mentality. He also teaches the data science evening course and multiple workshops at General Assembly.
Until recently he was the Lead Data Scientist at YPlan. Prior experience includes business analytics at Apple Inc., genomics research at Imperial College London, building an ed-tech startup at Knodium, developing strategy & technological infrastructure for international non-profit startup STIR Education, and losing sleep to many a hackathon along the way.
He's also been known to dabble in violin; a concerto here, a pop gig there, occasionally conducting youth ensembles, and usually playing with his folk music band.
"Rocket into STEM" Panel Event - November 2016
12 Nov - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Morgan Stanley and Stemettes invite you to a celebration of women in STEM. Routes to STEM is a panel discussion with a difference! It’s exclusively for 14-18 year-old young women, where you’ll hear all the different ways people begin their scientific careers. Topics that will also be discussed include apprenticeships, A-level choices, university degrees, work experience. You’ll be able to ask the panel questions, and network with each other and the experts!
Hack X: First Year Hack
12 Nov - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Freshers at King's College London! Are you looking at a future in technology and interested in building tech products? The KCL Tech Society invites you to come and participate in Hack X: First Year Hack Fresher’s Challenge. Come and hack your Saturday away in a beginner-friendly environment! There is no theme, so you're encouraged to strut your techie stuff. Get creative, build something awesome and learn for yourself what hackathons are like.
Hack the Change: The worlds first Hackathon to progress the Rule of Law
11 Nov - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Coders, developers, designers, innovators, big data experts, machine learners, do-ers, maker-ers, think-ers! Anyone who believes passionately that no one is above the law! Sign up to participate in Hack the Change and be part of the world's first Hackathon to progress the Rule of Law. Bring your skills and creativity and collaborate to find solutions that help the 57% of the world’s population who live outside the shelter of the law.