Sowing results 10 out of 10
Airfinity Hackathon
  30 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Brighton, United Kingdom
This is a test event. Please do not register for it
    Hackathon, Sky
      31 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Guildford, United Kingdom
    Come and take part in Sky’s hackathon hosted at the University of Surrey. There will be awards for the winning team and the opportunity to be fast-tracked to a stage of Sky’s interview process for the graduate programme if you really stand out! No experience required as long as you have an interest/passion in coding. Just bring your laptop.
      Access All Areas Hackathon
        25 Oct - 08:00 AM
        Slough, United Kingdom
      Hackers interested in solutions to problems faced by people with disabilities! The Lab at O2 invites you to participate in the Access All Areas Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype innovative technology solutions that help make overcome the hurdles caused by problems such as visual impairment, communication difficulties, physical disabilities, and cognitive impairment. Come as a team or join one at the event and come up with an idea that will help people with disabilities to overcome everyday challenges at home, when out and about, or when using technology.
      AEC Hackathon 4.6 - London
        06 Oct - 05:00 PM
        Croydon, United Kingdom
      Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals in the UK—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the AEC Hackathon 4.6 - London. Come and collaborate at this 48-hour event. Join with fellow professionals from the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector! Create a cutting-edge solution that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Collaborate and compete for prizes in the following categories: Best Overall Project Best Project that Solves A Big AEC Problem Best MashUp Project Best Digital Cities Project Best Hack from a Past Event Advice on AEC Hackathon participation can be found here!
      Virtual Reality (VR) - technologia i możliwości
        29 Aug - 07:00 PM
        London, United Kingdom
      Polish Professionals in London zaprasza na seminarium na temat wirtualnej rzeczywistości (VR), technologii i możliwości zastosowania. Wirtualna rzeczywistość określana jest jako obraz sztucznej rzeczywistości, stworzony przy wykorzystaniu informatycznych techniologii. Wirtualna i wzbogacona rzeczywistość likwiduje mur między odbiorcą o osobą opowiadającą historię o swojej firmie, produkcie, usłudze. VR zapewnia użytkownikowi poczucie "obecności" czyli złudzenie bycia fizycznie obecnym w innym miejscu. Technologia VR daje nam możliwość, abyśmy byli aktywnymi uczestnikami zamiast pasywnymi widzami. Korzystając z urządzeń VR możemy patrzeć gdziekolwiek chcemy i współdziałać z wirtualnym światem w sposób, który wcześniej nie był możliwy. Podczas spotkania będzie okazja zobaczyć sprzęt wykorzystywany w VR. Spotkanie poprowadzi Artur Fiedorowicz. Kilka słów o prowadzącym Artur Fiedorowicz, absolwent elektroniki na Politechnice Wrocławskiej, pracował w londyńskich korporacjach jako software engineer i IT developement. Artur zaczął swoją przygodę z VR wygrywając międzynarodowy hackathon organizowany przez Ticketmaster / Live Nation ze swoim pomysłem na podgląd widoku z wybranego siedzenia w teatrze lub stadionie. Kilka miesięcy temu zrezygnował z pracy w korporacji i założył firmę ArtsyVR tworzącą aplikacje VR dla firm marketingowych i technologicznych. Przemawiał na konferencjach w Londynie, Moskwie, Madrycie i Polsce, ale najczęściej możecie znaleźć go na Twitterze (artsyvr) gdzie dostarcza nowinek na temat świata Virtual, Augmented oraz Mixed reality. Spotkanie organizujemy przy współpracy z firmą Capital Business Links, która na potrzeby spotkania udostepnia sali seminaryjnej w swojej siedzibie na Ealing.
        Spark Social Enterprise Innovation Conference
          15 Jun - 09:00 AM
          Brighton, United Kingdom
        A pioneering international event advancing sustainable and high impact innovation for social enterprises Thursday 15th June @ 9am – 5.00pm Cost: FREE with RSVP Venue: University of Brighton, Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade, Brighton The Spark Social Enterprise Innovation Conference will bring together change makers from the UK, Holland, Belgium and France for a day of collaborative activity. The event will explore the optimum environment for social enterprises to develop and deliver more sustainable and high impact innovations, leading to increased growth. The day will include inspirational stories of innovation in action, delving deep through listening and discussing, full delegate ideation/hackathon activity, case studies, specialist practical and creative workshops, exploring potential collaborations with universities and research professionals, 1-2-1 innovation clinics, pitching challenges from featured social enterprises, film making, the opportunity to join our new innovation network and a host of other experiences. Delegates will include social enterprises, universities, research and development institutes, support organisations, funding bodies, public sector policy makers and procurement professionals … and you. You will leave full of inspiration and armed with fresh ideas, knowledge, a sense of direction and new connections. Innovation explored thorough a truly innovative event. For more info on The Spark Project and to sign up for news or email The project is a cross border collaboration between partners in England, Belgium, Holland and France as part of the Interreg 2 Seas programme 2014-2020 co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
          #OpenDataHack @ECMWF - Beyond weather: explore creative uses of open data
            04 Mar - 09:00 AM
            Reading, United Kingdom
          Developers, experts, students, data wranglers, data journalists, data enthusiasts, makers, artists! ECMWF invites you to participate in the #OpenDataHack to explore creative uses of open data. You'll be challenged to design and prototype innovative apps that leverage weather data. You can select one to the following challenges: »The "GET OUT" challenge -- using data to improve the day-to-day lives of everyone. »The "GET CREATIVE" challenge -- combining data to produce art or storytelling. »The "GET GEEKY" challenge -- using the data for something geeky »The "GET FUN" challenge -- hacking weather related objects in any way possible.
          LabVIEW Hackathon @Soton
            01 Mar - 01:00 PM
            Southampton, United Kingdom
          LabVIEW professionals! National Instruments and the University of Southampton invite you to sign up to participate in the LabVIEW Hackathon @Soton. Come and help solve great engineering challenges and network with engineers from industry. You'll get the chance to showcase and further develop your LabVIEW skills and compete with the best-of-the-best to win awesome prizes.
          EDS2 Roadshow - Reading
            31 Jan - 10:00 AM
            Reading, United Kingdom
          Purpose The purpose of these regional roadshows should be as follows: -       Raise the profile of EDS2 as a vehicle for change -       Identify the connections and links between EDS2 and various other diversity / equality initiatives including (but not limited to) the workforce race equality standard (WRES), the accessible information standard, the DH learning disabilities programme, the workforce disability equality standard and the sexual orientation standards work -       Share good and best practice in the use of EDS2 – including the EDS2 voluntary and community sector engagement guide -       Explore how EDS2 can be employed and utilise by organisations more effectively in order to influence organisational / cultural change Audience The target audience for the roadshows should be: -       Diversity and inclusion managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Human Resource Directors and managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Organisational development managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Service managers and leads within provider trusts and CCGs Format The roadshows will consist of a three hour session. The sessions will be divided into two parts and will take the form of a mini-hackathon. The first part will focus on what the challenges are with EDS2. It will look at the format and structure of EDS2 and critically de-construct it to see what its weaknesses are; what doesn’t work at all; what works a little; and (critically) what needs to change. The second part will focus on the positive aspects of EDS2. It will look at the format and structure of EDS2 and assess its strengths: what works well; why things work well; and what we need to more of. Our proposal is that for the first session we will break the delegates up into four separate groups – one looking at / thinking about the structure of EDS2 as a model / framework; one looking at / thinking about the language of EDS2; one looking at / thinking about how well (or not) EDS2 links across or “talks to” other diversity initiatives in the NHS; and one looking at / thinking about EDS2 as a vehicle of change. Each of the four groups will be led / facilitated by a nominated person that we have invited. We will be inviting guests from the workforce race equality standard, learning disability and equalities and health inequalities teams. The second session will break the delegates into three groups – but set them the following tasks: firstly, how can EDS2 be better promoted / publicised in order to make it more accessible?; secondly, how can EDS2 be better structured / formatted / presented in order to make it more user friendly?; and thirdly, how can EDS2 be used more effectively within organisations as a vehicle of change? Each group will be asked to propose 3 or 4 recommendations to the group that they can vote on using our in-house voting system. A plenary session will capture the thoughts / feedback.
            Sex, Rights and Pleasure Lab
              17 Jan - 10:00 AM
              Brighton, United Kingdom
            Students, staff and researchers at the University of Sussex! Researchers from gender research projects! Sexual health care professionals and manufacturers! The School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex invites you to participate in the Sex, Rights and Pleasure Lab. You'll be challenged to create new interventions to digitally mediated gender-based and sexual violence. Your pitch of your intervention to an international panel of gender research specialists will be recorded for subsequent judging by an expert jury and online voting by the general internet audience.