Showing results 211 to 220 out of 296
Government Blockchain Hackathon Serie - Supply Chain
30 Apr - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Blockchain events are great but you feel like you want to actually get your hands on and work on actual blockchain solutions for the greater good? The GBA Hackcathon serie is just for you!
Every two month we will organise specific use case events and will give you a chance to build a blockchain solution for it.
You can join alone or register your team, we will complete the teams on the day.
Each Hackathon will be composed of our previous monthly meetup themes.
Teams of 3-4 people will race over one day to solve a Government specific issue using Blockchain technology.
Our first Hackathon will be about Supply chain and will occur on the 30th of April
At the end of the Challenge, teams will pitch in 5 minutes their solutions - the top 3 teams will be announced on the day.
Top 3 teams:
The top 3 teams will be invited to defy the Counsel of Nodes and present their solution to a prestigious panel composed of Government representative, Blockchain and Industry Experts which will pick the winning team.
A 5 minutes video featuring the 3 finalists will be produced from that shooting and released on social medias and in our YouTube channel
Winning team:
- Introduction to our numerous governments and institutions contacts across the world
- A free spot for the team lead in our annual Conference at the end of this year
- Winning team will also be invited to pitch their solution on our GBA monthly events. The pitch will be recorded separately and added to the Youtube channel
Are you up to the challenge?
Blockchain Influencers Sally Eaves and Gary Nuttal
Innovation lead at Innovate UK Jonny Voon
How long will the event lasts?
Will do the first on over one on the 30th of April. We will scale the hackathons over several days over time.
Will Coding be necessary?
Coding will not be mandatory, we will encourage the teams to go as far as possible in the tokenomics and blockchain design to have a robust solution. Any background is welcome to join.
You will need to be comfortable that you can deliver the solution presented if a government is interested. The top 3 teams selected for the crypto dragons den will have a few days to polish their projects.
More coding might be worth doing at this stage as the teams will be on the grill with a panel of highly knowledgeable industry and blockchain influencers
Fabrications Fashion Hackathon
28 Apr - 11:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Calling all budding sewers, designers and refashionists! Get recreating, sewcialise and show us what you're made of at our 'Fashion Hackathon' event to coincide with Fashion Revolution Week.
Fashion Revolution is a global movement calling for greater transparency, sustainability and ethics in the fashion industry. We want to unite the fashion industry and ignite a revolution to radically change the way our clothes are sourced, produced and purchased, so that what the world wears has been made in a safe, clean and fair way.
What is a Fashion Hackathon?
The Fabrications studio aka 'The Imaginerium' will be transformed into a sustainable sewing factory, where old unloved clothes enter, undergo some reconstructive surgery and receive a new lease of life or a creative make over! This is an opportunity to chanel your inspirations, think high fashion as we will be offering PRIZES for the best Refashions on the day!
Competition categories : ( * SPONSORED BY BROTHER SEWING MACHINES* )
* New Generation Refashioner
* Fiesty Fashion Hacker Award
* I'd Wear That!
PRIZES: Win a brand new Brother NV15 Sewing Machine, Fabrications Workshop Vouchers., Sewing books & supplies
Do I need to bring anything?
YES! Your Ideas! Your Designs! Your Creativity! Your old clothes or vintage, charity shop finds to work with. Fabrications will privide a trove of inspirational reclaimed trims, haberdashery, fabric / lace offcuts and patches you can incorporate into your designs. As well as sewing & embroidery machines, dress makers dummies, scissors, threads, pins etc.There will also be lots of examples of clothes that have already undergone transformations in some way to inspire you!
How much experience do I need?
All levels of makers are welcome with basic sewing skills, from ages 12+
If you want to use a sewing machine to realise your design - basic understanding of using a sewing machine is advised. Fabrications' in house designer maker Barley Massey will be on hand to advise and guide you. The finish of your creations doesn't need to be prefect, the focus of this event is to have fun, explore ideas and think about #Haulternatives
Format of the day
11am - 1.30pm: Session 1
2.30 - 5pm: Session 2
5.30 onwards: Judging, Prize giving & Sewcial
For more information about Fabrications and our classes & events, please visit our Website
For Booking Terms & Conditions
PHOTO CREDIT: David Mumford (D - A - M)
Health + Wellness Blockchain Hackathon
28 Apr - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
We've partnered with industry leaders in blockchain health, medicine and artifical intelligence AI and data to host an event in West London's buzzing startup community. You've heard of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto coins that sit on blockchain right? Now we’re inviting teams and individuals to join our Health + Wellness Hackathon to learn about using blockchain to develop solutions to improve the health and wellbeing for billions of people worldwide.
Health + Wellness Blockchain Hackathon (Saturday 28th April)
28 Apr - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hackathon – Blockchain, health and wellness!
How can we use blockchain to improve the health and wellness of people around the globe?
We've partnered with industry leaders in blockchain health, medicine and artifical intelligence AI and data to host an event in West London's buzzing startup community. You've heard of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto coins that sit on blockchain right? Now we’re inviting teams and individuals to join the party of our Health + Wellness Hackathon to learn about using blockchain to develop solutions to improve the health and wellbeing for billions of people worldwide. Are you up for the challenge?
How can blockchain change the efficiency and interoperability of our wellbeing services?.... How about new business models and revenue streams?....How about new behavioural changes and user adoption?
We’re looking for individuals with a range of skills, so whether you’re a student, engineer, developer, data scientist, Crypto geek, UI/UX designer or health/wellness/fitness/AI enthusiast? We want you – technical or non technical it doesn't matter what your background is - everyone is welcome. The only requirement is that you bring your imagination.
Vamshi Lingampally
Tech Entrepreneur, Women in Blockchain
Dr Gareth Thompson
Entrepreneur, author, NHS
Katie Booth
The Wellness Collective
Jun Ming Yong
President KCL Blockchain
Neha Visavadia
MSc Health Health Psychology, One Health Tech UK
What's on offer?
Education from amazing industry guest speakers
Work with us on a cool new mission
Goodies you could win
Healthy refreshments and Tenzing energy drinks
Looking for a new a new career, exciting opportunities in tech, blockchain startups? Get your ticket now!
Snack sponsors.
Ollybars - Natural energy bars Motion Nutrition - Lifestyle nutitionTenzing - Natural energy drinks
Autism Ideation & Hackathon
28 Apr - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Interested in tech for good? Have ideas on how digital solutions could support those impacted by autism? Autistic yourself or just want to give something back? Love problem solving and finding creative solutions to interesting problems? Come and join us at Microsoft’s brand new Reactor and spend the weekend finding amazing solutions to four core challenges.
Never been to a hackathon? Not a developer? Don’t really know anything about autism? It really doesn’t matter! We believe that the best solutions come from bringing diverse groups of people together, so if you’re interested please come along and be part of exploring this exciting area.
On the diversity point, if please let us know if there's anything you need. There's lots of information below on the agenda for the weekend and on the venue (all very accessible), but if there's anything else, from equipment, to dietary requirements, please just drop us a note.
CHALLENGE 1: Concentration - how can we help autistic children to focus their attention?
Autistic children can find it particularly hard to concentrate on activities that don’t interest them – for example, tasks that involve shared attention (like reading a book with a parent or teacher), turn-taking games, or even walking safely across the road. They may also find it hard to switch attention between different stimuli or demands. Conversely, they often have the ability to focus intently and for prolonged periods on activities that do interest them - for example, a child who enjoys Minecraft might become totally absorbed in extending their world for hours at a time. Therefore, how can we ensure that the tasks we are expecting autistic children to work on are meaningful, relevant and important for their quality of life? How can we make acquiring necessary life skills as engaging for autistic minds as possible? And how can we harness autistic superfocus, for the benefit of the child and others?
CHALLENGE 2: Emotional cues - how can we help autistic children and adults to recognise emotional cues in near-real time?
Autistic people often have trouble identifying and responding to other people’s emotions in a ‘neurotypical’ way. Their approach may be unconventional and appear one-sided. This reflects their difficulty with ‘cognitive empathy’ – the ability to read facial expressions, tone of voice and other non-verbal cues in the subtle, fast-moving and sophisticated way that is expected. They may appear insensitive or unusual as a result, despite often having a strong instinctive sense of how others are feeling (‘affective empathy’). Their neurotypical communication partners also find it hard to empathise with the autistic person’s experience and style of communication. This can lead to confusion and misunderstanding on both sides. This is known as the ‘double empathy’ problem. Therefore, how can we help autistic and non-autistic people to bridge their communication gaps?
CHALLENGE 3: Anxiety - how can we help autistic children and adults to manage their anxiety?
Anxiety is a real issue for many autistic individuals. It can occur for a range of reasons - unexpected changes, new social situations, sensory processing issues, among others. Autistic people vary in their ability to cope with anxiety. Sometimes it is possible to remove triggers and therefore reduce anxiety; at other times anxiety can lead to a variety of psychological and physical symptoms (e.g. difficulty concentrating, thinking persistently about the worst outcome, difficulty sleeping, meltdowns, shutdowns or regressions, physical pain and exhaustion). Therefore, how can we help autistic people to manage situations in a way that gives them control over their anxiety and that ultimately improves their well-being?
CHALLENGE 4: Sleep - how can we help autistic children to sleep better?
Many people have sleep issues but for autistic children, sleeping is often particularly problematic. Irregular and insufficient sleep can result in daytime sleepiness, learning problems and behavioural issues such as hyperactivity, inattentiveness and behaviour that concerns their parents and carers - not to mention the indirect impact on the sleep of other family members. Therefore, how can we help autistic children to establish healthy sleep patterns, including going to sleep, staying asleep, waking at an appropriate time, and remaining alert during the day?
0930: registration
0945: welcome
1000: the challenges
1030: find your team
1100: start exploring, ideating and hacking
1230: buffet lunch
1330: exploring, ideating and hacking
1500: tea and cakes
1530: exploring, ideating and hacking
1730: drinks & socialising
1830: doors close for the evening
0930: doors open
1000: exploring, ideating and hacking
1300: lunch & presentation preparation
1400: regroup for team presentations
1600: wrap up & beers
1630: doors close for the weekend
Do I need to come for both days? Ideally, yes.
Do I need to be a coder? No! All you need is a curious mind and bags of energy.
Are tickets free? Do you give travel expenses? This is a free event… but places are limited so you need to register. Unfortunately we can’t cover travel expenses this time around.
What if I’ve never been to this kind of thing before? Perfect. Come and see what all the fuss is about.
Do I have to come with a team? No! We will help you find a great team.
What is the minimum age of the participant? 18
Should I bring a laptop? Yes. Even if you’re not coding it's a good idea to bring some sort of internet-enabled device.
Can we sleep over? No. Sleep is important. We will close the doors at 1830 on Saturday and ask you to come back refreshed and raring to go on Sunday at 0930.
Who owns the IP associated with the event? All intellectual property rights in the ideas and applications of a participant shall remain owned by, and shall vest in, the participant who creates them.
See our website and our terms and conditions for more details.
For more information and even a 360 degree tour of the venue, see here.
Hack UX, Designing the Future of Messaging & Bot
27 Apr - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
This Design hackathon is on communications design in an enhanced messaging environment. This Hackathon is open to all across Product, Design, Dev etc. You will have the opportunity to prototype your ideas using the Oracle Platform with Oracle Intelligent Bots. You won’t need be technical to use the platform as you will be designing & creating prototypes but familiarly with mark-up languages and hooking-up APIs etc will also be useful in this Hackathon
Hack UX, Hackathon with Orange & Oracle, Designing the Future of Messaging & Bots
27 Apr - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
#HACKUX is on!
Learn More here:
Dates / Time: Friday 27th April 18.00 – 20.30 & Saturday 28th April 09.30 – 18.30
Designing the Future of Messaging & Bots
A revolution in messaging is on the horizon that’s set to challenge giants like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Rich Communication Service (RCS) brings all the features of these apps to any supported handset. The service will provide richer content with enhanced graphics, better interactions and the opportunity to include conversational bots within the native environment. RCS is set to pass over 1 billion users by the end of 2019 meaning now is the opportunity to capitalise on this revolutionary new platform.
Workshop description
This UX Hackathon will explore the opportunities afforded to organisations, whether businesses or non-profit, through the use of intelligent agents in messaging environments, or ‘chatbots’. This includes designing conversational interactions for a relevant and fulfilling user experience. You will have the opportunity to prototype your ideas using the Oracle Platform with Oracle Intelligent Bots. You won’t need any technical skills (coding) to get the most from this UX hackathon, but developers are also welcome to participate
We’re looking for teams with a range of skills, so whether you’re a designer, developer, a business or product manager, we want you!
Full Stack Hack
27 Apr - 08:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
MongoDB, Confluent and Nearform present you a one day Hackathon, Full Stack Hack.
Full Stack Hack is a Hackathon where you get a chance to build a full stack application in one day using the top technology stack for today’s modern web applications specifically MongoDB, Kafka and Node.js. On the 27th of April 80 people will form up into teams of 3-5 people to compete for the prize of Top Full Stack Hack team.
The event starts on the 26th with team pitches. Don’t have a team? This is where you can join one. Already have a team? This is where you declare your intentions. Free pizza, beer and soft drinks on the night will ensure that nobody goes hungry or thirsty.
On the 27th doors open at 8.00am. Breakfast will be laid on and then it’s Hack time. Snacks, soft drinks and coffee will be available throughout the day and we will provide lunch and something to eat after the event.
Formal event will complete at 6.00pm followed by drinks at a local watering hole.
This is your chance to have a fun day, learn from your peers and build something great.
We can’t wait to see you on the day.
Joe Drumgoole, MongoDB
Tim Berglund, Confluent
Cliona McGrath, Nearform
CrisisHack 2018
26 Apr - 05:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
OS Trail GPS
Register by 24 April to bring your skills, ideas and passion to the forefront and use technology and tools to build a solution that could make a real difference to people in the UK and all over the world.
Up to £10,000 is up for grabs for the right idea.
Full event details and the registration link can be found on our Splashthat webpage
VeridenKey Identity Hackathon
21 Apr - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
This event is only for calendar reference. Please register on
10:00AM - 10:20AM / Doors Open, socialising with morning coffee provided
10:20AM - 10:30AM / Welcome presentation and briefing of the Hackathon
10:30AM - 10:40AM / (TBC) Explanation of GDPR by our Legal Partners
10:40AM - 10:50AM / (TBC) Why Identity is important by our Blockchain Partners
10:50AM - 11:00AM / (TBC) Balance between surveillance state and counter-terrorism by our Security Advisor
11:00AM - 11:50AM / Express deep dive into how VeridenKey works
11:50AM - 12:00PM / Divided into groups by specialisation and knowledge
12:00PM / Start Hacking
1:00PM / Lunch is brought in and served
9:00PM / Stop Hacking
9:00PM - 9:45PM / Presentations on results from the day
9:45PM - 10:00PM / Thank you presentation
10:00PM + / Time to hit the pub