Showing results 91 to 100 out of 241
Viz for Social Good Hackathon - Justice and Peace Netherlands
28 Aug - 12:54 PM
London, United Kingdom
It’s the hackathon you have been waiting for!Get involved in this #VizforSocialGood project to help Justice and Peace Netherlands. We need story-tellers, graphic designers and analytically-oriented people. This is a great opportunity to share your passion, learn a new tool (Tableau) and network. We welcome beginners and experts alike. We will meet on 28th of August at the Data School. Data will be provided on the on the day. Feel free to bring friends, colleagues and other enthusiasts.
Happiness Hack Day
21 Jun - 06:03 PM
London, United Kingdom
Why happiness hack day? Everyone deserves to be happy, we are born to experience life, to fulfil our desires and contribute to the world in which we live in a way that satisfies our soul. Harmony in the mind, body and soul is the key to ultimate happiness, and we want hackers to innovate new technologies to help everyone attain this balance. You can help make a difference in the lives of others too by participating in the "Happiness Hack Day"!
OGC API Hackathon
20 Jun - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
** THIS EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT!**  Spaces may become available if participants are unable to make it. If you are interested in being put on a waiting list please continue to register as a Waiting List attendee. Note: A waiting list registration does not guarantee a place at the hackathon. Do not book any travel arrangements until you have confirmation of a fully registered place.  Thank you everyone for the overwhelming support for this event. We look forward to staying contact as these important standards continue to be developed. Kind regards,The OGC Team The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is organizing a Hackathon to develop OGC Application Programming Interface (API) specifications and invites you to participate. This hackathon will test draft OpenAPI-based standards for coverages, map tiles, processes using a common template based on the OGC API for features, aka WFS3 [1].  The event will be instrumental to the evolution of the OWS standards to a modern API based approach, setting the course for open geospatial standards for the next decade. The hackathon will be organized around: Coverages Map Tiles Processing Use of the OGC API for features, aka WFS3, is anticipated during many of the hackathon activities. The outputs of the hackathon will inform the development of the OGC API - Common specification [2] and the OGC API - Features specification [3]. Other specifications that will benefit from the work done at the hackathon include the OGC API – Processes specification [4] and the OGC API – Coverages specification [5].  An OGC Hackathon is a collaborative and inclusive event driven by innovative and rapid programming with minimum process and organization constraints to support the development of new applications and open standards.  The scope of the event is proposed to include service development and testing, using one or more implementations of OpenAPI/Swagger [6]. Participants are welcome to bring partial or complete implementations of servers or clients to support the Hackathon.  The Hackathon will begin on June 20th, 2019 at 09:00am, and end on June 21st, 2019 at 05:00pm. It will be hosted by Ordnance Survey at the Geovation Hub ( in London. The physical address of the Geovation Hub is: Sutton Yard, 4th Floor65 Goswell roadLondonEC1V 7EN There will be opportunity for joint discussion with all participants on the goals and objectives of the event, as well as final briefing of findings and opinions of the participants. However, the majority of the time will be spent in collaboration between participants in active coding.  The Hackathon will be run by Standards Working Group (SWG) Chairs, with support from OGC staff.  Attendance priority will be given to those with an implementation or desire to implement the specifications.  Register by 1st May 2019.  We're looking forward to seeing you at the Hackathon.  References:  1. WFS3 draft specification,  2. OGC API Common specification Github repository,  3. WFS3 Github repository,  4. WPS Rest Binding Github repository,  5. OGC API – Coverages Github repository,  6. OpenAPI Specification 3.0.1,  Regards, Scott SimmonsCOO & Executive Director, Standards Program
    Francis Crick Institute & Lifebit present: London Bioinformatics Frontiers Conference
    17 Jun - 09:00 AM
    London, United Kingdom
    The Francis Crick Institute & Lifebit present the London Bioinformatics Frontiers Conference  Standardising & scaling your analysis using Nextflow, Containers & Cloud. An exciting two-day event exploring how to apply Nextflow, containers & cloud in your bioinformatics analyses in order to standardise & scale them. We bring together academic & industry experts in the genomics space to: Provide an in-depth look into how Nextflow is currently fast-tracking research Showcase how to standardise Nextflow-based pipelines using nf-core and containers Highlight how to scale your pipelines with Nextflow over cloud. Work towards standardising & scaling Nextflow pipelines over cloud during our Hackathon (Day 2, pre-registration required). Hackathon participants can either bring in their own pipelines they want to convert to Nextflow, or work with existing Nextflow-based pipelines they want to standardise using nf-core standards & guidelines, and scale over cloud. Agenda Day 1: Talks from the experts (open to the public, registration required) Introduction to Nextflow & how to get started Standardising Nextflow pipelines using nf-core & containers From HPC to Cloud: Scaling your pipelines with Nextflow Research & Nextflow: best practices & examples from the frontlines Day 2: Hackathon (by application only) Theme: Standardising your Nextflow pipelines with nf-core & scaling them over Cloud Open to participants who have pipelines they would like to convert to Nextflow, or participants that have existing Nextflow pipelines that they want to standardise using nf-core principles and/or scale over cloud. Note: To participate in the hackathon, please apply here! Interested in actively contributing to this exciting conference? Apply to give a talk at the conference (Day 1). Apply to participate in the Hackathon (Day 2). Make sure to keep up with the London Bioinformatics Frontiers Conference on Twitter with #LBFrontiers. Please contact us @ if you have any questions about the event.
      Zero-Knowledge Proofs Workshop
      17 Jun - 09:00 AM
      London, United Kingdom
      About Binary DistrictWe're building a community of researchers and developers to foster learning and innovation - find out more online:WebsiteTwitterYouTubeTelegramSubscribe to our newsletter Zero-Knowledge Proofs Workshop Zero Knowledge Proofs are among the most fascinating concepts in cryptography today, enabling global privacy-preserving currencies like ZCash. But how many of us can actually write a prover and verifier? This 5-day workshop and hackathon, run alongside O(1) Labs and the Snarky Team, will be focused on helping you to write zero knowledge applications. Leading experts will provide a thorough exploration of the underlying theory and guide you through hands-on workshops on their development. We'll focus on the two prominent languages, Snarky and Zokrates, with instructors providing hands-on experience on how to write basic programs in the respective language. This will culminate in a 2-day hackathon, where you will split into teams to build zero knowledge applications. The workshop is free to attend and it will run in Moorgate, London from the 17th - 21st June. Lunch and refreshments will also be provided. Agenda:Monday Morning: Overview of Zero Knowledge Proofs (Presentation)Monday Afternoon - Tuesday Afternoon: Break into Snarky and Zokrate groups for hands-on workshopsWednesday Morning: Deep-dive into Zero Knowledge Proofs (Presentation)Wednesday Afternoon - Thursday Afternoon: Hackathon to build zero knowledge applicationsFriday Morning: Presentations and debrief Instructors:- Patrick McCorryMore to be added soon Prerequisites for Attendance- You will need a genuine interest in building Zero Knowledge Proofs- You will need a strong programming background - OCaml is not easy to learn in a day!- Be prepared to attend the whole week uninterrupted This workshop has limited capacity and is very hands-on. In order to ensure attendees gain the full benefit of this experience and as many as possible can attend, we will be evaluating applications. We will respond to all applicants as soon as possible. We are also seeking potential teaching assistants willing to help out with the hands-on workshop experience. If this sounds like you, or anyone you know, please get in touch! We look forward to seeing you there!
        HackXLR8- Third Edition
        12 Jun - 12:27 PM
        London, United Kingdom
        HackXLR8 is back for a third year as part of TechXLR8 at Excel London! Returning as a 2-day hackathon, this year the theme is Enterprise Innovation. The Hack will take place from Wednesday, June 12th to Thursday, June 13th 2019! If you're a Developer, Marketer, Designer, Data Scientists, or an Idea Generator, this fun challenge is for you! Team up in a group of maximum 8 or minimum 2 to compete at London's TechXLR8 official hackathon HackXLR8! Prize pool: TBC
        OGC CityGML Hackathon
        11 Jun - 09:00 AM
        London, United Kingdom
        The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) invites interested developers to the OGC CityGML Hackathon, held in London on 11 & 12 June 2019. CityGML is a well-established and implemented OGC standard, first issued in 2008. In this hackathon, participants will experiment with and validate the current draft conceptual model for the upcoming version 3.0 of CityGML. The Hackathon will draw on the outcomes of the OGC's CityGML Specification Working Group and will allow participants who haven't been members of this group detailed insight about the current plans for CityGML. Following a detailed explanation of the current draft conceptual model, participants will have the opportunity to experiment with parts of the specification and develop CityGML datasets. This can either be done with source data that participants bring to Hackathon themselves or with source data made available by Ordnance Survey and other data sponsors, such as CityGML 2 files, mesh models and Building Information Models.  An OGC Hackathon is a collaborative and inclusive event driven by innovative and rapid programming with minimum process and organisation constraints to support the development of new applications and open standards. Ordnance Survey will host the event on 11 & 12 June 2019 at the Geovation Hub in London, UK and will provide a wealth of 3D city model source data to be transformed into CityGML 3.0. This will include 3D data created for the CityVerve project in Manchester.  “Ordnance Survey has been involved in the development of CityGML since 2005 and as a Strategic Member of OGC, we are hoping to increase the use of open 3D standards in the smart cities field”, said Carsten Rönsdorf, Strategic Product Manager at Ordnance Survey. “The development of CityGML 3.0 has reached a key stage at which a comprehensive draft model needs to be tested against pragmatic requirements to create CityGML datasets. The outcomes of the Hackathon is expected to influence how the upcoming CityGML 3.0 standard will be structured and published, and is seen as a key activity by the OGC CityGML Specification Working Group.” There will be opportunity for joint discussion with all participants on the goals and objectives of the event as well as final briefing of findings and opinions of the participants. However, the majority of the time will be spent in collaboration between participants in active coding and working with datasets.   For more information on the Hackathon, including venue information, registration requirements, and expected skill sets, visit the OGC CityGML Hackathon event page on OGC’s website, or register on Eventbrite. The Hackathon is open to anyone: OGC membership is not a requirement.    About OGC The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international consortium of more than 525 companies, government agencies, research organisations and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly-available geospatial standards. OGC standards support interoperable solutions that ‘geo-enable’ the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful within any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at
          Fire Safety Hackathon
          23 May - 09:00 AM
          London, United Kingdom
          About the event The event is a collaboration between the IET, the Association for Project Safety [APS] and Hack_Construct, bringing together the worlds of coding, new technology and traditional engineering to revolutionise the traditional field of fire safety. The Hackathon follows on from a successful introductory event also held at IET London: Savoy Place in November 2018, when teams were formed to take forward fire safety projects for possible commercial development. This marks the next stage of the process. The Grenfell Tower disaster was a game changer for fire safety. Following the tragedy and subsequent recommendations by Dame Judith Hackitt in her 'Building a Safer Future' report, the construction industry is now looking to offer potential solutions to improve fire safety design and regulations. As a result, the engineering and risk management communities are further committing to take fire safety seriously by tapping into new technologies to develop commercial solutions. There are cash prizes for the top 3 solutions. We are also hoping to bring together a group of AEC funders and entrepeneurs to enable further development of the products. Agenda Thursday 23rd May  09 00 _    Registration / Hackathon start  09 45 _    Team formations 13 00 _    Lunch / Mentor inspiration presentations - 10mins 17 30 _    Drinks / pizzas (team updates/ feedback) + Late working option (venue open till 22 00) + Friday 24th May  08 30 _    Venue open (tea / coffee) 09 15 _    Mentor inspiration presentations - 10mins 13 00 _    Lunch 15 00 _    Team presentations (10 min max) 16 00 _    Judging 16 30 _    Awards, £2000+ prizes, Press 17 30 _    Hackathon close Who should attend ? This free event will bring together industry experts, building owners, tech start-ups, coders, students and developers with the aim of creating new fire safety solutions that will radically change the face of fire safety in the UK and around the world. It represents a chance for these different groups to get together and develop projects that could help save lives worldwide, and come up with proposals which can be taken on for further commercial development. Please attend even if you believe you do not have a prticualr experience as we would have mentors for he event who would bring weath of experience and broader knowledge.  We need better solutions, we need the best players. You are the future makers, lets build a safer built environment togther. #firesafetyhack #BIM #contech #digital #IOT #AI #Bigdata @TheIET @apstalk @hack_construct
            Heritage Science Hackathon
            18 May - 11:00 AM
            London, United Kingdom
            Join us at Here East for a Heritage Science Hackathon. Team up with a broad range of heritage professionals, early career researchers, programmers and students to work on issues faced by local heritage institutions. Use new technology and find new ways to present heritage science to new audiences. What is Heritage Science?Heritage science is cross-disciplinary scientific research to improve the understanding of, engagement with and management of cultural heritage. It is often used in the context of conservation science, as the latter term is often insufficient to cover the myriad aspects involved in the comprehensive care of heritage. What is a Hackathon?A hackathon is a short period of time in which domain level experts join together to work collaboratively on projects. It emerged from the tech community in which people would ‘hack’ together software. It is very different from a ‘hack attack’ and is instead a term that describes prototyping. The goal of a hackathon is to come up with new solutions to old well identified problems. What will I do?Working in diverse teams you will create ideas/products/projects to help address the issues provided by the attending institutions. These should be wide and varied and we encourage you to think as far out of the box as possible - there will be no wrong answers! Representative from the institutions will be around over the weekend to answer questions, as will mentors from larger institutions to assist with your projects. Additionally there will be several workshops which you could attend focusing, which you could use in your project, or just learn a new skill. (more details to follow) Do I need to be able to code? Not really! Unlike traditional hackathons, we don’t want you to necessarily create a fully functional-fly-you-to-mars app in a day (though if you do that’s also great!). We want fully thought out proposals for the participating institutions. This can be anything from a project proposal, a wireframe app, a prototype microscope or educational toolkit. Are there prizes?Yes! These will be anounced closer to the date. This event is supported by the Octagon Small Grants Fund.
            16 May - 05:00 PM
            London, United Kingdom
            Developers, data scientists, designers, entrepreneurs, and infrastructure industry experts in the UK! You're invited to apply to participate in the InfraHack Travelling Hackathon. If you're one of the 60 selected participants, you'll get to be part of this hackathon on trains while traveling to 3 cities over a span of 4 days! You'll be required to design and create an innovative solution to a sustainable infrastructure challenge for future generations.