Showing results 1 to 10 out of 16
The EV Summit 2022
12 Dec - 08:30 AM
Oxford, United Kingdom
The leading business forum for the electric vehicle automotive sector.
Made for Space 2022
22 Nov - 09:00 AM
Coventry, United Kingdom
The hugely popular Made for Space conference is returning in 2022 with an exciting insight into innovation & technology in the space sector.
HackTheMidlands 7.0
29 Oct - 10:00 AM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Techies and non-techies — ages 14 and above — in the Midlands! HackTheMidlands invites you to Birmingham to participate in the seventh edition of their 24-hour, inclusive hackathon. You don't need to know how to code — there'll be plenty of people to help you.
Come with a team, or join one at the event! Over the 24 hours, your team will share ideas and create a new and exciting project!
Our tips page contains valuable info on hackathon participation!
MK Tech Ecosystem Hack Day
21 Oct - 08:00 AM
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Join the community to explore opportunities for the development of MK Tech Ecosystem.
Careers and entrepreneurship in the crypto-ecosystem
20 Oct - 05:30 PM
Oxford, United Kingdom
Professional careers and startups in the blockchain ecosystem
Icepops 2022
08 Sep - 09:45 AM
Oxford, United Kingdom
Icepops is the International Copyright-Literacy Event with Playful Opportunities for Practitioners and Scholars.
Develop and Grow a Successful Internet Of Things Startup Business Today!
01 Sep - 01:00 PM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Develop a Successful Internet Of Things IoT Startup Business Hackathon | Startup Hackathon | Entrepreneur Hackathon | Entrepreneurship
Develop a Successful Smart City Tech Startup Business Today! Entrepreneur
30 Aug - 01:00 PM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Develop a Successful Smart City Tech Startup Business Hackathon | Startup Hackathon | Entrepreneur Hackathon | Entrepreneurship Hackathon
Develop a Successful Smart Travel Tech Startup Business Today! Entrepreneur
30 Aug - 01:00 PM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Develop a Successful Smart Travel Tech Startup Business Hackathon | Startup Hackathon | Entrepreneur Hackathon | Entrepreneurship Hackathon
Develop Your Own Successful Wearable Startup Today! Entrepreneur
18 Aug - 01:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Develop a Successful Wearable Tech Startup Business Hackathon | Startup Hackathon | Entrepreneur Hackathon | Entrepreneurship Hackathon