Showing results 171 to 180 out of 270
Radware's Hackers Challenge London
19 Jun - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Experienced security techies and hackers in and around London! Radware & Cisco invite you to participate in Hackers Challenge UK. This event is part of a global competition where you'll compete with the best-of-the-best to crack a series of security challenges. In multiple rounds, you'll be challenged to infiltrate a system, deny services, collect or change information, escalate privileges, and perform tasks that only administrators are granted. Beat your peers, accumulate the most points, and win your choice of a pass to Black Hat 2018 or £1,500.
The Future of Freight in Central London
18 Jun - 01:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
The City of London Corporation are hosting a Central London Freight Conference on 18th June.
Central London faces a unique challenge. We must deliver Healthy Streets to improve air quality, reduce road danger and make our city a pleasant place to walk and cycle whilst allowing the servicing of offices, retail and restaurants to allow the city to flourish. This is an exciting opportunity freight industry and businesses to identify opportunities, review best practice and work together to deliver these goals.
1.30 - 2.00 Registration and Refreshments
2.00 - 2.05 Welcome and Introduction - Christopher Hayward, Chairman of Planning and Transportation
2.05 - 3.05 Strategic planning for the future of urban freight deliveries
City of London – Carolyn Dwyer – Director of the Built Environment - City of London Corporation
London – Lilli Matson – Director of Transport Strategy - Transport for London
Paris - Michele-Angelique Nicol, Urban Freight Project Manager - Apur
3.05 - 3.25 Panel discussion and audience questions
3.25 - 3.45 Break and Networking
3.45 - 4.25 Delivering change – best practice from the industry
Staples – Mark Wedgbury – Head of Sales
UPS/Fernhay – Peter Harris – Director of Innovation. Robin Haycock - Ideas to Results Director
The Logistics Business – David Bingham - Director
CitySprint - Ali Kagalwalla – Insight and Innovation Manager
4.25 - 4.45 Panel discussion and audience questions
4.45 - 5.15 Hackathon Project Presentations – Introduced by Peter Flint, Chief Executive of Cities - AECOM
5.15 - 6.30 Drinks and Networking
If you have any questions about this event please email
NEO Blockchain Challenge - London
17 Jun - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
This competition is a way for the community to get together and try to tackle the development side of NEO's complex ecosystem. We created several challenges, with difficulty ranging from novice, all the way to challenging. Hopefully, we wish for as many people to try their hand at this event from all areas in the NEO community. If you're a seasoned developer, UI/UX designer, or even an avid NEO investor, please join us in this friendly competition for a chance to win some GAS. The total prize adds up to more than 1000 GAS!
Challenge Guidelines
Design and develop a web system that can monitor the NEO network, most importantly the node statuses. Great UI design will be considered as a huge bonus to the resulting service. You can run your system on localhost during exhibition. This Challenge is unique in the sense that we encourage preparation and team-building prior to the challenge date while allowing for the challenges to be known beforehand.
NEO Network State Monitoring
Challenge Spirit
Learn, Think and Create
To be confirmed
Winner Awards
First prize - 400 GAS (1 team)
Second prize - 250 GAS (1 team)
Third prize - 100 GAS (3 teams)
Mystery prize (It depends on the submitted work)
Challenge Deadline
7:00 PM, June 17th (London Time)
Rough Timeline
Initial Announcement of the Challenge ~ June 17th 10:00 AM: This is the perfect time to join the discord and try to build a team to map out the next few weeks. We hope this time can be used to sketch out the delegation of work and start coming up with ideas and solutions for the Challenge. Do your best to accomplish everything in this period and it should be the main bulk of the hackathon.
June 17th: 10:00 AM ~ 10:30 AM: We'll give more hints and explanations of the Challenge in detail. 10:30AM will be the deadline to setup teams. Once it has passed, new team and change of the team will not be allowed.
10:30 AM ~ 7:00 PM: This section is the final sprint of the marathon. We hope to see as many people as possible getting together to work in person with their respective groups. The judges will be there to make sure that everyone in the group is present and participating.
7:00 PM ~ End: Each team has 10 minutes presentation to show off to the judges and fellow teams about their work. We'll provide you with a projector. Winners will be chosen by the judges and announced when consensus is achieved.
Challenge specifications
For more information, you can also join our discord channel:
Challenge Judges
Peter Lin
Director of R&D of NEO Global Development (NGD)
One of the early NEO developers.
Anthony De Meulemeester
Distributed systems engineer / Creator of NEO-GO (VM, complier, Node)
Master degree in computer science engineering. Have an impact on the world through technology.
Charlie Revett
Founder of NeoAuth
Blockchain developer based in London. Creator of NeoAuth and maintainer of the Go NEO SDK. Professional experience at IBM and BBC News.
Smart City Hack Day
16 Jun - 08:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Smart City and IoT enthusiasts in and around London! The Tech Nation Visa Alumni Network invites you to participate in the Smart City Hack Day. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative solution that improves the efficiency and livability of your city through the use of technology! Come and showcase your creativity and compete to win a one-hour one-to-one mentorship session with the co-founder of Entrepreneur First.
GBA Hackathon! Healthcare
15 Jun - 07:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Hackers in the Greater London area! If you're interested in healthtech and blockchain, then the Government Blockchain Association invites you to participate in the GBA Hackathon! Healthcare. Come with your team, or join one at the event. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative healthcare solution that utilises blockchain. You'll be featured in the hackathon videos, plus you'll have the chance to be one of the three teams presenting their project to the Council of Nodes.
Data Festival London
15 Jun - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Data analysts, data hackers, and data scientists in the UK! You're invited to attend Data Festival London to learn the ins and outs of data transformation, and also to participate in the data hackathon that will be held in at the event. You'll be challenged to find solutions in a given dataset using technologies provided by Keboola.
Missing Maps Hackathon at Imperial
12 Jun - 05:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Mapping volunteers in and around London! It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an experienced mapper, you're invited to participate in the Missing Maps Hackathon at Imperial College. Imperial's Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières challenges you to help map the most crisis-prone parts of the developing world. Help MSF map villages in order to estimate populations and help understand the spread of disease and identify areas of highest need.
London Tech Week Hackathon - Dementia Friendly Hackney
12 Jun - 01:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Tech experts, mental health practitioners...anyone in London who is interested in mental health issues! The Hackney Business Network invites you to participate in the London Tech Week Hackathon - Dementia Friendly Hackney. You'll be assigned to a team and be challenged to come up with an innovative solution to the day-to-day barriers faced by dementia sufferers. Each team will be supported by an app developer and a dementia expert. Compete to win a small prize, as well as the satisfaction that your solution might help thousands.
12 Jun - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hackers, designers, start-ups! TechXRL8 invites you to participate in HACKXRL8 -- a hack in the City during London Tech Week. Come and showcase your skills and creativity! You'll be challenged to design and build an app, a prototype or a smart, connected solution around one of the HackXLR8 themes: IoT, Smart Mobility, and GreenTech. Come collaborate, network, and compete for awesome prizes--as well as the chance to showcase your project on TechXLR8’s main stage!
#OpenDataHack2018 @CopernicusECMWF - Innovate with Open Climate Data
09 Jun - 04:54 PM
Reading, United Kingdom
Developers, designers, data enthusiasts, and entrepreneurs! If you're an open climate data enthusiast, then you're invited to the #OpenDataHack2018 @ECMWF weekend hackathon. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to come up with innovative ways to unleash the power of freely-available climate data. So come along and delve into the Copernicus Climate Data Store and get first-hand access to its applications cloud environment!