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Hack day - save the date
  01 Oct - 09:00 AM
  Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Ever wanted to understand what a hack day is? Come along and Newcastle Libraries staff will show you how to do stuff! This is the premise for Newcastle Libraries' second hackathon -- a day-long hackathon to learn new skills and collaborate on ideas for using data and content released by Newcastle Libraries. Following on from the first hackathon -- Wuthering Hacks -- which was mainly for developers and people with programming skills or data visualisation experience, this event is open to people who want to learn some of those skills too.
NE Data Meetup
  01 Jun - 06:00 PM
  Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
The NEData meetup is open to anyone interested in open data. You will hear from people and organisations that have used open data, some practical ways of using open data and what datasets they'd like to see opened up by Councils and others. This is a monthly meetup with presentations from people across the UK who are doing some brilliant things with open data. This event is in collaboration with James Rutherford from NE Sparks who have delivered a number of hackathons across the region.