Showing results 1 to 10 out of 12
DemVR Hackathon
08 Dec - 09:00 AM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Join us for a weekend of designing and hacking as we build a new future of immersive technologies for people with dementia and their carers. Be part of a community-driven process to work alongside designers, researchers, enthusiasts, and makers for two days of virtual reality hacking.
The Event
This event, organised by Open Lab at Newcastle University and based at the Urban Science Building, will provide an environment for innovative and creative ideas to emerge surrounding how we might create enriching shared experiences for people living with dementia. Before the event, participants will be aided in team formation via Whatsapp (or other online groups). During the event itself, participants will take part in organised activities that will see them design and make VR environments and assets for those living with the condition. At the beginning of this two-day hackathon, teams will be provided with creative material and qualitative data from people living with dementia, as well as research from experts in the area of technology and dementia, in order to inspire them to create assets and environments that can enrich the experiences of those affected by the condition. After a solid 24 hours+ of hacking and making, teams will have the opportunity to demonstrate, and present their reasoning behind their design choices to a team of expert judges in dementia care and research, who will award a monetary prize to the winning team.
Who should attend?
With this being a designer and developer oriented hackathon, we encourage those who have background as game/graphic designers, artists, developers with a background in game engines such as Unity & Unreal. For those with a background in VR but not necessarily the skill sets above, still come along to share your knowledge and help to create innovative shared experiences throughout the weekend!
With this hackathon being team based, feel free to start organising teams already! We reccomend a team of 4-5 will be the ideal size for this event. We will be sending out a google form nearer to the time to organise the teams.
Those without a team, we'll help organise into other teams based on your skillset! So don't be afaird to join if you don't have a team yet!
Further detais
Breakfast and lunch will be provided throughout the course of the weekend. As well as coffee and snacks to keep you going!
If you have any questions about the event or would like to discuss any specific requirements please email
Science Jam - Newcastle University
08 Dec - 09:00 AM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Game Jams and Hackathons have emerged as high-intensity meetups where small groups of individuals engage in some sort of rapid prototyping activity. This concept allows for the exploration of novel ideas without much prior investment in a formally relaxed, yet highly focused setting. The idea of the Science Jam is to apply this principle to the rapid conceptualization, execution, and analysis of small-scale experiments, studies, or other pieces of research that can provide exploratory evidence, function as pilots for larger follow-ups or simply serve as a practice opportunity for those with little research experience.
Science Jam at Newcastle University will allow participants the opportunity to undertake an entire research project - from first concept to results - in just one weekend! The theme of this event is digital health and is primarily designed for 'human participant' research. The event is open to all regardless of experience (there's an optional crash-course in research methods for those less expereinced) or subject although we envision the event being of most interest to those in computing and the social sciences.
For more information see
DurHack 2018
17 Nov - 09:30 AM
Durham, United Kingdom
The event will bring together 150 students to Durham to participate in a 24hr hackathon with multiple themes. It takes place over the weekend of the 17th and 18th of November 2018.
Employability week: BJSS coding challenge
06 Nov - 05:30 PM
Newcastle, United Kingdom
BJSS are an IT and business consultancy company with offices across the UK and in the states.
They are running a hackathon evening where you will be given a challenge and a time limit to work in a team and come up with a solution.
Dynamo Hackathon Updates
10 Sep - 05:30 PM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
To demonstrate the incredible talent and innovation we have in the North East, Dynamo North East ran a live Hackathon during the Dynamo 18 conference on Thursday 21st June.
The Hack brought together developers, students, designers and tech enthusiasts from across the region to develop creative tech solutions that benefit the North East.
Alec Berry, Client Delivery Analyst at Accenture was the operational lead for the Hack. Alec will discuss the organisational side of the hack and share his knowledge on what worked well and how best to move forward with the ideas.
We will also be hearing from members of the Hack teams who will share their ideas and open up a discussion on how we can take their ideas forward and develop them in order to help Dynamo with its core mission to ‘Grow the North East IT Economy through collaboration, innovation, skills'.
We will also take this opportunity to launch the 'Innovation Day' Hack which will focus on the theme of Digital Construction from our BIM Cluster. This hack will run in November and we will be sending out applications to take part soon! Marni Mather, Senior Marketing Officer from Waterstons will be leading on these discussions.
We would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, ideas and share best practices with our teams, so come along and see how you can be involved.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Dynamo Team
Digi Play Day / Summer Hackathon / Kids Code
08 Aug - 10:30 AM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Kids in Northumbria! NE Youth and Northumbria University invite you to come and participate in the Digi Play Day / Summer Hackathon / Kids Code. You'll get to learn how to code using a BBC Micro:bit and then create an exciting new digital design for your outdoor play.
Flooding Data Hack - Northumbrian Water @ Newcastle
10 Jul - 03:56 PM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Flooding from the sewer network is a terrible experience for our customers, and one we are committed to eliminating. Our Flooding Data Hackathon will bring together a range of innovative thinkers including Data Scientists and wastewater networks specialists to tackle this challenge. Using a variety of infrastructure, environmental and open-source data sets, we aim to gain a greater insight into the causes of flooding allowing us to predict escapes and reduce the impact on our customers.
Leakage Hack & Share - NWG Innovation Festival - @ Newcastle
10 Jul - 03:10 PM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Northumbrian Water are hosting a Innovation Festival and leakage Hackathon, where we will tackle the industry's big questions and invite data scientists and researchers from around the world to find innovative ways of finding and reducing leakage from the water network. The event promises to challenge your creativity and analytical skills,with prizes for the best ideas and the possibility of further opportunity to turn your ideas into a commercial reality.10th-12th of July @Newcastle Racecourse
Northern Powerhouse Business Summit: 4-6 July, 2018
04 Jul - 09:00 AM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
The Great Exhibition of the North is a three-month celebration of the North of England’s pioneering spirit and the impact of our inventors, artists and designers. It’s a chance to show how our innovative spirit has shaped the world and is building the economy of tomorrow.
The Northern Powerhouse Business Summit, taking place 4-6th July, is the central experience for businesses during the Exhibition. With an outstanding line up of speakers, workshops and showcases, businesses can expect to be inspired by stories of innovation from across industry.
All sessions are free to attend. Attendees are encouraged to read the session descriptions before booking.
Wednesday 4th July, 9am-5pm – Great Innovators
A full day of inspiring talks by world leading innovators. Speakers will discuss a range of topics, sharing their stories of innovation and insights into cutting-edge sectors such as digital, energy, advanced manufacturing and health. Join speakers including Sugata Mitra, Professor of Educational Technology at Newcastle University, to find out what our future holds. (Full programme to be announced shortly).
09.00 - 10.00: Registration
10.00 - 11.45: Session 1
11.45 - 13.00: Lunch
13.00 - 14.45: Session 2
14.45 - 15.25: Break
15.25 - 17.00: Session 3
Thursday 5th July – Great Opportunities
9am – 12pm, Session 1 – Finance
With a keynote talk by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, join speakers who will discuss the economic challenges that face the north of England in the coming months, and the future of the finance industry.
09.00 - 10.00: Registration
10.00 - 12.00: Session 1
12.30pm – 2.30pm, Session 2 – Design
Join Sarah Weir from the Design Council who will be launching a report uncovering the importance and value of design to the economy.
12.30 - 13.00: Registration
13.00 - 14.30: Session 2
3pm – 5pm, Workshops.
Delivering Digital Transformation – delivered by Bay Digital
Hosted by Siemens
Venue: Urban Sciences Building
This workshop will introduce participants to the principles behind delivering customer-centred digital services. Learn how your organisation or team can be structured to add more value to your business, and how you can deliver value to your customers by shifting your focus onto their needs.
Aging 2.0 Design Hack – delivered by hedgehog lab and Aging 2.0 Newcastle
Venue: hedgehog lab @ Generator Studios
Businesses need to start considering how they can deliver digital experiences for an aging audience. This workshop will introduce participants to design thinking, focusing on issues facing an aging society. Part talk and part hackathon, this workshop will be run in collaboration with Newcastle Aging 2.0 which launched in the North East in May this year. Founded in New York in 2012 and run by a team headquartered in San Francisco, Aging 2.0 supports innovators taking on the biggest challenges and opportunities in aging.
Can the North fuel the Northern Powerhouse? – delivered by Squire Patton Boggs and Leeds University Business School
Hosted by Robertson
Venue: TUS Park
Join Squire Patton Boggs and Leeds University Business School for a discussion on how a northern supply chain, talent and innovation can help deliver the industrial strategy. Businesses are invited to join this forum to discuss how the North can create opportunities for our key sectors. This workshop will feature expert speakers followed by several roundtable discussions, with the findings being turned into a report which Squire Patton Boggs will later present to government.
“Been there, done that” An insight into fast growing businesses – delivered by Ward Hadaway
Venue: Ward Hadaway
Every year Ward Hadaway celebrates the fastest growing profitable businesses in regions throughout the North of England. As part of the Northern Powerhouse Business Summit they have invited companies that have previously made the Fastest 50 to join a panel discussion, where they will share their experiences of being at the helm of fast growing, successful Northern businesses.
How to be an age smart employer – delivered by Cintra HR services
Venue: Crowne Plaza
This workshop will explore how businesses can become an ‘age smart’ employer by seeing value in the older workforce. It will look at the latest best practices in gender equality and how innovative HR policies can deliver benefits to a business. Participants will learn how SMEs can turn their workforce into brand ambassadors, without needing a large HR department.
Future Rural: Ensuring rural businesses are not left behind – Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University
Hosted by BT
Venue: Boiler House, Newcastle University
Rural areas are key to delivering the Industrial Strategy and there are already examples of new technologies being deployed and tested across the North - for example autonomous vehicles being tested in the Lake District and augmented reality helping visitors experience the cultural heritage of the Pennines. Join Newcastle University’s Centre for Rural Economy, for a practical workshop looking at how innovations can work within rural areas, and the role of the rural as a test bed for innovation.
Business Challenge: Opportunities to work with AkzoNobel
Venue: Northern Design Centre
AkzoNobel is a leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. It is also a market leader in marine underwater hull coatings. AkzoNobel are looking to meet potential suppliers that can improve its current process of analyzing video to identify fouling on the hulls of marine vessels. The challenge is to create autonomous systems which can learn to identify and quantify fouling, and output metrics, based on video footage obtained from underwater robotics.
Join AkzoNobel for a briefing on the challenge and details of the commercial opportunity for companies with relevant solutions. Please note: this session is only available to SMEs based in the North of England.
Business Challenge: Opportunities to work with Nissan
Hosted by Womble Bond Dickinson
Venue: Womble Bond Dickinson offices
Maintenance engineers at Nissan are regularly called to inspect or repair pieces of equipment. There is a lot of information involved in carrying out this activity; some of this the engineer will know implicitly, some is communicated on-site, and some has to be looked up on demand. Nissan are looking to meet potential suppliers that can design and demonstrate technology solutions to streamline the maintenance process, by maximising the time an engineer spends doing what they do best – physically interacting with the machine.
Join Nissan for a briefing on the challenge and details of the commercial opportunity for companies with relevant solutions. Please note: this session is only available to SMEs based in the North of England.
Friday 6th July, 9am - 4pm - Northern Powerhouse: Great Futures
The final day of the Summit will bring together ministers, city region mayors, and council and business leaders, who will discuss the future of the Northern Powerhouse and how businesses across the North of England can ensure an economy that is fit for the future. Speakers will include Minister for the Northern Powerhouse and Local Growth, Jake Berry, and Collette Roche, COO of Manchester United. (Full programme to be announced shortly)
09.00 - 10.00: Registration
10.00 - 12.00: Session 1
12.00 - 13.00: Lunch
13.00 - 15.00: Session 2
This project is part-funded by England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.
Environment Agency Mini Hackathon
14 Mar - 09:00 AM
Sunderland, United Kingdom
The Challenge
The Environment Agency want to improve the environment and in partnership with The Water Hub and The Digital Catapult NETV are seeking creative and revolutionary ideas for how environmental information can be better shared and communicated to enable local action.
In partnership with local communities and stakeholders, the Environment Agency are currently reviewing and updating their River Basin Management Plans, which set out how rivers will be protected and improved. The Environment Agency provides data and evidence to inform these plans and has identified a need to:
Engage and empower more people to contribute to River Basin Management Planning - making it meaningful for local people.
Get more value from Environment Agency data by linking it with other open data sources.
Build from existing Environment Agency resources and platforms.
What should the solutions demonstrate?
· New and emerging technologies that would improve accessibility, usability and inclusion of river basin planning data and information; and, or
How to join up with and improve functionality across government and third party open data systems.
Why Attend?
Up to 3 winning ideas and concepts will receive up to £2500 in prize money on the day.
Winning ideas will be explored by potential customers including the Environment Agency to take forward for further funding.
Opportunity to explore a new market and become visible to potential customers.
The Agenda
14th March
9:00 Arrival & Breakfast
9:30 Presentation of Challenges by Environment Agency, The Water Hub and end users
10:30 Questions & Answers
10:45 Ideation/ Development Phase
13:00 Lunch
Continued Optional Development Phase
19:00 Close (optional)
15th March 9:30 – 12:00
15-minute Pitching Slot (up to 10 teams)
Winners Announced – Prizes awarded
Breakfast and lunch will be provided around the Pitches
Please note; all Intellectual Property rights will remain with the attendees unless they decide to propose ideas for the Catchment Data Explorer System (which is not the purpose of the event). All IP will be protected until commercial agreements are made between the Environment Agency and attendees to say otherwise.