Showing results 21 to 22 out of 22
Female Founders' Open Afternoon
31 Jan - 01:00 PM
Brighton, United Kingdom
2018 was "Year of the Woman" at Sussex Innovation Centre and we celebrated by hosting a variety of events with women as the focus, from our International Women's Day party to a hackathon tackling the 17% (that's the percentage of tech workers that are woman and of founders that are female). However, we don't want our efforts to promote women in business to end at the end of 2018 which is why this January we are welcoming female founders to the Centre for drop-in sessions with our Innovation Advisors.
The Sussex Innovation Innovation Advisors are a team of business support experts with backgrounds in a variety of areas. So whether you're having issues with financial planning or struggling to develop the right messaging for your brand, we have someone who can help you grow your business. We're offering you the opportunity to book 1:1 meetings with different members of the team to discuss anything ranging from fundraising, sales, PR, marketing and more. Beforehand you'll also have a chance to meet other succesful local business women at a networking lunch (1-2pm).
As places are limited we have set the following criteria:
1. The founding team must include at least 1 female.
2. You must be registered as a business.
3. Your product and/or business model must be innovative.
4. You must be passionate about your business.
You may not get the opportunity to meet with everyone from the team that you'd like to or be able to attend on this particular date, don't worry, we'd really like to run this event again so it's still worth applying!
How to apply:
1. Register on this Eventbrite page
2. Complete the application form which you will be sent (applications close at 6pm on Sun 27th Jan).
3. If your application is successful you'll be emailed a meeting schedule.
Halite AI Hackathon with Two Sigma, OxAI & CodeSoc
17 Jan - 03:00 PM
Oxford, United Kingdom
Win Trip to Two Sigma's London office
Techie students in Oxford -- all disciplines -- undergrads and graduates! If you're interested in artificial intelligence, then you're invited to participate in the Halite AI Hackathon with Two Sigma, OxAI & CodeSoc. At this annual open-source AI programming competition, you'll be challenged to write a bot -- in a language of your choice -- and submit it to the Halite environment to play against bots from around the world! Write the best bot and your team will win a trip to Two Sigma's London office.