Sowing results 8 out of 8
Beyond Blockchain. Bristol Holochain Hackathon
09 Dec - 09:30 AM
Bristol, United Kingdom
Coders, designers, social and environmental activists in the west of England! You're invited to participate in Beyond Blockchain. Bristol Holochain Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design ad prototype an innovative distributed app solution that uses the next-gen Holochain platform for decentralised power structures.
Wikifying the Welsh Assembly / Wicieiddio'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol
05 Dec - 10:00 AM
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. It’s the structured-sister to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and it provides a common place to gather and re-distribute data that can be reused by anyone. In this short event, we’ll be examining what it is possible to do with Wikidata - using Welsh political data as a springboard. Whether you are interested in building an application, doing some analysis or just experimenting this is for you. We are very grateful to Llyr Gruffydd Aelod Cynulliad / Assembly Member for sponsoring this workshop. The workshop will be divided into two parts: A brief introduction to Wikidata: cool tools and tricks for using it A hackathon to use, visualise and improve the data Join us if you’re interested in learning some new tricks or to find ways to understand how Wikidata can be useful to your work or your organisation. If you’re interested in political data, or have experience in visualising or building tools to work with data, come along! Instructions for attendees If you haven’t registered for Wikipedia or another Wikimedia project, please do so in advance – it takes only a few minutes and it’s completely free! Please, remember to bring your own laptop! Tablets and smartphones are not recommended – they make editing hard!  Lunch will be provided for all attendees, as well as refreshments throughout the day.  -------- Wicieiddio'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cronfa ddata agored ac am ddim i bawb ydy Wicidata, cronfa y gall peiriannau a phobl ei darllen. Chwaer-brosiect Wicidata ydy Wicipedia, y gwyddoniadur agored a rhydd y gall unrhyw un ei olygu, ac mae'r ddau brosiect yn gweithio ochr-yn-ochr, law-yn-llaw gyda'i gilydd. Yn y digwyddiad undydd hwn byddwn yn edrych ar botensial Wicidata a'r defnydd o ddata ar wleidyddiaeth Cymru. Efallai y gwyddoch am gronfa y carwch edrych arni drwy lygad Wicidata, neu efallai nad ydych yn gyfarwydd a Wicidata o gwbwl. Beth bynnag yw dyfnder eich gwybodaeth ohoni mae croeso i chi ymuno a ni. Bydd dwy ran: 1. cyflwyniad byr i Wicidata gan edrych ar rai o'r teclynau defnyddiol i archwilio a thrin y data. 2. hacathon ymarferol i wella'r data a'i chymhwyso ar gyfer Wicipedia a'r cyd-destun Cymreig. Ymunwch a ni! Efallai y gwelwch ei photensial ar gyfer eich sefydliad neu eich cwmni chi, fel y gwaneth y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol. Cyfarwyddiadau i aelodau Os nad oes gennych gyfrif Wicimedia yna byddai gwneud hynny cyn y cwrs yn beth da, ac yn arbed amser ar y diwrnod. Mewngofnodwch i'r Wicipedia Cymraeg, a dyna ni! Mae hynny yn gyfystyr a mewngofnodi i bob un o brosiectau Wicimedia! Dewch a gliniadur a rhyw fath o ID. Bydd cinio'n cael ei ddarparu i bawb, a lluniaeth drwy gydol y dydd - a phopeth am ddim!
    Digital Makers at the Guild
    18 Nov - 12:30 PM
    Bath, United Kingdom
    Do you feel that there should be more emoji, such as unicorns, kittens or you! Ever wanted to make your own emoji, your favourite games, or digital stories? Do you want to learn about electronics and robotics, and program things to move?  Digital Makers at the Guild, every Saturday 12.30 til 2.30pm Students aged 8 to 15, come and learn all there is to know about coding. To start with, you can work on creating your own emojis, interactive graphics, websites, digital stories, games, and much more.  During Digital Makers sessions, you can also have fun making interactive physical things putting together LittleBits or soldering electronic kits. We also have Ozobots, microbits, and a parrot drone which is programmable with Tickle on the iPads. We have a limited number of iPads and laptops, so if you have a laptop or iPad, please bring it along! Note:  We won't be able to run the sessions on: * 3rd & 17th June, or 1st July, due to family parties, concerts, and year 6 end of school events.* 21st October, due running an all day event for the Bath Digital Festival!* 28th October, due to attending DroidCon 2017 in London!* 2nd December, due to attending the #AcornHackJI Interfaith Hackathon for Teens in London!
      Digital Makers at the Guild
      11 Nov - 12:30 PM
      Bath, United Kingdom
      Do you feel that there should be more emoji, such as unicorns, kittens or you! Ever wanted to make your own emoji, your favourite games, or digital stories? Do you want to learn about electronics and robotics, and program things to move?  Digital Makers at the Guild, every Saturday 12.30 til 2.30pm Students aged 8 to 15, come and learn all there is to know about coding. To start with, you can work on creating your own emojis, interactive graphics, websites, digital stories, games, and much more.  During Digital Makers sessions, you can also have fun making interactive physical things putting together LittleBits or soldering electronic kits. We also have Ozobots, microbits, and a parrot drone which is programmable with Tickle on the iPads. We have a limited number of iPads and laptops, so if you have a laptop or iPad, please bring it along! Note:  We won't be able to run the sessions on: * 3rd & 17th June, or 1st July, due to family parties, concerts, and year 6 end of school events.* 21st October, due running an all day event for the Bath Digital Festival!* 28th October, due to attending DroidCon 2017 in London!* 2nd December, due to attending the #AcornHackJI Interfaith Hackathon for Teens in London!
        RESI Hackathon
        14 Sep - 09:00 AM
        Newport, United Kingdom
        Start-ups, developers, designers, and others in the residential health and safety sector! You're invited to participate in the RESI Hackathon 2017. This eight-hour hack will be held in conjunction with the UK's premier residential property market conference. Collaborate with a team and compete for cash prizes. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that can save lives.
        Pre-Diabetes Hackathon
        03 May - 08:30 AM
        Plymouth, United Kingdom
        Healthcare hackers in the Plymouth area! Are you interested in diabetes, healthy lifestyles or diet? Beacon Medical Group and the South West Academic Health Science Network invite you to participate in the Pre-diabetes Hackathon. You'll get the chance to collaborate with like-minded individuals to explore the local issues and opportunities for reducing pre-diabetes in the Plympton community.
        AI Systems for Society Tutorial & Hackathon
        18 Apr - 02:00 PM
        Bath, United Kingdom
        AI enthusiasts! If you're planning to attend AISB 2017 -- or even if you're not -- you're invited to participate in the AI Systems for Society Tutorial & Hackathon. This event will run alongside the conference. You'll get the opportunity to sit in on tutorials and them to test drive software and write AI code. The theme of the tutorials is ‘building Artificially Intelligent (AI) systems to work within society’.
        Innovating with Defra Open Data - Open Meeting
        25 Jan - 05:30 PM
        Bristol, United Kingdom
        Data scientists, technologists, story-tellers, activists, analysts! Are you interested in mining the value of the data sets available from the UK's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)? ODI Bristol invites you to participate in an open meeting to shape an upcoming 2-day hackathon event in Leeds that will address air quality. You don't need to be an expert on data or digital technology — you just need to be interested in how DEFRA datasets might be used for the civic good.